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6 December is tomorrow.
Kelly is scheduled to appear via video Link from his Casuarina Castle.
Below is a Screenshot of what appears this evening in the Court Listing for tomorrow.

They'd better be careful not to get the 2 Kelly's appearing at the same time in the same Court House in the same Court Room 2, via video link, mixed up.

I assume that the other Kelly (Grant Steven Lee Kelly) is not related to Terence Darrell Kelly,
and has nothing to do with the crimes Terence Darrell Kelly has been charged with?

View attachment 1292638

Probably just a mention but we might get some kind of idea how he intends to plead.
Probably just a mention but we might get some kind of idea how he intends to plead.

Tomorrow will be a short preliminary hearing where charges are read out and formal pleas are usually entered.
If the defendant pleads guilty to all charges then a sentencing hearing will be scheduled. If the defendant pleads not-guilty to any charge then preferences by the prosecution and defense on trial proceedings will be heard, i.e. Judge only or Jury trial..?

There is also a chance if previously unknown or additional charges are read out, the defense may apply for an extension before any formal response/s are known. However, this is unlikely as 'I suspect' the prosecution and defense have already negotiated a plea bargain and proposed sentencing outcome.

Moreover, I doubt either party wants to pursue any trial proceedings, given the unreliability of both main witnesses, one being a mentally unstable 36yo adult and the other a 4yo child - and the high public profile of the case...
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Quite a bit of detail in the West today on this about 40 minutes ago.

' Cleo Smith: Alleged kidnapper seen from inside the walls of Casuarina Prison for first time
Mon, 6 December 2021 12:44PM....

Mr Kelly was wearing a grey T-shirt and sat at a desk holding his hands together, occasionally playing with his fingers. It appeared as though his long hair was tied back.
He did not speak at all and only nodded when he was asked to confirm his name.
His lawyer Kate Turtley-Chappel appeared in court for Mr Kelly by phone.
She said she had received material from police but expected more late next week, so requested an adjournment for seven weeks to take into account the Christmas period.
Mr Kelly did not indicate how he would plead to the charges.
He did not apply for bail and was remanded in custody until January 24.
Two detectives were in the court for the brief appearance. A woman, understood to be Mr Kelly’s aunt, was also in the public gallery.
Asked how his family was dealing since Mr Kelly was charged, she replied: “How do you think they are feeling?”
She refused to comment further.
There were fears Mr Kelly’s house could be targeted in a vigilante attack, however the home remains untouched a month after police tore down the police tape and finished their round-the-clock watch.'

Thx Bfew I couldn't open that one
So matter adjourned for 7wks

No real surprises here. Rather ambiguous reasoning in granting the adjournment - this suggests the police/prosecutor are yet to finalize the related charges and/or perhaps both parties have not finished negotiating a plea deal for sentencing..?
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A tradesman who once painted the inside of the Homewest house on behalf of Western Australia’s public housing department said TK told him he had a young daughter, after seeing the room that was decorated for a little girl, with shelves lined with dolls.


Well sounds plausible..
It TbLKE he seemed co.fortable saying " Oh yer those dolls are mine.." ..
A tradesman who once painted the inside of the Homewest house on behalf of Western Australia’s public housing department said TK told him he had a young daughter, after seeing the room that was decorated for a little girl, with shelves lined with dolls.


Im a 57yo grandmother.Ive got a huge nurf gun collection, when my house was getting painted I told them the bird guns were my son's .
Does that make me a terrorist or aiar or just a person with an odd hobby ?
Im a 57yo grandmother.Ive got a huge nurf gun collection, when my house was getting painted I told them the bird guns were my son's .
Does that make me a terrorist or aiar or just a person with an odd hobby ?

