Bumped Ablett signs with Gold Coast

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Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

What was said exactly?

Dont have a trnascript, but it was more inbetween the lines...

Guy McKenna was asked about the meeting at the start of the year

He said that he was worried before the meeting that Gary was trying to use the meeting as leverage for a new contract at Geelong

After the meeting he knew that Gary was serious about new challenges etc. and he was confident that Gary was not using him.

Gary said something along the lines of that he was leaning towards GC after the meeting.

A reporter said, so you knew at the start of the year you were going to go to GC

Then he backtracked and said "oh, you mean the meeting at the start of the year"

it all seemed very dodgy
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

It was all about money for Gazza, and even in the press conference, he couldn't admit it, still lieing Gaz ?? PISS OFF, we don't want you anymore. Oh, btw, the red polo shirt suits you perfectly ;)

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Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

looks shocking in red he's now the devil(now f off )but has cookie said yesterday the club is in a better place now than 11 years ago when Ayers and colby took off.

Yeah, look emotionally you guys should be rightfully gutted to lose Ablett, but on a sheer football level, this could really set you up long term. His salary cap space will mean that all the core important young players will be retained, giving you a good platform for a rebuild that will be kickstarted even further by the two first round compensation picks.

With free agency on the way, football is going to become even more of a business. Great for the players, hard to take for the fans who are emotionally invested. :/
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

It was all about money for Gazza, and even in the press conference, he couldn't admit it, still lieing Gaz ?? PISS OFF, we don't want you anymore. Oh, btw, the red polo shirt suits you perfectly ;)
but lauren did not know till yesterday

the truth will be out asap
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

I actually hope Ablett never returns to Geelong at anytime in the future, he has just turned he's back on the club, he lied to them, he just wants money, in all honesty guys, Ablett is not worth the pain, LET'S MOVE ON TOGETHER, we still have a CHAMPION side they can go on to do great things, let's hope we can snare another flag sometime in the near future.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

No, they won't always.

Most our list have taken pay cuts to remain loyal. Other club's players have too.

Few other sports can claim this (if any).

This exactly.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

thanks for the memories Gazza. 2 premierships & a Brownlow, & several Carji's: you don't owe us anything. Always will be a club champion no matter where you play.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

he is scum

wait for the media leaks to come
he signed a MOU, and despite the bull denials the truth will come out
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

Your a MVP Brownlow Medalist dual premiership player B&F AA and other awards. you are 26 years old you have alot of great footy left in you, Lets face it Geelong will start to decline even though they will probably still make top 4 next year they are still declining..

The rise to the top is much more enjoyable than the fall to the bottom again, If Gary was 30 years old he would stay at Geelong.. Yes money was a big factor so was location but as I mentioned before starting fresh is nice.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

Will we get a refund from the sale of g.ablett gear

why was your crap site 2 weeks ago, and will it be up next week for your true supporters

lauren and you deserve each other

you have a fat wallet nothing else
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

thanks for the memories Gazza. 2 premierships & a Brownlow, & several Carji's: you don't owe us anything. Always will be a club champion no matter where you play.

This ^

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Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

Meh, just like the Judd 'trade'. At least you guys will get good compensation.

Sam Newman said something in support of Gary a while back which I found interesting: 'You're only obligated to be loyal to the guys paying your paycheck'. Harsh in an emotionally charged sport like ours but true nonetheless.

GAJ saw a better option, and with a limited opportunity to profit off his skill, he took it.

Can't blame him for that.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

Knew this day was coming for months now. It's sad, but it was expected.

Who among any of us could honestly sit here and say we would refuse that kind of money? Not many at all I would say.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

The fact that we've still got those type of guys as leaders gives me confidence.
Big test for our Club now - regroup and overcome the adversity that has rocked us this week.
Make us proud , GFC, get some traction and positivity going forward and show all these doubting bastards the force we have become and will stay.
FWIW I believe Jnr will regret the decision - he isn't Captain material and losing games continually will not sit well with him as he is too competitive for that not to hurt.
I also believe his penchant for "sooking" on field will only get worse.......
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

Great player though he is - your club will stand tall and be better for this - forces you to play some of the kids you should have played in the finals this year - like Menzel and Taylor Hunt. I think you have a fine list and success is there is you don't give in to 28-29 year old players living on past glories. Best of luck
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

Knew this day was coming for months now. It's sad, but it was expected.

Who among any of us could honestly sit here and say we would refuse that kind of money? Not many at all I would say.

I suppose it depends on how much you need.

Would he have been scratching around for a dollar if he'd stayed at Geelong ?
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

thanks for the memories Gazza. 2 premierships & a Brownlow, & several Carji's: you don't owe us anything. Always will be a club champion no matter where you play.

Great post. :thumbsu:

People's sense of self entitlement is disgusting! :thumbsdown:
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

Knew this day was coming for months now. It's sad, but it was expected.

Who among any of us could honestly sit here and say we would refuse that kind of money? Not many at all I would say.

This whole thing has been quite interesting in one sense.

It really does show how important money is to most people.

Too important really.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

Like all Cat supporters, I’m extremely disappointed at the confirmation by Gaz that he’s leaving even though it comes as no surprise.

Unlike most here, I’ve been observing it from the other end since the get-go with the benefit of a little insight. Way-back-when the GC believed it had an indicative understanding with Gaz that he’d be a GC player in 2011. Not once during the intervening period has there been any wavering in that firm belief.

Throw in that those who know Gaz will tell you he’s, by nature, a decisive individual - in business and other areas. If you accept that, to believe it would take him nearly 12 months to arrive at a decision on his playing future defies credulity. Add to that, following the word trail of people in a position to know rather than journos who have 1000 word [strike] think pieces [/strike] articles to write twice weekly and the clues were there. The stuff that has been orchestrated in the last few days was a damage minimisation exercise to facilitate Gaz’s exit as amicably as possible and without burning too many bridges.

If Gaz places being mega rich above being super rich; or places money over loyalty; or had other reasons to head north I’d have been disappointed but would’ve felt that if they are his values then good luck to him. But the way he’s stuffed the club around so unnecessarily by continually fudging announcing his decision to save himself any personal embarrassment really doesn’t sit well with me.

Frankly, I reckon he’ll rue the day he turned his back on us. The pressure he’ll be under up there as the only marquee player will be gigantic. He’ll earn every cent he gets. Let’s now move on and concentrate on the players who are loyal and actually want to play for our great club.

Oh and I specially feel for those who posted here with absolute conviction Gaz would stay. Posters like Mary James. Not so much for d_henderson1810 due to his/her penchant for taking cheap shots. I wonder if there will be an ‘I apologise’ thread to replace the often quoted ‘You were wrong’ one? Somehow I doubt it.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

I suppose it depends on how much you need.

Would he have been scratching around for a dollar if he'd stayed at Geelong ?

If someone offered you double the paypacket you're on currently to do exactly the same thing, would you refuse it because it wasn't necessary?
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

who will pay for this holiday gazza sun
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