SA Adelaide crowned Australia's "Most Liveable City".

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Nice place to live, shit place to visit, nightlife is not as good as the bigger cities but I wont complain.

Also we have Hamish Hartlett and Farmers Union.

Summed up my thoughts there.

I live in a near perfect Suburb Called Ethelton. My mum bought a good house in 2006 for $220,000. Smack bang in the middle between Semaphore beach and Port Adelaide shopping mall. Carlisle tavern pub is a 30 second walk. I live a block from the Ethelton train station so its cheap to get to the city. So basically everything is nearby

Farmers union ice coffee... yep a perfect drink to have on a saturday night to watch all sports.
Summed up my thoughts there.

I live in a near perfect Suburb Called Ethelton. My mum bought a good house in 2006 for $220,000. Smack bang in the middle between Semaphore beach and Port Adelaide shopping mall. Carlisle tavern pub is a 30 second walk. I live a block from the Ethelton train station so its cheap to get to the city. So basically everything is nearby

Farmers union ice coffee... yep a perfect drink to have on a saturday night to watch all sports.

Mmm as I said, it's all in the eyes of the beholder.

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My bad on PJ, could have sworn they skipped Adelaide. Maybe it was a later addition to the tour. My point stands however.

Pretty sure they were always scheduled to do Adelaide. Friends of mine were counting down from the time the tour was announced to the day tickets were released.

Top-notch live music venues like the Espy and the Basement? World class cocktail bars like Lotus, Der Raum and 1806?

And number of venues is one of the most important things about a city's nightlife. Who wants to be constantly going to the same places?

Probably a personal taste thing, but good venues for me are more about the people and music than the place itself. And in terms of that, there's a decent number of nice places to go in Adelaide. I'm not really the cocktail bar type though, so that part doesn't really appeal to me.

My point is that if you are looking to move to another venue at 2:30am in Adelaide your options are limited to a handful of decent places. Likewise if you want to go shopping on a public holiday. It's pretty frustrating when you're used to the wealth of choice available a bigger city.

Pretty sure every decent venue is still alive and well at 2:30am on a night out here in Adelaide. Most places seem to shut/die down around 4-5am.

The people who can't go without shopping on a public holiday get me as well. Is there nothing else you can do with yourself? Can't go without shops for a day (or two, at most)? They showed tourists on our nightly news bulletins wandering down Rundle Mall on the 26th and 27th of December saying they were "disappointed" that there weren't shops open. I just thought "You've come all the way to Adelaide to look at shops that you can see anywhere else? Get a life!". I think shops were only closed here for that extra day or two over Christmas this year because it fell on a weekend, to give city retailers an actual holiday during the week (can't remember if they reopened on Tuesday the 28th or Wednesday the 29th, think it might have been the Tuesday). There was still some stuff open in the suburbs in the meantime if you were really desperate to shop anyway.

Yeah it means South Australia overall has a good standard of living and house prices are among the cheapest compared to all cites. 2nd cheapest housing prices overall behinds Tassie.

Still can't get over how Bomber Bears tried to make "safe and affordable" sound like a bad thing. As I said earlier, would the alternative (dangerous and expensive) be preferable?
The people who can't go without shopping on a public holiday get me as well. Is there nothing else you can do with yourself? Can't go without shops for a day (or two, at most)? They showed tourists on our nightly news bulletins wandering down Rundle Mall on the 26th and 27th of December saying they were "disappointed" that there weren't shops open. I just thought "You've come all the way to Adelaide to look at shops that you can see anywhere else? Get a life!". I think shops were only closed here for that extra day or two over Christmas this year because it fell on a weekend, to give city retailers an actual holiday during the week (can't remember if they reopened on Tuesday the 28th or Wednesday the 29th, think it might have been the Tuesday). There was still some stuff open in the suburbs in the meantime if you were really desperate to shop anyway.

i don't agree with a lot of your posts but this part is on the ball.
i think it's great that the "big shops" are closed on such days*

