All pedophiles should be executed.

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As much as we don't like to admit it, Pedos are people too. Unfortuantly for them something has gone severly wrong in their childhood and permanently altered their sexual orientation. I don't see it as curable anymore than I could be 'cured' of being attracted to women.

I knew it wouldn't be long untill someone stood up for these beasts. Something going wrong in their childhood does not permit their actions. You have to be careful there as pedos could use this kind of excuse in court (well they already do).

I really don't know how to deal with it. I would probably make certain forms of child 'pornography' legal, so pedos can still have sexual release, but have severe penalties if they are found guilty of raping a child... such as castration/life in prison.

WHAT?? :confused:

Please explain this.

But that begs the question should all rape cases involve something like castration as punishment? The answer is probably not, it is barbaric.

Not nearly as barbaric as what they do to their victims. Surely these people lose rights to be treated as humans when they commit acts like these.
Didn't help him though.

I'd like to think Australians are a bit smarter than to copy stupid legislation such as that.

there are a few cases that made the news where folks on death row have had their death sentences mitigated to life by the governor after DNA evidence exhonerated them or subsequent evidence has exhonerated them, but because of quirks in the state laws they are still incarcerated.

I did read one case where the man had his death sentence revoked to life after the real murderer was caught and prosecuted and found guilty, so they have two men in gaol for doing a single murder, the first man has been proven innocent but can't be released due to some stupid state law.

For all its faults Aus >>> America on this issue, although we still have our faults.

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It did, he's out.

Take a look near the top of the page you put in the link.

Mate, he served two years in a US jail (not pleasant by all reports especially for younf offenders) and has had any potential of a football career taken away from him.

He wasn't on an overseas holiday.
Mate, he served two years in a US jail (not pleasant by all reports especially for younf offenders) and has had any potential of a football career taken away from him.

He wasn't on an overseas holiday.

They changed the law that put him there

What more can they do than what they have already done.

Fixed it.
So should an 18 y.o who photographs his 17 y.o girlfriends's boobies be executed? Or an 18 y.o who has sex with a 15 y.o be executed? Because according to the ;law they are also paedophiles...
firstly, I'm absolutely against the death penalty for anything.

However, I believe peodophiles (that is, anyone who sexually offends against pre-pubescent children) are scum, and need to be penalised very heavily.

There is one point I'd make though, that hasn't been raised in this thread, and it's a taboo subject that makes it very hard to strike a dischordant note, but here we go...

What about the sexualisation of children by society? What about so called corporate pr0n? What about 13-14 year old models striking sexually provocative poses in the name of fashion and brand-promotion? What about the emerging trend of brazilians for 12-13 year olds? What about selected brands that sell virtual lingerie for children? Bra's for 8 year olds?

I am not for one moment implying that peodophiles are not responsible for their own actions, and anyone who offends, particularly with pre-pubescent children (as the true meaning of the word peodophilia refers to - there is a different official word for those that are attracted to pubescent teens, but it escapes me at the moment) are scum who really do deserve pretty much anything they get.

But to examine the issue without context, to classify it as so taboo that it can't even be discussed rationally, seems to me a bit odd.

My take on this is that peodiphilia is the last great taboo, and for a very good reason. Yet in so so so many ways society sexualise young children.

What is going on? How does this affect the debate, particularly as it relates to offenders?

I'm not talking about people who actually abuse children. ____ them, they are _____ who deserve everything short of execution; but how does the sexualisation of children affect people in society? Apparently there is the very real phenomenon of people who offend by merely viewing child pr0n as being very confused and ashamed by their actions.

For me, it's pretty simple. By consuming it you are contributing to the problem.

But there's an undoubted hypocrisy between the way society, and particularly the corporate world, sexualise children; and the naturally abhorrent response, and accompanying harsh penalties.

It's quite disturbing really. Children deserve to be children, not frigging sex objects.
you seen the Texan law of parties act at work? Kenneth Foster should be warning to anyone that thinks we should follow the US way of doing things.

"dan warna" posted in the other thread a story that we should note can be the detriment when your laws are too loose

Defence barrister Paul Smith said his client, who was supported in court by the girl's mother, had had a problem with alcohol during the time of the attacks on the teen.

Despite a victim impact statement tendered to the court showing the girl, now 18, had suffered "significantly", Judge Nick Samios agreed to wholly suspend the man's five-year jail term on account of his early guilty plea and more than 2½ years he had already spent in custody on remand.

Mr Smith told the court his client did not intend to return home to his family and would instead move to the country to seek work as a truck driver.

As a truck driver in the country he will get plenty of opportunities to do this

TONY JONES: Now to our story of the outback trade between young Indigenous girls and truck drivers offering money and drugs for sex in dimly lit truck stops.

Our reporter John Stewart began his investigation by speaking to Aboriginal elders in Boggabilla and Moree.

It was the elders who convinced the young women to speak to Lateline. They are desperate to stop the trade which some say has drawn in girls as young as eight years old.

