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I was thinking of Delphi where one of the girls took video of this guy just before they were murdered. It's fair quality with audio and in full daylight, years later he still can't be identified. Far better to have it than not but sometimes it just isn't enough even in good conditions.

The bridge guy probably altered his appearance drastically by growing a beard.
Cascade bottle shape and label shape match better than a Strongbow.
Possibly just one of the Cascade soft drinks.
This is probably where it was bought, so knock yourself out looking at all the products that they sell, but it doesn't matter if it's a pure blonde apple cider or a fancied up South Australian white prosciutto, unless there's some relevance, particularly since the photo wouldn't of been taken until the journalist actually got there, well after the event was reported.

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I tend to agree.

Although I confess I have watched most episodes of "See No Evil" an American or Canadian true crime show that presents how culprits were caught by the assistance of various CCTV, dashcam etc footage.

In 99% of cases the footage is terrible. Very grainy, has to be enhanced many times by forensics to see anything, too dark, wrong angle, sensor activated & so on.

Often, I wonder how the hell LE saw anything as I squint my eyes & tilt my head.

It can even come down to not actually seeing anything but picking up shadows, a reflection, change in lighting.

They tend to solve the case by piecing together a series of bad quality footage.

They may vaguely identify a car arriving & leaving in the right time frame but with only a vague description ie shaped like a small car, sedan, truck and dark coloured or light coloured, or a unique feature (stickers, fancy headlights, some sort of writing on the side of the vehicle) and then they work out possible directions suspect vehicle could have gone in & get footage from those different areas & hope to be able to pick out the same vehicle & so on & so on until they get better resolution footage, an image of a person or house.

So I think it's entirely possible that the CCTV on the shack has picked up some sort of movement in or around their tent but is of poor quality.

Dont forget their are government installed cctv cameras on the cattle grids along the main highway. My opinion is that locals would know of their existance but travelers may not know.
I agree as we don't know if the rod and tackle box were placed there in the morning do we, they may not have been left out overnight as Jake would know about the problem of thieves around the area for sure. A lot of the gear found outside may have been in the vehicle and taken out when they used the vehicle to search in the morning.

The parents were sleeping in the same tent however they were positioned behind a room divider therefore not literally laying beside Cleo or the baby.

Forensic study of the zipper will surely give up DNA of whoever handled the zipper.

What I am now concerned about it all of the so-called semi or professional photographers that offer families in the Carnarvon area their portrait services via Facebook and they quite often have a kind of lottery for such a service.

Montague Photography apparently took a lot of the family portraits the week leading up to the abduction.

Has anyone made out where the family lived in Carnarvon?
Yes, i noticed the street name was posted in this forum awhile ago. Unfortunately before the family returned, but luckily not the letter box number, because the potential for rubber neckers going to their house and doing stuff.

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My question is how many boats?

From his social media profiles, looks like he's a keen fisherman, and there is what looks like a silver tinny boat on a trailor in the background of one of his social media pics.

Then there's his Tuckerbox business that sell's fish & chips & donuts to the locals/campers. .
Also linking him to fishing and probably boats, his business had a trading name of APPOLO XII FISHERIES. (sourced from his 2002 cancelled partnership ABN with a business partner.

A Council map I posted in here last week has the position of a 'Boat launching over the beach' spot, as about 400m SE of where Cleo's family tent was pitched.

The caretaker used to run a fishing business. A simple google search gives up the business name Apollo Xii Fisheries with a (male) partner. An ABN search shows he has been in the area for years under postcode 6701.
Yes, i noticed the street name was posted in this forum awhile ago. Unfortunately before the family returned, but luckily not the letter box number, because the potential for rubber neckers going to their house and doing stuff.

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If that is the street name beginning with 'K' you are referring to, it doesn't exist in Carnarvon.
Has anyone made out where the family lived in Carnarvon?

They only recently bought the house iirc and Carnarvon only has a population of 5,000. It shouldn't be hard to find on the real estate sites but the address can't go up on here, which you probably knew anyway.
i often remember a warning issued to me by my father figure regarding risk to personal security, and not knowing who you can trust when innocently revealing the simplest of information.
i'm unable to recall where the incident took place, and although unrelated to this case, i'll throw it in as food for thought...
a family, preparing for a short holiday, made some adjustments to routine services for the term of their absence, one of which was to suspend the daily delivery of fresh milk to their doorstep ... during the first few hours of their road trip, suddenly realising they'd forgotten something crucial, it was necessary to 180° and head straight back home where, upon arrival, they were shocked to see their home contents being loaded into a small truck parked in the driveway. deciding not to intervene they instead called the police who attended and promptly arrested one very opportunist milkman.