*maybe this is because my GF works in retail however even if she didn't i used to work in hospo and going to work on boxing day is a pain in the arse.
I really don't think canberra is that cheap in terms of housing affordability... well for the rental market anyways. i've been browsing recently and the share houses are averaging around $200 a week which isn't THAT much, but is pretty much on par with what i was paying in sydney...
Probably a personal taste thing, but good venues for me are more about the people and music than the place itself. And in terms of that, there's a decent number of nice places to go in Adelaide. I'm not really the cocktail bar type though, so that part doesn't really appeal to me.
Look, that might be fine for you. I have friends back home who are totally happy with the half a dozen decent places in my home town to go out to on a Saturday night with the same music, the same crowd, the usual. Its what they like and they like that it is.

The whole reason I like cities is BECAUSE it's a city. You can get anything. If I want to go out on a Wednesday night to a place that plays the latest underground electrofunk I can. Indie/hipster club in a disused factory? Sure. I have someone staying and I want to take her to a brilliant cocktail bar with a view of the river? No problem. Want to hear the latest blues, roots and jazz music? Perhaps a piano bar? Or a quiet, clubby cigar bar with a dozen different single malt whiskies? There's multiple places fitting all those criteria too.

It's not about having somewhere to go. It's about the endless variety of there always being somewhere else to go. Small-town people never quite understand that mindset.

Pretty sure every decent venue is still alive and well at 2:30am on a night out here in Adelaide. Most places seem to shut/die down around 4-5am.
On a public holiday? Being from interstate I'm often out on long weekends when I'm in Adelaide and Perth. Public holiday trading is my nemesis.

The people who can't go without shopping on a public holiday get me as well. Is there nothing else you can do with yourself? Can't go without shops for a day (or two, at most)?
Well honestly. For those of us who work during the week and play weekend sport public holidays, Sundays and late night shopping are the only chances we get. It's pretty frustrating when the opening hours are so severely curtailed.

Still can't get over how Bomber Bears tried to make "safe and affordable" sound like a bad thing. As I said earlier, would the alternative (dangerous and expensive) be preferable?
It's not a bad thing, but when it's your key selling point then it says something about the other features. 'Safe and affordable' is how they sell Volkswagon Polos.
I really don't think canberra is that cheap in terms of housing affordability... well for the rental market anyways. i've been browsing recently and the share houses are averaging around $200 a week which isn't THAT much, but is pretty much on par with what i was paying in sydney...

Actually Canberra is extremely expensive and the quality of housing is quite crap, so yeah, difficult to see how Canberra rated so high if that was one of the main criteria.
Canberra's rental market is appalling because of the high volume of students and interstate workers. Buying there is relatively cheap though IIRC.

It's actually not cheap for pretty much the above reason. Although Canberra can be quite transitory, due to the nature of the town, lots of govt/bureuacracy jobs there are a lot of people on comparitively high wages. Also quality of housing is poor and there is a severe lack of character. Stayed with one of wife's mates in Canberra, partner and her are both lawyers, they bought a house in Scullin, which is an outer Canberra suburb in the high $500,000. These houses, 60's/70's brink vaneer, ugly,1970's decor - just shit, what you'd expect to get in Salisbury or Morphett Vale in Adelaide in the $300,000's.
I really don't think canberra is that cheap in terms of housing affordability... well for the rental market anyways. i've been browsing recently and the share houses are averaging around $200 a week which isn't THAT much, but is pretty much on par with what i was paying in sydney...

150 a week for a room at my place, walking distance from cbd & ANU. just say the word baby & my housemate is gone.
150 a week for a room at my place, walking distance from cbd & ANU. just say the word baby & my housemate is gone.
Bahahaha! omg! ah, that actually sounds perfect! haha, let me know if anyone moves out, i'm calling dibs earrrrrly! :p

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The cultural scene is garbage. Big international acts never include Adelaide on their tour list. Your symphony is a joke, AFAIK you don't even have a ballet company, opera and theatre scene is extremely meh. The state art gallery is uninspiring and visiting exhibitions are poor. Yes, you have cafes in alleyways but I know that I am odds on to get a great cup of coffee no matter where I go in Sydney and Melbourne. In smaller places you have to know where to look.

