Multiplat AFL 23 - PS/Steam Releasing May 4, Xbox TBC

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  • PlayStation (Physical): Thursday 4 May
  • PlayStation (Digital): 8:01am AEST Thursday 4 May
  • Steam: Currently 8:01am AEST Thursday 4 May, may be moved to 12:01am AEST
  • Xbox (Digital or Physical): TO BE CONFIRMED, unlikely to be 4 May

Those that pre-ordered PS versions will be able to play on Thursday, disks will have already been mailed by retailers, they will also be available in-store.

Steam will also be available Thursday.

Stating the obvious, we are still having issues with XBox.

Seriously, anyone that looks hard knows there’s issues - why do you think there are so many exclusives for a particular platform that are not marked as exclusive, but are only on that platform.

If I took that road, life would have been a lot easier.

Xbox digital and retail will release at the same time - that is not a decision we get to make.

It applies now and I will no doubt pay a price.

Re: commentary team
Hamish is still there, Daisy didn't make it into the final version of the game.

We added Gary and increased the workload of Harf.

Re: game availability/release dates
I can never give 100% guarantee about anything in the future, but as it stands today, the statement I am prepared to make it that all stock that is at retailers on 4 May will be available for sale.

As to the amount that will be there for sale, and whether it is enough, that is a question I cannot answer.

It will be made digitally available on the various platform holder electronic stores.

Clarifying, the game will not release prior to 4 May 2023.

I am vague as there is one platform that has had sufficient stock at retailers and the other has not, and I cannot name them (contractual reasons).

The game will not be further delayed because of the numbers of units in stock.

Re: Steam listing
I've already put in a request for the screenshots to be replaced with current ones, they'll probably only be there for a day.

As much as the feedback has generally been positive, these are old, meant to be placeholder only and were not meant to go live.

Re: playing lists
All playing lists are accurate for the 2023 season.

Re: content creator footage
This is all prior to day one patch (as some have noted updates like numbers etc are apparent)

Re: Career mode
A head's up on Career mode.

At the AFL 23 Launch night I mentioned the non-team based Individual Career Mode in an interview with Dean (Twistie3). As alluded to at that same event, we were working with the AFL and AFLPA to include as many past legends in the game as possible.

The great news is that we have received approval for far more AFL legends than were previously envisaged, but this has meant that we had to make the tough decision to divert resources away from the Individual Career mode development. The individual Career Mode function will not make it into AFL 23, Career Mode will be entirely team based. I expect this mode to be include in future iterations of the game.

Re: microtransactions
You do not have to make purchases, things can be earned.

Re: general development
So fundamentally flawed, in so many ways, it’s bananas.

We are doing AFL as it’s a passion project, without us doing it there would not be one being made.

So much more upside with making games that are played internationally, let alone one that will not even be played in every state in this country.
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Good luck to the parents with kids who have an Xbox and trying to explain to them why some of their friends have it and they don’t.

Spectacular fail for the AFL brand that is inclusive for everyone.
Your takes on this have been as absurd as anything I've seen on this thread and that's saying something.

Christ almighty, mate. Xbox players have to wait a few more weeks, them's the breaks. Get the hell over it - they won't delay it for every platform out of fairness like you want them to and kids will just have to deal with it.
I'm in the lucky position to own all the systems so if i really wanted to i could just get the game elsewhere but Xbox is my prefered console so it is disappointing.

The brightside is if i do decide to just wait there should be a few patches to clean up any launch issues ready to go when the time does come.

Considering its a supply issue meaning responsibility does fall on Xbox and to a lesser extent Nacon (not Big Ant) iam surprised a compromise for a digital launch couldnt be found where Xbox or Nacon cover any retailer fines.

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Your takes on this have been as absurd as anything I've seen on this thread and that's saying something.

Christ almighty, mate. Xbox players have to wait a few more weeks, them's the breaks. Get the hell over it - they won't delay it for every platform out of fairness like you want them to and kids will just have to deal with it.
Like a broken record all afternoon! One of the better tantrums.
This is just speculation and we don't actually know anything right now.

