Mega Thread AFL to investigate Essendon for controversial fitness program - PART3

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Don't bring reason, common sense and a voice of calm to this thread when we have innuendo, hearsay painted as fact and rampant sensationalist comments to play with!
You're right.
What the hell was I thinking,BF is the moral compass in which we all should aspire to.
ah, I am starting to feel better about this as more information comes to light. Like I said from the start: Essendon will be the first club cleared. Then the wait is on for other clubs.
Poor old Doc Reid is the bloke i feel sorry for.

He must be hurting that the quickfix bovver boy brigade at Essendon unleashed Dr Dank on his boys.

Can any Bomber fans here confirm that he was the 1st to stand up to Dr Lechter, oops, Dr Dank?

Good on him if so.

For a start Dank is no Dr of any kind.
He has a Masters Degree (not sure what in, presumably Exercise Science) from UNSW.

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Sorry, but you cannot state that as a fact. The fact that taking GHRP-6 most likely causes the soft tissue injury in the first place, the muscle mass continues to strain the injured area. The muscle doesn't fall off allowing the body a normal recovery, that mass is still there so the soft tissue injury has a very hard time to recover in the first place.

You're right I can't state it as fact, because the scientific community is still not sure of the exact clinical effects of it, yet you seem so positive that it was the cause of all our soft tissue injuries? Huh, would you mind contacting some scientific journals because I'm sure they'd love to hear your input. Growth releasing factors are known, however, to rejuvenate and strengthen joints, connective tissue and bone i.e. AID RECOVERY
I can't believe how stupid the Essendon fans are in this thread, why are you even on here? Nothing you can say, do or post will make one iota of difference to the investigations that have taken place and the ones that will take place. This is an Internet forum, you will not change the course of these investigations, your desperate pleas and rebuttals mean nothing to those people who think or want Essendon to be guilty, all you are doing is feeding them and getting yourselves all wound up. Just turn off your computer, get some sleep and learn some patience. All will be revealed, be it good or bad in the not too distant future. And guess what, the sun will still get up the very next day, regardless of whether the football club you follow is innocent or guilty. Get some perspective and try a new hobby, you may need it and even enjoy it. At the end of the day football is just a game. That may seem harsh but I've seen my football club disappear and the world didn't end. In fact the new club I supported won 3 premierships in a row. The same thing probably won't happen for you and your supporters but if you open your eyes and mind there are endless opportunities and possibilities, however if you keep whinging and whining on this thread and the many others you are no doubt posting on then you will most likely miss those opportunities. Your passion for your club is admirable but you are fighting a losing battle on here, you are desperate for the final say but the fact is that still won't change a thing. Be grateful that you aren't under investigation by anyone, only a club you support is. You are not a failure just because the club you support has stuffed up, don't let rival supporters get under your skin, just ignore them, their taunts will only get to you if you let them. Go and do something that makes you truly happy, enjoy life and don't waste tomorrow.
I can't believe how stupid the Essendon fans are in this thread, why are you even on here? Nothing you can say, do or post will make one iota of difference to the investigations that have taken place and the ones that will take place. This is an Internet forum, you will not change the course of these investigations, your desperate pleas and rebuttals mean nothing to those people who think or want Essendon to be guilty, all you are doing is feeding them and getting yourselves all wound up. Just turn off your computer, get some sleep and learn some patience. All will be revealed, be it good or bad in the not too distant future. And guess what, the sun will still get up the very next day, regardless of whether the football club you follow is innocent or guilty. Get some perspective and try a new hobby, you may need it and even enjoy it. At the end of the day football is just a game. That may seem harsh but I've seen my football club disappear and the world didn't end. In fact the new club I supported won 3 premierships in a row. The same thing probably won't happen for you and your supporters but if you open your eyes and mind there are endless opportunities and possibilities, however if you keep whinging and whining on this thread and the many others you are no doubt posting on then you will most likely miss those opportunities. Your passion for your club is admirable but you are fighting a losing battle on here, you are desperate for the final say but the fact is that still won't change a thing. Be grateful that you aren't under investigation by anyone, only a club you support is. You are not a failure just because the club you support has stuffed up, don't let rival supporters get under your skin, just ignore them, their taunts will only get to you if you let them. Go and do something that makes you truly happy, enjoy life and don't waste tomorrow.
Somebody mad
Taking a tablet is vastly different to getting an injection. There is no arguing with that its fact.

I couldn't care less about any footy players claims.

Of course it is vastly different, Vitamin C injections are normally given when there is a severe deficiency, do you really think it's plausible he was on the brink of scurvy? Along with the rest of the team? A team of professional athletes?

LOL what planet are you on?

His Vitamin C levels would've been fine had he just taken tablets.
Man the Red and Black glasses have come on pretty hard here.

Next thing you know they'll be defending Dank, and saying he has been misrepresented.

