I'm not going to go through and list the entire draft order and what I think each pick should be worth.Confusing?
I’ve asked you repeatedly where you draw the line at premium mark up on picks? At what draft pick does it stop?
How does it expressly stop teams from still using multiple later picks or are teams still just using more later picks? Since there’s no rule change saying they cannot.
If early picks are now worth a heap more points, doesn’t that just mean early draft picks are now worth more points in trades as well?
So a team can still trade that worth a *load first out for multiple later picks to match?
If a team trades out a first rounder for more points they trade out a pick worth 1700 points and look for 1900 points in return.
If you’ve decided to raise that pick value to 2700 points , that’s the value in picks a team will look to in return yeah?
If you drive up early points values, their trade value will surely follow.
Your “solution” requires making a lot of arbitrary decisions regarding values, making an arbitrary cut off, and hoping that then solves the problem.
Opposed to my suggestion you baulked at, simply ruling that only picks in the round and following round can be used to match bids.
Which absolutely and categorically ends the ability to stockpile and pay for prospects with bundles of late picks.
There’s no fuss no muss.
I am saying pick 3 should not be worth three selections in the 30s. They need to increase the value of those higher picks so teams can't stockpile a handful of junk picks and match bids for top 10 selections.
If you don't understand that, I can't help you.