Traded Adam Cerra traded to Carlton for pick #6 and F3

If he leaves (as widely reported), what will Freo get in return?

  • Two good 1st round picks

  • Top 10 pick and change

  • A 1st & a 2nd

  • Later 1st rounder

  • Two 2nd rounders

  • Early 2nd rounder

  • Other 2nd round pick

  • Less than a 2nd rounder

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I imagine there will be the usual postering from both sides. Carlton will offer pick 6, Freo will push for more and a deal should get done for 6 and maybe a later pick swap. Cerra's value hasn't dropped since being drafted but he is out of contract and will choose where he wants to go. If that is Carlton, he'll get there for 6 - the only way it costs more will be if another team gets involved, Cerra is happy to move there and that team is willing to pay more than 6+

Can't see SPS being included (it rarely happens) and it would be hard to find common ground on value - he is worth way more to Carlton than on the market. SPS is 23, has played 90+ games and has skills and vision that few on our list possess. With Teague on the way out it makes sense to give the new coach an opportunity to find the right fit to motivate and unlock the talent. Happy to hold him for another year than let him go for the equivalent of pick 50
I’d guess if Carlton try to split pick 6 then the tigers may be interested at just pick 7.
My understanding is tigers have pulled out as they may not want to offer both of their 1st and 2nd rounders or have cap space for $700k +
Chez doesn’t appear to be massively motivated by $ (or he would have stayed) and the Tigers may reconsider for just pick 7 alone (or with any other minor sweeteners they may throw in).
His whole family are tigers supporters and anyone in their right mind would choose Tigers over the Blues.
As such this should hopefully keep the Blues on their toes that it will be at a minimum pick 6 plus extra (this years or next years 2nd round)
As much as it is underselling Chez, the Tigers pick 7 would be much more palatable to all parties than anything less than the Blues pick 6 + extra so maybe we can all just start with that as a base yeah?

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I think this may be the case.
I’m not sure Richmond are totally out of it, and at worst, will keep Carlton honest.

If we obtained Cerra for pick 7 (and perhaps a third rounder), I’d be ok with that. But we haven’t declared our interest, so I’d say a deal between Carlton and Freo will get sorted.

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No club in Victoria have remotely offered as much money as Carlton.. Not even North Melbourne. I think Pick 5 and SPS for Cerra and a 3rd round rounder would be the ideal trade. SPS straight on ball for Fremantle.
No club in Victoria have remotely offered as much money as Carlton.. Not even North Melbourne. I think Pick 5 and SPS for Cerra and a 3rd round rounder would be the ideal trade. SPS straight on ball for Fremantle.
If SPS couldnt get on ball for Carlton's midfield (which was their weakest area), I'm not sure why he'd go straight on ball for our midfield (which was our strongest area), regardless of losing Cerra
No club in Victoria have remotely offered as much money as Carlton.. Not even North Melbourne. I think Pick 5 and SPS for Cerra and a 3rd round rounder would be the ideal trade. SPS straight on ball for Fremantle.

He is no certainty to come to Carlton. Hasn’t even nominated a club yet and if you believe reports hasn’t spoken to us directly.
If SPS couldnt get on ball for Carlton's midfield (which was their weakest area), I'm not sure why he'd go straight on ball for our midfield (which was our strongest area), regardless of losing Cerra
He's not getting gigs over Walsh, Cripps, Curnow, Williams regardless if you think it's weak.. I think he'd be great addition to Freos rotations.
He's not getting gigs over Walsh, Cripps, Curnow, Williams regardless if you think it's weak.. I think he'd be great addition to Freos rotations.
And he's not getting gigs over Brayshaw, Serong, Fyfe, Mundy for us. The guy that was not rated near your best 30 players per your teams selections, is also not close to a best 22 for our side