Would be nice to know the reason to why the Xbox discs aren't here, instead of just being told that they're not. Was the reason for the 2nd Xbox delay a seperate incident than the first one? Or is it the same initial issue but prolonged?

We've been told the discs aren't here, but no reason why.
We don't know a lot of things and most these things we don't have a why either

Games were going to release at the same time for fairness and equality - Not happening
We were getting player career - Not happening
Play sessions and promotion - Hardly happen
Midday today we were getting the game on Thursday - Not happening
Playable VFL/SANFL/WAFL - No idea despite being asked for the last week
Pro Team at launch - No idea

Like information is actually important for people trying to buy the game
Good luck to the parents with kids who have an Xbox and trying to explain to them why some of their friends have it and they don’t.

Spectacular fail for the AFL brand that is inclusive for everyone.
Introduce your kids to the real world for me. They gotta learn one day
We don't know a lot of things and most these things we don't have a why either

Games were going to release at the same time for fairness and equality - Not happening
We were getting player career - Not happening
Play sessions and promotion - Hardly happen
Midday today we were getting the game on Thursday - Not happening
Playable VFL/SANFL/WAFL - No idea despite being asked for the last week
Pro Team at launch - No idea

Like information is actually important for people trying to buy the game
Main points for me is:
Fairness amd equity was their first reason of their first delay so it doesnt make any sense to have xbox delayed.
Ross himself saying no more delays.
Bigant not taking any accountability for their actions.
2 days before release telling the xbots (yes im one)

Im sure microsoft are d.... to deal with but big ant could've went about it better
Main points for me is:
Fairness amd equity was their first reason of their first delay so it doesnt make any sense to have xbox delayed.
Ross himself saying no more delays.
Bigant not taking any accountability for their actions.
2 days before release telling the xbots (yes im one)

Im sure microsoft are d.... to deal with but big ant could've went about it better
So basically we accept that things happen. It’s not ideal, it’s beyond BA control etc.
But transparency and being upfront about it would have helped the situation sit better?
Like a broken record all afternoon! One of the better tantrums.
No tantrum from me mate , I’m just bored sitting at the hotel waiting for a flight tomorrow. Regardless of release or not unless Fiji has an EB games I wouldn’t be able to play the game for a few weeks anyway so personally in terms of playing it this delay means **** all to me.

I’m just merely commentating on all the aspects that have been completely ballsed up all along, I’ve openly said I really enjoy their cricket games so it’s not bashing BA.

People can’t even have a conversation about modes they want to try on the game or even any of the creations tools etc because no one knows sweet FA about the details of what’s in this game.

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I must be missing something here, so you’re telling me after the last delay with the potential for another one to Xbox, big ant could not have submitted a request to have the “agreement” changed to have it available digitally just in the instance that the hard copies don’t make it in time.

Or did they literally just accept the last delay and not have a plan b?

Not only have lost numerous pre orders but I dare say numerous copies sold through this saga. Over half the season will be done by the time the game will come out

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So basically we accept that things happen. It’s not ideal, it’s beyond BA control etc.
But transparency and being upfront about it would have helped the situation sit better?
If they went about it better then that would've helped.
Either way its a massive lesson to learn for the future and they probably won't go psychical only digital for xbox for now on
The good news is that luckily pc and ps still get to experience it and its probably around 75% of the player base
Big Ant is a joke. If the AFL did its due diligence they wouldn't gift licenses to these studios.

This is nothing to do with the physical disc and everything to do with the game not being up to Xbox standards from a consumer perspective (ie. updates, connectivity, etc etc). This always happens on Xbox for Big Ant games. They're not being honest and rather than announce the news themselves they filted it through to gaming blogs and youtubers. Meanwhile their CEO is posting daily updates from India and the BA Twitter account is MIA.

I can't fathom how the AFL is happy with this. ******* amateur hour.
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