I bet nothing much every gets on your nervfs.
No real surprises here. Rather ambiguous reasoning in granting the adjournment - this suggests the police/prosecutor are yet to finalize the related charges and/or perhaps both parties have not finished negotiating a plea deal for sentencing..?
Plea deal? He's yet to give motive or reasoning, I highly doubt hell except a plea deal and of he did, it would most likely be be a lesser charge as the police had absolutely zero forensic evidence that puts him at the camp sight at all.Appatetly he left not even a footprint let alone DNA or anything credible to suggest that he was there.
Now couple that with the thourough search of his residence, still nothing was found that the AIC considers as tell tail signs he was a pefofile and intended to use Cleo to sexually assualt.
Things a pedofile usually has
1.No images or pedofilia related pornograpgy was found in the house.
2.No evidence Terrence Kelly was part of a network or groups usually sought after by pedofiles.
3.After almost 3 weeks in his care, there was no attempted sexual violations against Cleo, in fact she seemed happy and unharmed.
It will be interesting to see what comes from further court appearances and what evidence the DPp have
TK will be entitled to legal aid, he'll most likely use Aboriginal Legal Aid, they still have a duty to represent their client to the best they can. If it goes to trial they'll most likely source a very good barrister to represent for TK
What sort of evidence( forensic not circumstantial) do you think they'll use to tie him to the campsight if he left no DNA, not even a footprint.
My understanding is they have to prove the case before he makes a plea..And that case shouldn't just be hiding a child ( which is really all they know %100 and can be used on court..
For whatever reason he collected dolls, that isn't illegal and doesn't tie him to pedofilia according to the AIC ..he didn't rape her or attempt any harm, he didn't possess pedofile pr0n, nor was it found that he was part of any pedofilia networks or groups..Everyone has assumed he's a pedofile from the get go.and all be side hevtold a bloke painting his house that his doll collection was his daughters what
Plea deal? He's yet to give motive or reasoning, I highly doubt hell except a plea deal and of he did, it would most likely be be a lesser charge as the police had absolutely zero forensic evidence that puts him at the camp sight at all.Appatetly he left not even a footprint let alone DNA or anything credible to suggest that he was there.
Now couple that with the thourough search of his residence, still nothing was found that the AIC considers as tell tail signs he was a pefofile and intended to use Cleo to sexually assualt.
Things a pedofile usually has
1.No images or pedofilia related pornograpgy was found in the house.
2.No evidence Terrence Kelly was part of a network or groups usually sought after by pedofiles.
3.After almost 3 weeks in his care, there was no attempted sexual violations against Cleo, in fact she seemed happy and unharmed.
It will be interesting to see what comes from further court appearances and what evidence the DPp have

Some valid points, but your forgetting TK and Cleo's location were not discovered by chance, so I seriously doubt he or his legal counsel will contest the two charges. The fact that he did not harm Cleo is definitely in his favour.

And the Plea deal I'm referring to would be focused around arguments from the defense related to TK's rehabilitation, not incarceration. i.e. 5 years at Graylands Hospital vs 10 years in Casuarina prison.

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Plea deal? He's yet to give motive or reasoning, I highly doubt hell except a plea deal and of he did, it would most likely be be a lesser charge as the police had absolutely zero forensic evidence that puts him at the camp sight at all.Appatetly he left not even a footprint let alone DNA or anything credible to suggest that he was there.

There were footprints around the tent apparently, it was in the press. This was evidence that went towards clearing the parents of involvement. To this point though, we don't know if there is any DNA on the tent zipper or for example any of Cleo's DNA in vehicles Kelly had access to.

It's no small thing to find a 4yo child that was abducted from a tent and has been missing for 18 days, in a locked room in a man's house and wearing nappies. That's why he was arrested.
Plea deal? He's yet to give motive or reasoning, I highly doubt hell except a plea deal and of he did, it would most likely be be a lesser charge as the police had absolutely zero forensic evidence that puts him at the camp sight at all.Appatetly he left not even a footprint let alone DNA or anything credible to suggest that he was there.
Now couple that with the thourough search of his residence, still nothing was found that the AIC considers as tell tail signs he was a pefofile and intended to use Cleo to sexually assualt.
Things a pedofile usually has
1.No images or pedofilia related pornograpgy was found in the house.
2.No evidence Terrence Kelly was part of a network or groups usually sought after by pedofiles.
3.After almost 3 weeks in his care, there was no attempted sexual violations against Cleo, in fact she seemed happy and unharmed.
It will be interesting to see what comes from further court appearances and what evidence the DPp have
How do you know all this?
When I read comments from people (not just on this forum) that Cleo was not harmed, it not only annoys me, it offends me.

I have C-PTSD from childhood trauma and have met many others along the way. Some were victims of sexual abuse and others were not, but they all suffered the effects of their trauma.

