AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part 11 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

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are tackles and bumps fairly similar everytime? or can you lay heavier tackles and heavy bumps?
There definitely felt like times where a tackle was heavier than another. I wasn't really good at the bumping so maybe someone else would be better off taking this one (I don't remember getting a bump tbh:eek:). But I had a few strong tackles running full boar into a player and you really get that whole momentum look of the player getting his guts ripped up by the tackle.
Hey guys were you able to get a tv view like in Fifa???

Also (probably didn't attempt this but) were you able to sort of chip the ball around without losing possession? I know in previous games that was nigh impossible.

Thanks for all the insight btw, great work :thumbsu:
There were some moments where a couple of the guys played keepings off for ever so short moments. Definitely think with a bit more time and skill on the controls you'd be able to play keepings off.

The default view that we played with was surprisingly good, as LU said it covers the ground quite substantially. For those thinking the further up the ground passes will be really hard to spot, you'll be surprised at what this view covers. It's similar to FIFA's default camera, only probably a bit more pulled out (maybe 10-20 metres more view).
sounds awesome guys.

was it simillar to RLL in its depth of involvement, and does it have a 'matrix effect' for any kicking?
No matrix stuff.
to the guys who were able to play the game were there anything about the game that you thought were dissappointed in? or stuff that you think should slightly be adjusted?
I think, from my point of view it's all about what can be added to the game now. Not necessarily what is there to be adjusted a whole lot or taken out. If I had to choose one thing I'd probably like the set shot goal kicking to maybe have a little more variety to it, just to make it that bit harder (but fwiw most of the matches we played had very little wind, so I'm sure that plays into it a lot more when it gets going).
so apart from the actual games (gameplay), what did you make of the rest of it? Eg. Load times, music, menu access, number of options...
The menus were very slick. Easy to navigate and find what you want. There was a level of depth to the menus though that felt very FIFA-ish in that if you want to just jump into a game without caring about anything else you could, but if you want to delve a little deeper you could also get that extra depth.

Music can't be revealed unfortunately.
Hi guys..

Is there different jumpers that you can select before a game such as home, clash, nab cup, training jumpers etc?

Question for HBK, did you play as Richmond:thumbsu:? How do the Richmond players look in particular JR8?
We got to see Richmond in action (I made sure to push for it in the first match;)), was mainly while we were getting everything explained. JR8 was definitely recognisable....too bad his skills were off massively, although he dominated much of the game, he kicked about 3 or 4 behinds from as many shots.:eek:

All jumpers were in as far as I could see, although I don't think the training one (the red and grey one I assume you mean?) was. We have a heritage one too, was one that Ross had up in his avatar a few days ago (it's the Melbourne like jumper with a line down the middle, that stuff in yellow obviously)
Q's for HBK and Lance,

Did you get to play on all 3 platforms while there (XBOX vs PS3 vs PC)?

I would like to know if any of you hadn't ever used the controllers before and tested out the 'intuitive' gameplay and if you had before, did you get to experiment with all the buttons and functions during gameplay.

By what Ross has said before it does sound like you could invite mates around who know and love AFL, give them a controller for the first time and still have a competetive game. Would love to know all your thoughts picking the controllers up for the first time. :)

We only played on PS3, however I am pretty sure the intuitive nature of the controls would also translate on X Box, as the keys would be just the same.

I think you could certainly invite some gamer savvy AFL loving mates around and have a reasonably competitive hit out, but with the depth of the game play I think if you knew how to really play you'd spend some time smashing n00bs, which is how it should be!
Without giving anything away that you can not, Is there much variety in terms of customisation of teams, as in lots to choose from regarding logos, colours, style of play etc

A question I did have for Ross was, With a created team, are we able to say for example make 30 of our own players and create our own side, and still use them in a season mode, or does the list have to be full before a side can be completed and you can use them in a season mode

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Q's for HBK and Lance,

I would like to know if any of you hadn't ever used the controllers before and tested out the 'intuitive' gameplay and if you had before, did you get to experiment with all the buttons and functions during gameplay.

By what Ross has said before it does sound like you could invite mates around who know and love AFL, give them a controller for the first time and still have a competetive game. Would love to know all your thoughts picking the controllers up for the first time. :)
Definitely used to the PS3 controller plenty before and even for games with similar control layouts such as FIFA. It was easy enough to pick up and play straight away...dominate however is a different story. There's a lot of depth to the controls, there's a lot of comparison to be had with FIFA with the modifiers and little touches that they have in there. And again the ruck dual is infinitely improved over any AFL game before.

It's got that pick up and play feel, but you just know there's also tons of depth to mastering the controls and becoming the master of your domain.

It's definitely one of those games to play with a bunch of mates. We had a ton of fun stuffing around just learning what is what and finding out what is what by making numerous mistakes as well.:p I don't think we were really even caring about the score all that much since we were just having fun with what we were playing.

The best thing about the whole 'get the mates together' thing too is that you can have 4 (on 360) or 7 (on PS3) people on the one console and go online for some even more competitive gameplay.
two questions for lance. Did you take any screamers/speckies and how hard were they to do? And Did you dribble the ball along the ground at all whilst kicking at goal and was this difficult if you did so?

No didn't take any speccies, thats where skill level comes in :eek:

However I definitely did kick off the ground, and to do it at goal is quite easy to do, but still needs to be thought through and acted on decisively if that makes sense
hey hbk saw that u went richmond good thinking tiger. how did benny nason look in his dreadlocks? and if you can answer how did you setup ur backline?

