Bumped Ablett signs with Gold Coast

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Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

If someone offered you double the paypacket you're on currently to do exactly the same thing, would you refuse it because it wasn't necessary?

I heard on the radio they asked this knob pretty much the same thing (after he accused ablett of taking the money and running).

The dude has no answer so he hung up.

People are ****ing hypcrites.

Lets take the average wage of $60,000. If you were offered $190,000 everyone would take it.

The argument of he doesn't 'need it' is also so very stupid and I wont bother with that.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

Lot of anger and negativeity here, which is understandable.

But personally i am going to remember Gary for the good times and not the way he left. The brilliance and magic he produced week in week out. The 07 and 09 premierships. His Brownlow medal and MVP awards, even his last game against Collingwood. He was a magician and the success he helped this club achieve mean i will always remember him fondly.

Yes this sucks. But i blame the AFL more than Gary. The amount of money he has been offerred will set him up for life and i can understand moving for it. As has been asked constantly, how many of you would knock back an offer doubling your salary.

Gary you have been a true champion of this club, it has been a great pleasure watching you. And while this move hurts like hell at the moment i thank you for the good times.

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Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

I actually hope Ablett never returns to Geelong at anytime in the future, he has just turned he's back on the club, he lied to them, he just wants money, in all honesty guys, Ablett is not worth the pain, LET'S MOVE ON TOGETHER, we still have a CHAMPION side they can go on to do great things, let's hope we can snare another flag sometime in the near future.

Agree with this.

Now what compensation will we get ? - Judd made sure the Eagles were well looked after - I am not sure Ablett has that integrity.

If you think life is all about money - then I think you are wrong. Big part of your life yes - but it does somewhat depend on what you did to get it.

This way leaves a nasty taste in my mouth - especially if it is true he knew for a long time and played us supporters.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

AMMO MAN - wrote - If Gaz places being mega rich above being super rich; or places money over loyalty; or had other reasons to head north I’d have been disappointed but would’ve felt that if they are his values then good luck to him. But the way he’s stuffed the club around so unnecessarily by continually fudging announcing his decision to save himself any personal embarrassment really doesn’t sit well with me.

Frankly, I reckon he’ll rue the day he turned his back on us. The pressure he’ll be under up there as the only marquee player will be gigantic. He’ll earn every cent he gets. Let’s now move on and concentrate on the players who are loyal and actually want to play for our great club.

Probably says it better than I can now.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

I heard on the radio they asked this knob pretty much the same thing (after he accused ablett of taking the money and running).

The dude has no answer so he hung up.

People are ****ing hypcrites.

Lets take the average wage of $60,000. If you were offered $190,000 everyone would take it.

The argument of he doesn't 'need it' is also so very stupid and I wont bother with that.

Some of us wouldn't.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

Lets take the average wage of $60,000. If you were offered $190,000 everyone would take it.

The argument of he doesn't 'need it' is also so very stupid and I wont bother with that.
I think something that a lot of people don't like to take into account, given that football is such a passionate game, is that this is his job.

Like in any other industry, if a rival corporation headhunts you and offers double your current salary plus change, you're going to take it.

Minor differences in salary in ANY industry can be ignored because of loyalty. I've been offered more to do my job elsewhere but I haven't taken it because I like where I work, and that change wasn't worth the price.

But DOUBLE? Anyone would walk. Anyone.

It sucks for Cats supporters, but that's life.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

If someone offered you double the paypacket you're on currently to do exactly the same thing, would you refuse it because it wasn't necessary?

But we're not talking about $60k to $190k, we're talking about $1mil > $1.9 mil.

There's not much I wouldn't be able to do as a 26 year old with $1mil per year. Hopefully, I'd appreciate loyalty to my club and supporters, as well as understand the legacy I'd leave if I remained a one club player.

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Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

If it helps you sleep at night and to justify your stance on Ablett then sure. :)

Oh pfft.

I've said it before. I work for **** all at the moment. I could easily get/have been offered more than double what I get right now.