I'm sure I'd meet the criteria from some of these people that my trauma was particularly bad due to the nature of it.

But my trauma doesn't trump someone else's trauma. And the bits that tend to make others uncomfortable, were not the worst of it for me.

We don't know what happened in that house and whether she was abused in some way or not.

But lets assume she was not abused. CS was still harmed. She was taken from her parents by a stranger and often left alone in a locked room in a locked house.

Hopefully she is well supported and any effects are not lifelong, but if people around her minimise her experience like some people on social media do, then her prognosis might not be so positive.
Well sounds plausible..
It TbLKE he seemed co.fortable saying " Oh yer those dolls are mine.." ..

Im a 57yo grandmother.Ive got a huge nurf gun collection, when my house was getting painted I told them the bird guns were my son's .
Does that make me a terrorist or aiar or just a person with an odd hobby ?

There is no crime in being a hobby collector of anything. But when that hobby becomes extreme and potentially led to a crime of abducting a child for a possible real life doll....then yes that is of a concern IMO
What sort of evidence( forensic not circumstantial) do you think they'll use to tie him to the campsight if he left no DNA, not even a footprint.
My understanding is they have to prove the case before he makes a plea..And that case shouldn't just be hiding a child ( which is really all they know %100 and can be used on court..
For whatever reason he collected dolls, that isn't illegal and doesn't tie him to pedofilia according to the AIC ..he didn't rape her or attempt any harm, he didn't possess pedofile pr0n, nor was it found that he was part of any pedofilia networks or groups..Everyone has assumed he's a pedofile from the get go.and all be side hevtold a bloke painting his house that his doll collection was his daughters what

Umm not sure why you have quoted me here, all I mentioned was legal representation.

In regards to what you have posted, unfortunately none of us know what evidence Police have. We don't know what sort of crime was committed in those 18 day's. TK has 2 charges and 1 charge we don't even know what that relates to. I don't have the privilege of looking at Police Files, so I can only go off what media say and post my opinion.

But your post seems to be stating FACTS, which unfortunately there isn't many of those at the moment, simply because it's only early day's with TK's brief court appearances.
There were footprints around the tent apparently, it was in the press. This was evidence that went towards clearing the parents of involvement. To this point though, we don't know if there is any DNA on the tent zipper or for example any of Cleo's DNA in vehicles Kelly had access to.

It's no small thing to find a 4yo child that was abducted from a tent and has been missing for 18 days, in a locked room in a man's house and wearing nappies. That's why he was arrested.
Footprints mayb9f been found but no DNA. Nothing.If there was anything to connect anyone to the campsight the police would of had a valid supsect within days .Forensic testing is extremely fast these days.
I'm just going off things scientific facts, evidence that can be tested..An unknown footprint, could be anyone.
Footprints mayb9f been found but no DNA. Nothing.If there was anything to connect anyone to the campsight the police would of had a valid supsect within days .Forensic testing is extremely fast these days.
I'm just going off things scientific facts, evidence that can be tested..An unknown footprint, could be anyone.

DNA is only useful if you can compare it to a suspect
There were footprints around the tent apparently, it was in the press. This was evidence that went towards clearing the parents of involvement. To this point though, we don't know if there is any DNA on the tent zipper or for example any of Cleo's DNA in vehicles Kelly had access to.

It's no small thing to find a 4yo child that was abducted from a tent and has been missing for 18 days, in a locked room in a man's house and wearing nappies. That's why he was arrested.

Of his DNA was on the tent zipper or connected to the footprints wouldn't the police have made the connection then? ..I'm pretty sure of Cleo's Smith's DNA was found in his car, we'd of heard about that ..So far strangely enough police haven't mention what evidence they have other then finding her there..
It's up to them to prove it first, he can't or won't make plea until they do present a brief of the facts, and that wasn't done the other day when it was adjourned.
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No images that fit the ACI description for pedofile pornography were found in Kellys house.
The doll collection was actually made up of some collectable Scottish dolls, ,and others that his grandmother had collected for him before she died there in 2020.
So you think that the Bratz doll collection was in some other house that he had nothing to do with?

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Current Abduction of 4yo Blowholes Shacks WA *Terence Kelly Convicted

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