Yep, Im always reminding people not to put on their FB status that they are out, on holiday or going some where. This give thieves the opportunity to break in, as your posts can be shared on FB and some people do not actually know their Fb friends very well. I always wait till Im home.
This is probably where it was bought, so knock yourself out looking at all the products that they sell, but it doesn't matter if it's a pure blonde apple cider or a fancied up South Australian white prosciutto, unless there's some relevance, particularly since the photo wouldn't of been taken until the journalist actually got there, well after the event was reported.

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She would've been "ham"mered

I'll see myself out
i often remember a warning issued to me by my father figure regarding risk to personal security, and not knowing who you can trust when innocently revealing the simplest of information.
i'm unable to recall where the incident took place, and although unrelated to this case, i'll throw it in as food for thought...
a family, preparing for a short holiday, made some adjustments to routine services for the term of their absence, one of which was to suspend the daily delivery of fresh milk to their doorstep ... during the first few hours of their road trip, suddenly realising they'd forgotten something crucial, it was necessary to 180° and head straight back home where, upon arrival, they were shocked to see their home contents being loaded into a small truck parked in the driveway. deciding not to intervene they instead called the police who attended and promptly arrested one very opportunist milkman.

A milkman? When was this? 1953?
No, im simply suggesting that if it was a tragic accident that occurred while Step dad was in custody of Cleo it may explain why she reacted as she did when he touched her, its you who doesnt want to give that any consideration and have applied your own feelings to it.
The reaction is not the smoking gun, it is purely a subconscious reaction that couldnt be scripted or prepared for, its as natural as can be, but combined with the missing child, the missing sleeping bag, the tacklebox on the table of a guy who knows the area as he grew up in it and is a self professed hunter of the sea, i find it hard to believe, as a regular camper, that you'd rock up to a seaside location, setup camp, dig out your tacklebox and go to bed.
What i've suggested is probably the most likely scenario that encompasses all the known facts, it explains the missing child, it explains the missing sleeping bag, it explains the demeanor of the Step dad and it may well explain her reaction.

But its probably some random dude in the bush who saw the child in the brief 90 minutes she was present and not in bed of the original story and snatched her from right next to two adults before disappearing into the night.

Its chiefly a rock fishing location which is not something you do at night. In the event of a tragic accident like you describe parents aren’t covering it up anyway. Nobody is going to prison or lose kids because of an accident and either way they have to live with what’s happened so why bother.

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You maybe surprised to learn that 'Milkman' only completely ceased to exist in Australia as little as 10 years ago..

if the ice cream truck can continually stalk out my neighborhood then they can bring back the milk man as far as im concerned.
Really? Where?

I recall an old mate originally from Colac played footy with a bloke who used to be a 'Milkman' - when I laughed and suggested he must be 90yo, he replied, 'nah he only stopped doing it a few years ago', that was in 2014...
If that is the street name beginning with 'K' you are referring to, it doesn't exist in Carnarvon.

That street name beginning with a 'K' does exist in Carnarvon.

But Cleo's family house is not addressed on that street (or any street that begins with letter 'K').
Breaking news in the case.

'WA police are searching for a driver and persons who may have been in a vehicle seen in the vicinity of where four-year-old Cleo Smith disappeared a week ago.

Police say the vehicle turned out of Blowholes Road and turned south towards Carnarvon, in WA's Gascoyne region, between 3am and 3.30am last Saturday.

Police say witnesses have described the car as a passenger vehicle, and they would like the driver to come forward.

"We want to know who they were and what they were doing," Detective Superintendent Rod Wilde said.'

'Supt Wilde said two people who were travelling together along the North West Coastal Highway in the early hours of Saturday, October 16 saw a car turn right off Blowholes Rd between 3am and 3.30am.'

'The new witnesses, who were heading north on the North West Coastal Highway for work that morning, were unable to provide police with a detailed description of the vehicle or how many people were inside, but said the car’s headlights were definitely on when it turned south off Blowholes Rd.'

'“The time is not exact but we believe it to have been between 3am and 3.30am.

“We believe it was a passenger vehicle, not a truck.”

Supt Wilde said that the witnesses who had come forward were “credible sources”.

“Obviously at that time when the people observed it, it wasn’t anything of great significance,” he said.

“They just came forward after hearing about Cleo and the news and realised the significance.

“Fortunately, they’ve come forward and passed that on to us so we are keen to speak to the person who was driving and anyone who was in that vehicle to speak to us.”'
You are focusing on one explanation for the behaviour in the press conference. I’m saying there could be half a dozen possibilities. You are factoring your narrow interpretation of the press conference into a theory, as evidence. I’m saying I wouldn’t factor it in one way or another, either for or against any theory. How is this me letting my feelings get in the way rather than you?