There's a nightlife, but the number of good places is limited and if you're used to the endless variety of Sydney and Melbourne then it gets very boring very quickly. Opening hours in general are frustrating, both for drinking establishments and regular shops.

That said, the main problem with calling it "Australia's most livable city" is the word 'city'. Let's be honest - aside from Melbourne and Sydney, no other urban area in Australia deserves the title. Places like Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth are great places to live as long as you don't have the expectation of true city living - they are more like very large towns with excellent amenities.
What are you talking about? Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane are all medium sized cities. Some of the most famous cities in the world are smaller than these three. Australian cities are generally fairly large.
It does happen sometimes, but nowhere near as frequently with big bands as it's made out. What I don't get though is why bands would go from the Eastern states over to Perth without stopping in Adelaide on the way. I mean, it's on the way! And gigs in Adelaide are rarely not sold out, so it's not like there's no market for live music of all descriptions here.
Wtf are you talking about? Bands skipping Adelaide is almost the norm, not the exception. And always sell out? Bullshit. Acts don't come here because they rarely sell out.
I never understand why people say this. Seriously, what are these mindblowingly amazing things going on all the time in Melbourne and Sydney that aren't happening/can't be done in Adelaide? If you give me something like "so many cafes and pubs down little alleyways", I'll yawn. We've got those here too.

We've got less population, and the city and suburbs are less "high rise" and "closed in", and more spread out and open. That's it.

ok ill explain it for you...

Adelaide is a superb city... i live here. This is for people who have settled down or even young people..18-21 aprox

if u r single and like to party melbourne and sydney shit on adelaide..why?? because u have an incredible choice of places to go that are busy and you can go out any night of the week.

The only night you have choice in Adelaide is Saturday..even then it is hit and miss...

Sunday..u have the grand at Glenelg or maybe the Old Lion which is shite anyway

wednesday u have one place... which is good if u r 16-20. heaven.

thursday...i bet there is one or 2 places that are pumping in the city if your lucky

i am not bagging adelaide for a minute...just saying if you like partying and you are 25 plus you will will have alot more fun in Melbourne or Sydney.

if u like sport u will have alot more fun in Melbourne.

everyone knows this...
The only night you have choice in Adelaide is Saturday..even then it is hit and miss...

Sunday..u have the grand at Glenelg or maybe the Old Lion which is shite anyway

wednesday u have one place... which is good if u r 16-20. heaven.

thursday...i bet there is one or 2 places that are pumping in the city if your lucky

Gee when was the last time you went out in Adelaide?! :confused:
What are you talking about? Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane are all medium sized cities. Some of the most famous cities in the world are smaller than these three. Australian cities are generally fairly large.
The famous cities smaller than Adelaide are generally so because of their history, rather than their amenities as cities. You don't go to Oslo, Kyoto or Budapest for the nightlife, for example.
Wtf are you talking about? Bands skipping Adelaide is almost the norm, not the exception. And always sell out? Bullshit. Acts don't come here because they rarely sell out.

Pretty much every gig I go to is packed, and I don't go the "big" gigs like U2 and Bon Jovi and those sort of things either that will always pack out.

There always seems to be plenty of gigs to go to as well. So many that having money to go to all the ones I'd want to simply isn't possible.

Maybe I'm just into different stuff to you though, I don't know.

Gee when was the last time you went out in Adelaide?! :confused:

About 1994 by the sounds of it. Surprised he's not talking up Time Warp at The Arkaba too :p

No idea why people are so desperate for nightlife on a Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday night anyway, but that's just me. There's stuff to do if you want to, but I don't see the point.
The famous cities smaller than Adelaide are generally so because of their history, rather than their amenities as cities. You don't go to Oslo, Kyoto or Budapest for the nightlife, for example.
Amsterdam? Stockholm? Reykjavik is known for it's nightlife and has a population of 120,000.

SA Adelaide crowned Australia's "Most Liveable City".

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