SA Adelaide crowned Australia's "Most Liveable City".

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I agree Adelaide and Canberra are liveable cities. clean, quiet, easy to get around, affordable but ****ing boring if your young and single compared with Melbourne and Sydney.

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You have BACCS.

Need I go on?

We've all got our sideshows. I believe you call yours the Richmond Tigers :cool:


I agree Adelaide and Canberra are liveable cities. clean, quiet, easy to get around, affordable but ****ing boring if your young and single compared with Melbourne and Sydney.

I never understand why people say this. Seriously, what are these mindblowingly amazing things going on all the time in Melbourne and Sydney that aren't happening/can't be done in Adelaide? If you give me something like "so many cafes and pubs down little alleyways", I'll yawn. We've got those here too.

We've got less population, and the city and suburbs are less "high rise" and "closed in", and more spread out and open. That's it.
Spent two months in Adelaide a couple of years ago and absolutely loved the place, It doesn't have the pretentiousness of Melbourne, Sydney or Perth. Easy to get around, great beach's, great pubs, nice people. it may not be as 'worldly' as some other cities but it struck me as a somehow more honest or 'ordinary' place, I am always happy to head over there for a visit.

One summer I left my backwoods domain and traveled to Adelaide. Although jobs were almost non-existent, I managed to find employment in a small soap factory, and lived it up on $4.00 a week salary. There were fringe benefits, however. I slept on a cot inside the factory, and doubled for a watchman. It was sure dark and still in that big old building, and every noise reminded me that it might be a burglar messing around and looking for some country boy steak. But nothing like that happened. I guess they figured there wasn't anything in that smelly place that they needed. There certainly wasn't any money.
He is of the ilk we require as fine men of melbourne.
(I googled "stylish man" and he was the least queer lookingresult if we are being totally honest haha)
Tom Brady is a ****ing soft **********.

/bitter Ravens fan

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Can be done easily, without any Puratap devices. Some areas have poorer tap water than others (tap water in the CBD is a little bitter tasting in my experience), but that's probably as much to do with old pipes/supply lines as it is to do with the actual water quality. I'm sure things are the same in other capital cities as well. The water is never going to be uniformly perfect tasting in every suburb.

Unless you live in Melbourne.
it's because of their sparking gold lumps of shit that float through their sewage system, you see.
Yes Damo, yes we have.

Yea. Right :rolleyes:

Still waiting for a proper answer from anyone to this question by the way:

I agree Adelaide and Canberra are liveable cities. clean, quiet, easy to get around, affordable but ****ing boring if your young and single compared with Melbourne and Sydney.

I never understand why people say this. Seriously, what are these mindblowingly amazing things going on all the time in Melbourne and Sydney that aren't happening/can't be done in Adelaide? If you give me something like "so many cafes and pubs down little alleyways", I'll yawn. We've got those here too.

We've got less population, and the city and suburbs are less "high rise" and "closed in", and more spread out and open. That's it.
In winter you freeze and it's nice and warm here.

In the summer while you melt we get a nice monsoonal breeze and plenty of rain and no bloody 40 degree heatwaves.

While you have shit tasting tap water that you try to defend we have crystal clear great tasting pure clean drinking water every day of the year.

We can water our garden any time we want.

The air is cleaner than you'll ever breathe in your life except for the times in the dry we get bushfires.

The roads aren't clogged and the people that built the city made the most awesome stormwater drainage so we don't get flooded.

The cost of living is a bit high here and we might get wiped out by a big cyclone one day but this is an awesome city to live.

Adelaide is a massive hole.
In winter you freeze and it's nice and warm here.

In the summer while you melt we get a nice monsoonal breeze and plenty of rain and no bloody 40 degree heatwaves.

While you have shit tasting tap water that you try to defend we have crystal clear great tasting pure clean drinking water every day of the year.

We can water our garden any time we want.

The air is cleaner than you'll ever breathe in your life except for the times in the dry we get bushfires.

The roads aren't clogged and the people that built the city made the most awesome stormwater drainage so we don't get flooded.

The cost of living is a bit high here and we might get wiped out by a big cyclone one day but this is an awesome city to live.

Adelaide is a massive hole.

Most of the positives you list apply to Adelaide?

Adelaide is a great place to live, not perfect, but it's great.

Melbourne & Sydney, I like both of them, but there are only pockets of them that I'd want to live in.

Let's be honest, most Australian Cities are pretty good, it's just a matter of whether you prefer somewhere like Sydney, or a bit quieter/smaller like Adelaide.

**** Hobart though.
Property Council survey + Adelaide top + Canberra second + Sydney bottom = massively disproportionate weighting given to housing affordability.


I haven't been to Adelaide since I was a young child so I can't give a personal opinion.

But I find it rather peculiar that so many of its residents describe it as "a good place to live, crap place to visit". Never experienced so many people from a single city backhandingly complimenting it.

And Adelaide folk (and anyone for that matter) who finds Melbourne "too crowded and busy" must ****ing hate the rest of the world.

SA Adelaide crowned Australia's "Most Liveable City".

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