Here's John Stewart's exclusive report.

Talk about the Australian legal system being in good shape.
As much as we don't like to admit it, Pedos are people too. Unfortuantly for them something has gone severly wrong in their childhood and permanently altered their sexual orientation. I don't see it as curable anymore than I could be 'cured' of being attracted to women.

I really don't know how to deal with it. I would probably make certain forms of child 'pornography' legal, so pedos can still have sexual release, but have severe penalties if they are found guilty of raping a child... such as castration/life in prison.

Surely your taking the piss??

You dont agree with Pedophaelia or Pedo's but you want children to perform in child pr0n so the sick clowns have a form of release?

This makes no sense whatsoever, lets get Pedo's the materials they desire by putting children in child pr0n!!!!
well seeing as though we are down this path...what about female teachers that have sex with underage students? death for them too?

personally...lock em up with ZERO chance of release.
I knew it wouldn't be long untill someone stood up for these beasts. Something going wrong in their childhood does not permit their actions. You have to be careful there as pedos could use this kind of excuse in court (well they already do)..

Not sticking up for them. I find it abhorrent. But I also pity them to some degree. Being either abused/an abuser would have to be one of the shittest of all lives a person could lead.

WHAT?? :confused:

Please explain this..

Duh, obviously I don't mean using actual children. I am talking about something like a cartoon, pure fantasy. Now the question is would watching this provide a release, or would it make someone more inclined to offend? I tend to think it would provide release and lower offences but it is debatable.

Not nearly as barbaric as what they do to their victims. Surely these people lose rights to be treated as humans when they commit acts like these.

I think it's just as barbaric. Granted one is being done as retribution, but both acts are despicable. And I also think if I was to consider something like castration as a suitable punishment, it would have to be for genuine pedos. None of this 18 year old sleeps with a 15 year old rubbish.

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Seems funny to me that one one part of Bigfooty there is a thread titled 'All pedophiles should be executed', in which pretty much everyone agrees with the sentiments, if not the entirity of the thread title.

On another part of Bigfooty, there is a thread titled 'Is looking at jailbait really wrong', complete with pictures. It seems to me we're living in a culture where pedophilia is accepted generally; its just when it gets a bit too specific people suddenly jump around and get all angsty about it.

As Lance Uppercut mentioned, our society allows children to be sexualised for profit in advertisements, tv shows, etc/ People even believe that as per the Bigfooty thread, they look but not touch, so to speak, and its all ok. Yet apparently going that one small step further is the worst crime imaginable, punishable by death? No wonder pedophiles are often confused, often reoffend, and courts tend to be more lenient on them than community opinion.

I honestly wonder whether our drastic responses to pedophilia reflect community guilt over the sexualisation of children. Its obviously a horrendous crime of power, and one with pretty severe social effects for the victim. But its a lesser crime than murder; you could argue its a lesser crime than drunk driving (at least where that actino causes death). Perhaps if we were really serious about pedophilia, we'd act to restrict the sexualisation of children in advertisements and popular culture and elsewhere, and start some real dialogue about power and sexuality in general so that such issues become more open in our community, instead of just demonising those who step just that little bit too far.
Seems funny to me that one one part of Bigfooty there is a thread titled 'All pedophiles should be executed', in which pretty much everyone agrees with the sentiments, if not the entirity of the thread title.

On another part of Bigfooty, there is a thread titled 'Is looking at jailbait really wrong', complete with pictures. It seems to me we're living in a culture where pedophilia is accepted generally; its just when it gets a bit too specific people suddenly jump around and get all angsty about it.

As Lance Uppercut mentioned, our society allows children to be sexualised for profit in advertisements, tv shows, etc/ People even believe that as per the Bigfooty thread, they look but not touch, so to speak, and its all ok. Yet apparently going that one small step further is the worst crime imaginable, punishable by death? No wonder pedophiles are often confused, often reoffend, and courts tend to be more lenient on them than community opinion.

I honestly wonder whether our drastic responses to pedophilia reflect community guilt over the sexualisation of children. Its obviously a horrendous crime of power, and one with pretty severe social effects for the victim. But its a lesser crime than murder; you could argue its a lesser crime than drunk driving (at least where that actino causes death). Perhaps if we were really serious about pedophilia, we'd act to restrict the sexualisation of children in advertisements and popular culture and elsewhere, and start some real dialogue about power and sexuality in general so that such issues become more open in our community, instead of just demonising those who step just that little bit too far.

agree on the guilt thing, there's a real paradox there.

But re the "jailbait thread" - there has to be a distinction between pre-pubescent abuse, and pubescent sexuality. Whilst both are wrong, the former is just heinous beyond comprehension.

The days of dipping into the honey pot of adolescent sexuality (as I saw it somewhat amusingly put in a Crikey article a little while ago) is also considered wrong these days, and with very good reason; but I don't think it deserves the same penalties as, say, some ____ing scumbag either looking at pre-pubescent images or, god forbid, forcing pre-pubescent children to engage in such activities.

