Actually the worst kind of diving are those where the player goes down at the moment of impact as though they have lost all use of their legs. Most people naturally will attempt to regain their balance. Once again, stepping on a ball does not help with your balance and you do not automatically find balance by landing a plant foot squarely after stepping on a ball, as balance is about more than where your feet are positioned.
Where has anyone said it was forceful enough to send him down? It was enough to have an elevated leg shift in mid air and come down on top of the ball, and this affected the play. You have been told the same thing over and over but fail to acknowledge it because you know it looks bad.
I didn't say anyone did. I am just stating it. I don't know how anyone can see contact. I wish I could show you in person how deceptive it is. He didn't even step on the ball as bad as you are saying. The tip of his boot knocked it a bit. His foot still came down and landed normally. Imagine a ball and stamping your foot down on the edge of the ball. Your foot still lands normally and flat but knocks the ball ever so slightly.
I agree with you about the diving being as soon as they get contact but I'm referring more to when the get contact, then half a second to a second they should go down. Not 3-4 seconds.