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And he's not getting gigs over Brayshaw, Serong, Fyfe, Mundy for us. The guy that was not rated near your best 30 players per your teams selections, is also not close to a best 22 for our side
Jack Crisp was put on a platter by Brisbane in the trade for Dayne Beams in 2014.. Couldn't get a game... turned out to be a jet.
Jack Crisp was put on a platter by Brisbane in the trade for Dayne Beams in 2014.. Couldn't get a game... turned out to be a jet.
Had Crisp spudded it up in nearly 100 games? or was he still raw and inexperienced?
SPS has shown what he provides to a side. And that is not very much. Is there a chance he all of a sudden becomes what everyone has hoped for? sure, but is a snowflakes chance in hell based on 90+ points of data so far.
Money aside, if he's made the decision to go to Carlton who in their right mind wouldn't be thinking twice now with whats going down internally.
He can replace Acres as the new whipping boy, that has to be worth something ?!.

Unfortunately his management pulled the wool over the clubs eyes and got him a 3 year deal.

3 ****ing years.

So we still have a solid 12 months of whipping action with him, we definitely don't need SPS to become his PIC.

Especially if my idiot club decides to give him 3 years like they did Acres.

Freo are so incompetent. Which is why Cerra wanting to go to Carlton is such a head scratcher.
Unfortunately his management pulled the wool over the clubs eyes and got him a 3 year deal.

3 ******* years.

So we still have a solid 12 months of whipping action with him, we definitely don't need SPS to become his PIC.

Especially if my idiot club decides to give him 3 years like they did Acres.

Freo are so incompetent. Which is why Cerra wanting to go to Carlton is such a head scratcher.

Could be worse, you could have signed Hannebery up for 4 years….
How about this potential 4 club trade? (I know it’s complex but see summary at bottom). I think all clubs win here

1) Carlton and Geelong:
- Geelong receive Dow, lose R2 pick (tied to Geelong; currently pick 35)
- Carlton receive R2 pick (35); lose Dow

2) Geelong and Fremantle:
- Geelong lose Clark; receive R2 pick (tied to Fremantle; currently pick 27)
- Fremantle receive Clark; lose R2 pick (27)

3) Brisbane and Carlton
- Brisbane lose R1 pick (tied to Melb; currently pick 18); receive 2 x R2 picks (24- tied to Carlton and 35- originally from Geelong)
- Carlton lose 2 x R2 picks (24 and 35); gain R1 pick (18)

4) Finally, Carlton and Fremantle:
- Carlton receive Cerra and future R2 (tied to Fremantle); lose 2 x R1 picks (6- tied to Carlton, and 18- tied to Melb)
- Fremantle receive 2 x R1 picks (6 and 18); lose Cerra and future R2 (tied to Fremantle)

- Fremantle ins: 6, 18, Clark
- Fremantle outs: 27, Cerra, future R2 (Fre)

- Carlton ins: Cerra, future R2 (Fre)
- Carlton outs: 6, 18 (24+35), Dow

- Geelong ins: 27, Dow
- Geelong outs: 35, Clark

- Brisbane ins: 24, 35
- Brisbane outs: 18
Jesus christ. We're getting reamed in this trade.
Pick 6, 18, 24 and Dow for Cerra and a second round pick....
Oh Big Footy. Never change.

We are usually fair and reasonable to deal with. If Cerra nominates Carlton, history suggests he'll get to Carlton.

I think pick 6, SPS and future 2nd for Cerra and 2021 2nd.

Freo should back themselves to finish above Carlton and get an upgraded second, plus SPS as a free hit essentially. We then get 2 x second rounders this year to either trade up or nab two young guys in the 20s.
Oh Big Footy. Never change.

We are usually fair and reasonable to deal with. If Cerra nominates Carlton, history suggests he'll get to Carlton.

I think pick 6, SPS and future 2nd for Cerra and 2021 2nd.

Freo should back themselves to finish above Carlton and get an upgraded second, plus SPS as a free hit essentially. We then get 2 x second rounders this year to either trade up or nab two young guys in the 20s.

SPS is worth nothing. It should be pinned at the top of this thread it has been stated often enough.

No way do we send a pick back for 6 + a future 2nd. I would be disappointed with that return for Cerra.