For those scum there can be no sympathy
"dan warna" posted in the other thread a story that we should note can be the detriment when your laws are too loose

As a truck driver in the country he will get plenty of opportunities to do this

Talk about the Australian legal system being in good shape.

What about those aboriginal kids/teens in far north qld who have been going around raping each other ?

Do we exterminate whole communities ?
Seriously.. what a redneck approach to punishment of offenders.
Certainly paedophelia is wrong, but to say that they should ALL be executed is narrow minded and is a simplistic look at the issue.
Criminals, including paedophiles, are shaped by their surroundings and upbringings. who is to say that a paedophile wasnt r*ped as a child and therefore knows no different? To say they need to be killed when their crimes may be a by product of a harsh upbringing, or of mental conditions that could be treated is a savage and simplistic approach and it smacks to me of brutality. Punishment in the justice system is not about 'an eye for an eye', and sentencing and punishment takes into a number of factors, including rehabilitation, deterrence and community safety. By all means, increase sentencing for offenders, however this is one of the stupidest threads i've ever come across, and i cant believe im one of the only ones who doesnt agree with it.
Please note also that there is no evidence to suggest that executions as punishment have any effects in reducing offending rates. It will (naturally) decrease recividism rates (as a dead offender cannot re-offend) however on a whole it has very little effect on rates of offending.

I don't disagree that this is a disgusting crime. However to suggest that they all need to be killed, as i have said is not really acceptable.
By the way - I've studied criminology and so i'm not just bringing up facts and figures that i've made up. there are a number of sociological theories of crime and most researchers see it as beginning in fragmented family structures and abuse, combined with inequality and lack of social controls. this is simplifying things, but at the same time i hope you all see to blame the individual for something deeper like this doesnt really address the whole issue.

Also for those of you who claim that sex offenders should be left in the general prison population, ever heard the quote 'a society can be judged by its prisons?' Going to prison is the punishment, not being beaten to death once you're there. I'm glad none of you are policy makers.
WTF is it with the Christian obsession with matters sexual. State sponsored murder is OK and a lesser crime than a seventeen year-old boy making love to a fifteen year-old girl.

BTW, has it ever occured to anybody that cutting off somebody's penis may make them a tad angry at the world? A penis is not an absolute pre-requisite to be able to wreak havoc on society.

Being Christian and suffering from a delusion that you're actually thinking seems to be though.

Cat 7, does your penis frighten you, or is it vaginas which send you into fits of uncontrollable, absurd rage? On the other hand, so to speak, maybe your sig is a giveaway about your predelictions?
I'm not for a moment denying the abhorrence of this crime, but get some perspective!

Which is worse, fiddling with kids, or killing them?

Yet the call on this thread is only that the former deserves execution.

Where do you draw the line with crimes that do and don't deserve execution/castration/whatever? What about individual cases?

Go to a nightclub, pick up, and the following day the cops knock on your door, she was only 17, off with your balls....'oops'.
WTF is it with the Christian obsession with matters sexual. State sponsored murder is OK and a lesser crime than a seventeen year-old boy making love to a fifteen year-old girl.

BTW, has it ever occured to anybody that cutting off somebody's penis may make them a tad angry at the world? A penis is not an absolute pre-requisite to be able to wreak havoc on society.

Being Christian and suffering from a delusion that you're actually thinking seems to be though.

Cat 7, does your penis frighten you, or is it vaginas which send you into fits of uncontrollable, absurd rage? On the other hand, so to speak, maybe your sig is a giveaway about your predelictions?

If you were coming to the defense of 50yo peds who prey on pre-pubescent kids like some others are in this thread then I would have a major problem with what you are saying.

No, Skilts, my rage comes from the fact that the system favours the rights of dirty 50 yo men who rape and fondle little boys and girls but not telling the community where they are released. My rage comes from the fact that these crims are more than capable of going out and doing it again whilist their victims are screwed mentally for the rest of their life. You may not have a problem with people like Baldy, but I do.

Also, telsor I never said I didn't favour execution for murderers, this topic was about pedophiles.
Hysterical? Do you not agree it would simply be safer for our kids to rid out those sickos?

it is an unforgivable crime, but doesn't your god preach forgiveness for repentance?

If 90% of offenders in fact don't re-offend, then it can only be considered a heinous crime to execute so many people who statistically won't re-offend, and who may be trying to get on with their life, probably dealing with a life-time of shame and remorse, which would be pretty punishing in itself.

Newspapers such as the Herald Sun, and programs such as ACA, prey on the fear that they themselves perpetuate.

There should be a reasonable approach. Punish those who deserve it; allow those who want to rehabilitate themselves to do so, in private.

The system isn't perfect, and I can't imagine the horror of having my children (should I ever have them) being abused, but there are inalieable rights that make us the society we are; and one of them is the chance at rehabilitation.

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All pedophiles should be executed.

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