But you know what? When I was making that kind of money before, I was ****ing miserable. I now take less money, much less money, but get better looked after and am much happier in my current environment.

So no, i'm not just going to take double the money simply because it's waved under my nose and 'it's too good to refuse'.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

**** the Gold Coast. **** the AFL for letting this happen. This is stupid. What other sport would let a club poach players like this? or have such an important rule (salary cap) slanted so much in their favour?

May the Gold Coast go 0-22 or how ever many matches are played. Scum.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

**** the Gold Coast. **** the AFL for letting this happen. This is stupid. What other sport would let a club poach players like this? or have such an important rule (salary cap) slanted so much in their favour?

May the Gold Coast go 0-22 or how ever many matches are played. Scum.

Pretty much every sport in the world
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

Gary Ablett Jr = vermin money hungry scum

He has just spat in the face of every Geelong fan, member, official and especially player.

Over the past four years each and every player has taken a pay cut to try and keep this great side together. To them Judas has just shat on their face.

Good riddance to the rat as it is people like this who I never want to be associated with the Mighty GFC.

We will be better on and off the field without him.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

I think it is hard to blame him for taking the money. It is a huge increase in wage and I think most of us would have taken it.

The only issue I have had all year as an outsider looking in is that he has not been respectful to your club.

Yes he is a champion player etc etc but for him to not tell the club to protect his position to keep playing all year is nothing short of being disrespectful.

He should of told the club he was going when he knew early in the year and then it would be up to the club to either play him or wipe him.

That he was so selfish to not put himself out there and live and play with his decision leaves me with little respect for him.

His team mates probably would not of judged him if he had been up front, but the way he has done this if I was a Geelong player I would not lower myself to speak to the guy again. He used his club, his team mates for his own selfish reasons and that to me is a low act.

Whether Bomber or the players would have wanted to have him keep playing is neither here nor there, they should have been given the chance to make that decision, not Gary making the decision.

Personally I think Bomber and the club were a little weak, they should have demanded a decision and not let him play until he decides. The mail was he was always going so in hindsight he walked all over the club.

Yes he kept performing but so what.

Low act in my view and lacks respect for the Geelong Football club.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

Oh pfft.

I've said it before. I work for **** all at the moment. I could easily get/have been offered more than double what I get right now.

But you know what? When I was making that kind of money before, I was ****ing miserable. I now take less money, much less money, but get better looked after and am much happier in my current environment.

So no, i'm not just going to take double the money simply because it's waved under my nose and 'it's too good to refuse'.

That suggests you have absolutely no ambition and are happy to cruise in an environment where you aren't challenged to do better.

Please send me your resume so that I don't make the mistake of making you an offer one day.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

But we're not talking about $60k to $190k, we're talking about $1mil > $1.9 mil.

There's not much I wouldn't be able to do as a 26 year old with $1mil per year. Hopefully, I'd appreciate loyalty to my club and supporters, as well as understand the legacy I'd leave if I remained a one club player.

That's still NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR. Just because he's Gary Ablett it doesn't mean that $900,000 is worth any less.

This will be Gary's last major contract of his career, one would think (barring one or two extensions). The fact that, over the course of four years, he can earn at least $3.6 million more to do the same thing is too big to say no to.

And it's not about a 26 year old having that much money. It's about having money when he's 36, 46, 56 etc. This will set him up for life.

Again, I know how much this sucks for Cats supporters, but Gary would have been just plain dumb to turn this down.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

Disappointing and sad, but inevitable.

9.5 million to play with GC. The AFL can spin that figure all they like, but every one knows that is more or less the sum offered. 4.5 million or there about was Geelongs offer. No player is going to say no to the money GC put on the table.

Ablett Jnr played just shy of 200 games for GEE, over 9 years. He won a brownlow with the club, a couple of B and F's, and was a member of two premiership teams. He is already a life member of the club. In the end he will be remembered as a Geelong great, regardless of what happens at GC.