The assumptions that people will behave a particular way, especially women, is exactly the sort of stereotyping that got Lindy Chamberlain convicted. We know how dangerous it is and how wrong it can be.

You’ve done exactly the same thing with the rod and tackle box. You have assumed it must have been there from the night before and that if it was that is therefore evidence the step dad went fishing. There is no way of knowing when it was put there before the photo was taken, let alone any evidence whatsoever to suggest anyone went fishing the night before.

To say yours is the most likely scenario when it is literally all extraordinary assumptions and leaps of logic is bizarre. I could make as strong a case for an alien abduction.

Lol, again, no, i am not stereotyping, i simply said as a regular camper i find it strange that a guy who likes the outdoors wouldnt have taken every opportunity to get out and enjoy it and i said the tackle box suggests a spot of fishing was on the cards.
I then came up with a plausible theory as to how all those individually insignificant things could come together and have resulted in the situation we see today.

Its fairly obvious though ms finch that any suggestion involving the woman's knowledge has triggered you, go figure, no, im sure it was an evil man like all the rest.
Not sure about a divide - but as I said a week ago, the couple would of been encouraged/briefed by the police not/not to provide anything more than a 'summary of events' to the media, which is what actually took place - and I'm sure police were also in the room ready to interject if the media pursued further details.

Details they may include the couples actual activities and movements on the night, that police did not want publicly disclosed including the couple sitting outside the tent under the Gazebo for a period of time after Mum gave Cleo some water at 1:30am..?
Quite plausible as the better half and I, during our previous camping trips, used to often spend nights sitting outside the tent playing cards with the kids asleep inside.
No doubt, done the very same myself on more occasions than i could count, question is, why would sitting outside your own tent after you've been awakened by the kids be an issue to disclose, if anything it would narrow the window between when they finally did turn in until they woke to find her gone.
Its chiefly a rock fishing location which is not something you do at night. In the event of a tragic accident like you describe parents aren’t covering it up anyway. Nobody is going to prison or lose kids because of an accident and either way they have to live with what’s happened so why bother.

On iPhone using mobile app
Who, you dont do it at night?
I've been to plenty of places and seen countless people rock fishing at night, done it myself with friends in fact and i dont even like fishing.

Ones reaction to a situation like that could hardly be described as normal, if old mate was under the influence of grog etc. then the initial panic may well have brought you to come up with a story far removed from the reality, once you head down that path its probably a case of whats worse from the all important image, coming clean or holding firm.

Im not saying what i've suggested actually happened, but its certainly plausible, if they found the sleeping bag in a paddock 5 kms away you could rule it out, but at this stage, ms finch's feels, peoples fishing habits and what a normal reaction would be are all just as equally irrelevant to the actual people in question and what they did or didnt do.
No doubt, done the very same myself on more occasions than i could count, question is, why would sitting outside your own tent after you've been awakened by the kids be an issue to disclose, if anything it would narrow the window between when they finally did turn in until they woke to find her gone.

Let's 'assume' after giving Cleo some water at 1.30am - the Step-father also woke up, the couple then sat outside under the Gazebo for a period of time, shared a beer and/or smoked a pipe and/or perhaps played cards..?
The police would not share this with the media, as it simply could portray the couple as liable/irresponsible/culpable for Cleo's disappearance - and the related negative media coverage/narrative from this would simply be counterproductive to the investigation...

"Couple were drunk/taking drugs when daughter was abducted!"
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'Supt Wilde said two people who were travelling together along the North West Coastal Highway in the early hours of Saturday, October 16 saw a car turn right off Blowholes Rd between 3am and 3.30am.'

'The new witnesses, who were heading north on the North West Coastal Highway for work that morning, were unable to provide police with a detailed description of the vehicle or how many people were inside, but said the car’s headlights were definitely on when it turned south off Blowholes Rd.'

'“The time is not exact but we believe it to have been between 3am and 3.30am.

“We believe it was a passenger vehicle, not a truck.”

Supt Wilde said that the witnesses who had come forward were “credible sources”.

“Obviously at that time when the people observed it, it wasn’t anything of great significance,” he said.

“They just came forward after hearing about Cleo and the news and realised the significance.

“Fortunately, they’ve come forward and passed that on to us so we are keen to speak to the person who was driving and anyone who was in that vehicle to speak to us.”'
You’d have to think there’d be at least some CCTV footage further down the road to follow the lead up with. Hope it goes somewhere.

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Current Abduction of 4yo Blowholes Shacks WA *Terence Kelly Convicted

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