The following seems to be extremely plausible:

Dank is involved in peptide smuggling and distribution in the guise of anti-ageing clinics.

Essendon players attended said clinics and received injections in their stomachs.

According to McVeigh they were told these were "Vitamin B and C" injections

Dank in fact injected the players with peptide with the intention to increase muscle growth to fulfill his role at Essendon, as a "sports scientist".

Their could be some conjecture as to whether the injections were peptide but a)the Vitamin B/C explanation is nonsensical b) Dank is accused of being an active participant in peptide smuggling rings c) the ACC report makes specific mention of anti-ageing clinics as sites of injections d) There were no supervising medical staff. All point to the use of steroids.

The big questions that remain:

Did the admin/coaches know?

Did the players?

How long/How much?
You seem pretty stupid. Not just your grammar, but the fact that you contradicted yourself within the space of two sentences (see red and pink)
Of course it is vastly different, Vitamin C injections are normally given when there is a severe deficiency, do you really think it's plausible he was on the brink of scurvy? Along with the rest of the team? A team of professional athletes?

LOL what planet are you on?

His Vitamin C levels would've been fine had he just taken tablets.

What planet are you on? You are taking a simple point and unnecessarily blowing it up.

Forgot Mcveigh. All I was trying to say is the dude I quoted obviously doesn't have a good understanding of how the body works if he thinks you can substitute and injection with a tablet. That's all I'm saying.

Calm down and read SLOWER.
You're right I can't state it as fact, because the scientific community is still not sure of the exact clinical effects of it, yet you seem so positive that it was the cause of all our soft tissue injuries? Huh, would you mind contacting some scientific journals because I'm sure they'd love to hear your input. Growth releasing factors are known, however, to rejuvenate and strengthen joints, connective tissue and bone i.e. AID RECOVERY

How else would you explain your clubs astonishingly abnormal soft tissue injury rate last year?

IF Zaharakis had taken GHRP-6 to bulk up, it was most likely the cause of his soft tissue injury. He could've taken this substance to aid his recovery. I like how you avoid the facts that Goodes is a completely different person to Zaharakis and so their recovery rates are different. There's no telling how long David would've been out if he hadn't taken anything.

Then again there's also the chance that he could've been one of the clean players.
I kind of feel the opposite - Lance has been fine - but a lot of guys are confusing speculation with accusation & attacking what seem to me to be perfectly legitimate questions.

I suppose when you feel your club is under seige you come out swinging

We all do it - I support buddy unconditionally regardless of the ongoing rumors and innuendo because to date there is not a skerrick of proof but should the worst occur then I will be the first to acknowledge I was wrong BUT there will be others justifying it - it's the way it is

TerryWallet - I don't think lance has ever denied there may be a problem he is just sorting the wheat from the chaff so its not exactly a bunker mentality. I do agree though that I struggle to understand why some respond to obvious trolls - although I've been guilty of it myself and sometimes I admit it depends who the poster is

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What planet are you on? You are taking a simple point and unnecessarily blowing it up.

Forgot Mcveigh. All I was trying to say is the dude I quoted obviously doesn't have a good understanding of how the body works if he thinks you can substitute and injection with a tablet. That's all I'm saying.

Calm down and read SLOWER.

The "dude" you quoted was me. LOL.

And if McVeigh's Vitamin C levels were extremely low, then yes you obviously cannot subtitute an injection with a tablet. BUT as an AFL footballer, there is no chance in hell of that being possible. That's why the tablets would've sufficed. He needed a bit of a boost, not a strong dosage of Vitamin C.
I hope you're right, but I can't agree with your conclusion. If the individuals mentioned in the article refer to your sports scientist and high performance manager, that still fits the paragraph pertaining to systematic doping on page 17.

You seem pretty stupid. Not just your grammar, but the fact that you contradicted yourself within the space of two sentences (see red and pink)

Note how one section comes under the headline:

The following seems extremely plausible and the next section addressed why I had reached that conclusion.

But hey you just desperately want to believe that your club isn't in the shit and will randomly attack anything remotely negative despite me taking great care not to implicate anyone but Dank.
How else would you explain your clubs astonishingly abnormal soft tissue injury rate last year?

IF Zaharakis had taken GHRP-6 to bulk up, it was most likely the cause of his soft tissue injury. He could've taken this substance to aid his recovery. I like how you avoid the facts that Goodes is a completely different person to Zaharakis and so their recovery rates are different. There's no telling how long David would've been out if he hadn't taken anything.

Then again there's also the chance that he could've been one of the clean players.

I didn't ignore it? From my post on the previous page: "there is absolutely no way that he would have a longer recovery period than someone that wasn't regardless of their prior medical history". Perhaps I didn't word that as eloquently as I thought I did so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. What I meant to say is that there is no possible chance that Zaha would have a longer recovery period while he was on illegal peptides than someone (i.e. Goodes) who wasn't, genetic differences and all.
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