People don't realize it now, but the salary cap room and the first round picks we just secured are going to be EXTREMELY useful, especially given the transition period the club will now go through. That is the silver lining to all this.

Its a sad day for Cats fans to be sure. Its a sad day for all 'fans' as it shows money (or at least shit loads of money) is bigger than club loyalty. But that is the reality of professional sport.

We got 9 years of brilliant service from Ablett. For that i am very grateful.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

Oh pfft.

I've said it before. I work for **** all at the moment. I could easily get/have been offered more than double what I get right now.

But you know what? When I was making that kind of money before, I was ****ing miserable. I now take less money, much less money, but get better looked after and am much happier in my current environment.

So no, i'm not just going to take double the money simply because it's waved under my nose and 'it's too good to refuse'.

Proof that you can easily get double?


Just because you don't take the money doesn't mean that Gary Ablett has to follow suit and appease that small mintory who wouldn't take the money.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

Peoples attitude breeds acceptance.. The more we think money is everything, the more we are going to **** up this world and turn it even further down that track.. Just like violence and so on and on and on..

Decision is his but doesn't mean we all have to say it's the right thing to do or that we all would have done it..

By the way, did Pavlich, Franklin, Riewoldt etc and the others take the $$$ ?

Maybe money is not EVERYTHING to some footballers playing today also..
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

I think something that a lot of people don't like to take into account, given that football is such a passionate game, is that this is his job.

Like in any other industry, if a rival corporation headhunts you and offers double your current salary plus change, you're going to take it.

Minor differences in salary in ANY industry can be ignored because of loyalty. I've been offered more to do my job elsewhere but I haven't taken it because I like where I work, and that change wasn't worth the price.

But DOUBLE? Anyone would walk. Anyone.

It sucks for Cats supporters, but that's life.

Yes, football is he's job, but he didn't have to join the GC did he ?? In the end it was all about money (although he denies it) and at the GC he will be earning $9.5M over 5 years, yes, that is a lot of money, but staying at Geelong, he would of earned $5M over 5 years. $5M is enough for anyobdy to be financially well, also, post-football life at Geelong, he would be able to earn even more money. If i was on $60,000 a year and got offered $190,000 i WOULD take it, because that would be a huge increase for me, but for Gazza $5M is MORE THAN ENOUGH, it just shows me he doesn't really care about Geelong at all.
Re: Ablett to sign with Gold Coast - announcement at 12:30PM

If someone offered you double the paypacket you're on currently to do exactly the same thing, would you refuse it because it wasn't necessary?

Mate there is a big difference in me earning $80K Per Year and earnign $160K Per Year. Plus, it not like I grew up at the place of employment, its not like my dad worked here before me and was the Best employee anyone had ever seen.

I agree it would be hard to turn down the money...but there are other things more important than money. I recently turned down a $105K job to stay on my $80K job. Reasons: 1: Currently work is 20mins form home, other job is 1.5hrs from home (Clsoer to family). 2: Currentl works has OT, new job wouldnt, so wiht bit of OT here and there, i earn same $$$ as new job.

How this relates to Gaz. 1: Arnt his uncles, Aunties, Cousins, Sister & Mother still in Vic. Not to mention his long time GF.

2: With a bit of media and advertising going Gaz's way, he could earn more maybe, and for amuch longer time. (Didnt Alex Popescu leave Gaz $$$ in his will if he played out his career at Geelong)

I dunno if the $$$ was all its about. He could have earnt MEGA $$$ from Advertising and media for the rest of his life. He would never be left wanting.

I dont understand his reasons...Ablett Snr and Nathan are up there arnt they....maybe thats it...btu i read somehting the other day that Lauren has said she is NOT moving to GC....so he has taken up moving there and rady to chuck in his long term relationship.

Maybe a fallout with the club is his main reasoning...maybe the players....it just doesnt add up unless you put these factors in, then it starts to make more sense.
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