I think everyone who doesn't follow Richmond exclaimed what everyone exclaims whenever they see him live - to which everyone agreed - "yeah looks exactly like him" :)
two questions for lance. Did you take any screamers/speckies and how hard were they to do?
One thing I hope I can say about speccy's since I think a lot do wonder how easy it will be. There is no 'speccy' button, it's more about timing, position and how you're running into the mark.:thumbsu::thumbsu:
hey hbk saw that u went richmond good thinking tiger. how did benny nason look in his dreadlocks? and if you can answer how did you setup ur backline?
^Ross answered.:p

Again on the backline thing we didn't really going around modifying much, so it was all the default stuff.
No didn't take any speccies, thats where skill level comes in :eek:

However I definitely did kick off the ground, and to do it at goal is quite easy to do, but still needs to be thought through and acted on decisively if that makes sense

oh, just thought of another Q. were there any celebrations after a goal, and how did they work, if so?
Sorry if this has been asked and answered previously, but Ross can the lads reveal what's involved with regards to the controls when lining up to take a set shot? :thumbsu:

Is it the same as FIFA, where the longer you hold down the shoot button the more it powers up? Or is it all done via joystick, or a combo of both? Also, does the camera view change to behind the player, or does it remain a side birdseye view from a distance as per AFL 99?

Cheers for any info, but understand fully if they aren't allowed to reveal any info in regards to this. :)
Sorry if this has been asked and answered previously, but Ross can the lads reveal what's involved with regards to the controls when lining up to take a set shot? :thumbsu:

Is it the same as FIFA, where the longer you hold down the shoot button the more it powers up? Or is it all done via joystick, or a combo of both? Also, does the camera view change to behind the player, or does it remain a side birdseye view from a distance as per AFL 99?

Cheers for any info, but understand fully if they aren't allowed to reveal any info in regards to this. :)

I would like there to remain some mystery, however I can say that you have the option to change the camera to a FIFA free kick style if you are within range for a set shot (mark/free kick).

As with the rest of the game, meters are minimal and do not play a big part.

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Was it a decent, enthusiastic punch, or was it like the old AFL games and like he about to fall asleep?
Was it a decent, enthusiastic punch, or was it like the old AFL games and like he about to fall asleep?
They look realistic to what you'd expect in an actual AFL match (no shimmy!:p at least I don't think...!).

Same goes for the 'defenders' on those goals kicked against them...
hey ross any chance that you have made a custom player of yourself? could we get a look at that if its possible? thanks

No... but there are plenty of artists at Big Ant over the years who have done terrible things to my likeness and I don't want to give them any ideas! (Shhh!)

I think the player creator "Footy Factory" is good enough to model yourself in if you want to, then up your attributes and you can be captain :)
No... but there are plenty of artists at Big Ant over the years who have done terrible things to my likeness and I don't want to give them any ideas! (Shhh!)

I think the player creator "Footy Factory" is good enough to model yourself in if you want to, then up your attributes and you can be captain :)

Would like to thank Ross for allowing the BigFooty guys to visit. Hopefully all this positive feedback will result in larger sales for your game. :thumbsu:

No worries, really glad the guys enjoyed it. Sometimes you get too close to things and I had spent the morning being hyper-critical about things we could do better in the next release, so it was good to finish the day on a very positive note.
No... but there are plenty of artists at Big Ant over the years who have done terrible things to my likeness and I don't want to give them any ideas! (Shhh!)

I think the player creator "Footy Factory" is good enough to model yourself in if you want to, then up your attributes and you can be captain :)
Definitely felt the calls of "FIFA" and "Tiger Woods" like were worthy after seeing it in action.

"Give him a Fev chin"...DONE!:D
No... but there are plenty of artists at Big Ant over the years who have done terrible things to my likeness and I don't want to give them any ideas! (Shhh!)

I think the player creator "Footy Factory" is good enough to model yourself in if you want to, then up your attributes and you can be captain :)

I love you guys :heart:
Man i can just see myself swooping on the ball with Black along half forward, drilling it to Brown on the lead - the crowd roaring - the commentators getting excited - everything working as it would in real life.

i need to change my pants :p
No... but there are plenty of artists at Big Ant over the years who have done terrible things to my likeness and I don't want to give them any ideas! (Shhh!)

I think the player creator "Footy Factory" is good enough to model yourself in if you want to, then up your attributes and you can be captain :)

thats the plan mate aswell as trying to model a richo man likeness:D which brings me to a question was the great richo man ever modelled for the game? shattered he had to pull the hammy...i mean pin on the game it could have been a collectors :D
Man i can just see myself swooping on the ball with Black along half forward, drilling it to Brown on the lead - the crowd roaring - the commentators getting excited - everything working as it would in real life.

i need to change my pants :p

I am so going to do that but knowing my luck I would miss.

I remember in one of the games 05 I believe, I was losing by 4 points (shame I know) and Lynch caught it probably 15m out and there was 30 seconds or so left, I handballed it to Brown who ran in and missed to kick it out on the full.vI was sacked the next day. ;)
I am so going to do that but knowing my luck I would miss.

I remember in one of the games 05 I believe, I was losing by 4 points (shame I know) and Lynch caught it probably 15m out and there was 30 seconds or so left, I handballed it to Brown who ran in and missed to kick it out on the full.vI was sacked the next day. ;)

You could get sacked? ...
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