Multiplat AFL 23: Launch Thread (Xbox release date TBC)

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  • The game is out for Steam and PlayStation. There have been issues with Xbox release and it is unclear when the game will be available.
  • Big Ant are aware that there are playability issues & bugs at present.
  • Content has been temporarily removed from the game to identify where the issues lie.
  • This content will be re-introduced via patches in the coming days.
  • Big Ant have released a summary of what is to be reintroduced, which can be seen below.

Issues & constructive criticism are best communicated to:

Michaels Twitch video with QA from Ross(BigAntStudios) from 31:40

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Looking better is an easy, and worthless metric.

Does it play better?

Evo 2 played significantly better than AFL Live, despite what some of the Big Ant fanboys on here liked to proclaim.

What I meant from looking better was gameplay not graphics. (although thats obvious)

And lol no, evo 2 was not better. They had 5 attempts at it too. Challenge, AFL, live 2, evo, evo 2. Not to mention WW had also many issues at launch. Particuarly with evo 2.

I apply the same rules for everyone. Unlike many here who are just mad at Ross.
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Oh, but it is. Another fun fact - AFL Live 2 sold the least copies of any AFL game in history including the NES version, making the EB Trade In record a more amazing stat.

So, least sold but most returned but the best AFL game ever. Obviously... it all adds up, my mistake, frenchfri12is on the money, how could everyone else be so wrong - guy's a GENIUS!

Don't worry, you might break both those records.

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Said it once and I’ll say it again, should’ve got it Mickey Mouse and released the week before the 24 season and called it AFL 24.

Just a rushed game, snatch and grab you’re money by big ant and it’s disappointing after there was so much promise, the only company with the AFL rights, first one back you’d think they’d get it right.

Seems like they have too many games on the go at once and not enough hands to oversee production? Not having stats at the breaks is one of the first things you’d add I can’t be the only one that thinks it’s laughable.

Hope it gets rectified with a large patch but seems that the issues I’ve seen run deeper then that so time will tell, happily be proven wrong

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just finished my stream and thanks to anyone that joined was hella good but 3 hours of gameplay some of my thoughts, sorry if there not in order just ratteling off as they come

- Overall the core gameplay is good there are just alot of bugs and things broken

-graphics are amazing and it runs the smoothest any AFL game has ever run

- needs that day 1 patch it feels like an unfinished release atm, a few of us were joking it honestly seems like they uploaded the wrong build

- kicking feels amazing, spoiling feels amazing,

- Handballing is completely broken, tackling feels broken aswell, everything is marked unless im spoiling

- set shots are way to easy, but also are abit inconsistent, trying to snap the ball from open play is non existent,

-honestly animations were really nice aswell.

- i love the UI its easily the best UI ive seen in any afl game heck i even prefer it to Fifas UI.

- all the coaches are completely wrong and bug out to become goal umpires,

-doesnt feel like preferred foot is a thing they just kick 50m with any foot easily

- i hope those stats pages are updated, and are proper full time stats and not just games you have played but continuous stats, also desperately need quarter time stat pages

there is probs much more but its 7am im tired as hell and have a crappy centrelink appointment in a few hours so rip

overall i think its a good base hopefully patches help it

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just finished my stream and thanks to anyone that joined was hella good but 3 hours of gameplay some of my thoughts, sorry if there not in order just ratteling off as they come

- Overall the core gameplay is good there are just alot of bugs and things broken

-graphics are amazing and it runs the smoothest any AFL game has ever run

- needs that day 1 patch it feels like an unfinished release atm, a few of us were joking it honestly seems like they uploaded the wrong build

- kicking feels amazing, spoiling feels amazing,

- Handballing is completely broken, tackling feels broken aswell, everything is marked unless im spoiling

- set shots are way to easy, but also are abit inconsistent, trying to snap the ball from open play is non existent,

-honestly animations were really nice aswell.

- i love the UI its easily the best UI ive seen in any afl game heck i even prefer it to Fifas UI.

- all the coaches are completely wrong and bug out to become goal umpires,

-doesnt feel like preferred foot is a thing they just kick 50m with any foot easily

- i hope those stats pages are updated, and are proper full time stats and not just games you have played but continuous stats, also desperately need quarter time stat pages

there is probs much more but its 7am im tired as hell and have a crappy centrelink appointment in a few hours so rip

overall i think its a good base hopefully patches help it
It is very broken, needs to be patched asap.
AFL, Cricket, Rugby and Tennis all apparently being released this year. I mean kudos to Big Ant for trying to work on 4 games all at once, but with how unfinished this is it makes you wonder if they are doing to much all at once

Even huge dev teams don't have their fingers in that many pies... it's clearly quantity over quality.
Sounds like the quality control boys and girls at Microsoft need a raise, not derision.

I do salute the unpaid beta testers on PlayStation and Steam here though. Poor bastards.

iTs NoT tHe FiNaL bUiLd EvErYtHiNg WiLl MaGiCaLlY rEsOlVe ItSeLf DeSpItE aLl ThE eViDeNcE tO tHe CoNtRaRy

No wonder there were no play sessions.
Bigant if this so called game changing day 1 patch doesnt fix half of the problems like no stats, easy ai on the hardest difficulty, bugs and crashes then this is more laughable of a launch then evo 2.
Ross you were giving the new league developer crap for not releasing games quick enough but maybe they're trying to release the best possible game.

Guess we'll find out today folks 🤪

Looks like we are getting two patches early on ps4, adding up to 21gigabyte. Id hope one of these is for gameplay, and the other is for pro team. The only thing that can save this game is a good pro team, and fixed movement, bugs aren’t that much of a hassle early, unless they completely ruin the game
Pretty funny that every gaming company is guilty of hiding their broken product and releasing it broken
When people hopped on here and questioned it big ant replied with smart ass tone replies and people sucked up to them
And now we’re here and it’s broken as * and not releasing on a major console

Where's that post where someone asked if some feature was in the game and BigAntStudios replied telling them they should get their mommy to tuck them in?
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