Banter Adelaide Board's Combined Politics/Covid discussion Banter Thread (WARNING NOT FOR THE FAINT-HEARTED)

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That's 70% not only 7 in 10.

Given your view that everyone is being coerced into this vaccine that's a pretty big number who are just going to do it😉

See if you can wrap your acquiescent pea-brain around what this actually means.

90% double goes to 70% triple....goes to what percentage for number four? Then five?

These are all subject to the same mandates too, of course.
See if you can wrap your acquiescent pea-brain around what this actually means.

90% double goes to 70% triple....goes to what percentage for number four? Then five?

These are all subject to the same mandates too, of course.
Look of all the people trying to insult others on brain size, you should be the last.
Has anyone driven from Victoria to Adelaide since the borders opened?

I get that the process involves 3 tests (Pre-arrival within 72 hours before arrival, test on arrival, and test on day 6).

I'm not certain what we have to do with the "test upon arrival and quarantine until negative test result". Does that mean I'm expected to test in Bordertown; or does it mean we can go straight to the Victoria Park drive through, get tested, and go to my quarantine location? I assume we don't have to kill time in Bordertown until the test comes back.

Does anyone know the practicalities?
I’m also interested to know the answer to this

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See if you can wrap your acquiescent pea-brain around what this actually means.

90% double goes to 70% triple....goes to what percentage for number four? Then five?

These are all subject to the same mandates too, of course.

I wouldn't be worried about this data at all.
  1. That's still reasonably high so early on in the booster rollout.
  2. Public attitudes to vaccines aren't static over time.
  3. There will be a pretty sizable 'movable' middle on top of this 70% who are hesitant but not totally against vaccination. The data suggests that nearly all of these have gone ahead and gotten vaccinated in the second half of this year (since this survey was last conducted).

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Has anyone driven from Victoria to Adelaide since the borders opened?

I get that the process involves 3 tests (Pre-arrival within 72 hours before arrival, test on arrival, and test on day 6).

I'm not certain what we have to do with the "test upon arrival and quarantine until negative test result". Does that mean I'm expected to test in Bordertown; or does it mean we can go straight to the Victoria Park drive through, get tested, and go to my quarantine location? I assume we don't have to kill time in Bordertown until the test comes back.

Does anyone know the practicalities?
Plenty have driven across the border. They showed on the news cars lining up at midnight at the border when it reopened.
You disagreeing with me is really all I need. That’s my standard litmus test
Most posters are disagreeing with many of your posts though... as you are well & truly in the minority with your views both on the Adelaide & Covid boards. ;)
See if you can wrap your acquiescent pea-brain around what this actually means.

90% double goes to 70% triple....goes to what percentage for number four? Then five?

These are all subject to the same mandates too, of course.
The 90% is more likely to drop to less than 50% imho. Are they counted as "anti-vaxxers" too if they don't get their 3rd, 4th, 5th booster? Surely past vaccination is irrelevant if you don't subject yourself to whatever our so-called experts in this country tell us we must do. These provaxxers need to put their money where there mouth is and lineup for every single booster the government recommends otherwise they are full of shit. Government knows best.
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I think the point is that if you are vaccinated, you are much less likely to pass it on than if you aren't vaxed.
Is there any science to back that up? Perhaps the lighter load the fully vaccinated person will cop on becoming sick means less likely to pass on? I'm reading a lot about Covid but haven't read any evidence to support this.

On SM-A115F using mobile app
Is there any science to back that up? Perhaps the lighter load the fully vaccinated person will cop on becoming sick means less likely to pass on? I'm reading a lot about Covid but haven't read any evidence to support this.

On SM-A115F using mobile app

Lol, so you are now claiming you are misunderstood...
TBF he’s been claiming that for ages. He’s been labeled as an antivaxer but it seems his whole argument is about mandates.
It would certainly clear things up if he said if he was vaccinated but in reality it’s not our business.
TBF he’s been claiming that for ages. He’s been labeled as an antivaxer but it seems his whole argument is about mandates.
It would certainly clear things up if he said if he was vaccinated but in reality it’s not our business.
He has had more arguments than just mandates!

Also, he asked me whether I had been vaccinated... which i answered... yet when the shoe is on the other foot... Nada...
He has had more arguments than just mandates!

Also, he asked me whether I had been vaccinated... which i answered... yet when the shoe is on the other foot... Nada...
Everything flows into mandates though.
Boosters etc.
I don’t think I’ve seen him saying people shouldn’t get vaccinated.
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