Werewolf All-Star Killers Edition - Everyone gets a role

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Are you always suspicious of everyone? Do you think your neighbour, friend or ally could actually be a cold blooded killer? Well the good news is, in this game, they are! And so are you! In a never before tried game (as far as I know), I will be testing the boundaries of what is humanly possible and heavily favouring killers. In the sense that every player is one!

We're doing a throwback across the generations and have picked out a number of horror villains to team up and decide which decade is the best. Is it the old school 70s? Rocking 80s? New-age 90s? or modern 2000s? Or can an all-time killer do enough to solidify themselves as the GOAT. We'll probably never know because this game has nothing to do with their legend, but let's just have some fun.

This could either be the most ridiculous game you've ever played, or it could be the most insane one. Let's find out. I've done up 26 roles, and have a few more up my sleeve if there's interest.


The Joker

The Joker’s role is to recruit his own team of villains and win with said team. He is able to recruit anyone from any era, except for Darth Vader and Pinhead. In that scenario, or when roleblocked, the message will read "recruitment unsuccessful". Once recruited that player’s win con is that of The Joker’s (maximum of four recruits, but can replace dead recruits). The Joker is night immune, and seers as “Villain”. Once the Joker is dead, his team can win under the same win con. Though similar to a Vampire role, The Joker does not have a killing power, instead looking to win through sheer numbers. Recruits seer as "Past role/Joker recruit"

Win Con: Outnumber rest of evil (including recruits)

Darth Vader

Darth Vader is a dual threat with a kill and a seer. Each night, Darth Vader opts to kill one person, and is night immune himself. Seers as “Villain”

Win Con: Finish in the final five (and eliminate The Joker)


Dracula is a unique role where he is night immune to begin with, but has one single power – a bite. If he successfully bites another killer, he joins that PM. No other power, and can use his bite at any stage. Once he has joined a PM, Dracula loses his night immunity. Seers as “Dracula”.

Win Con: Wins alongside the PM he joins, or IF never choosing to bite, must last until the final five (and eliminate The Joker ).

Norman Bates

Norman Bates tries to bring life to corpses and take over their personalities. At the beginning of the game, Norman Bates selects a user whose role he takes over upon death. Norman seers as “Norman Bates” until taking over the chosen role. Norman is not night immune.

Win Con: Matches that of role he takes over, or if alive as Norman when game ends

Mr Hyde

Though the evil personality of Jekyll and Hyde, they have the power of two, at least in the lynch. Effectively an ‘evil’ mayor, Mr Hyde has the chance to make double the impact in the lynch with two votes. Not night immune and seers as “Mr Hyde”

Win Con: Can win alongside anyone other than The Joker (unless recruited by The Joker)


The evil seer. Loves to do his hunting at night and along with Michael Myers stalks his victims so well he receives correct seers (including night immune). Ghostface himself is not night immune though.

Win Con: Can win alongside anyone other than The Joker (unless recruited by The Joker)


An evil torturing demon who traps a player each night via chains in which the only way they can escape is solved by answering a question or riddle from horror movies. If they answer correctly they will be set free, if they answer incorrectly, they enter the eternity of suffering, ultimately ending in death. Pinhead is not night immune and seers as “Villain”

Win Con: Finish in the final five (and eliminate The Joker)


As an expert in transferring souls, Chucky picks two players each night to switch souls. When this happens, the actions directed to that person are switched with the other person. Chucky is not night immune and seers as “Villain”.

Win Con: Can win alongside anyone other than The Joker (unless recruited by The Joker)

Wildcard Killer

This role will be a double-up of any individual role within the game.


1970s Villains

(Texas Chainsaw Massacre) Night Immune | Seers as “Villain”
Michael Myers (Halloween) As long as Michael Myers is alive, the 70s group can correctly seer a player | Seers as “Michael Myers”
Carrie (Carrie) Effectively the Cub, if killed, 70s killers get additional kill the following night | Seers as “Carrie”
Mutant 1 (The Hills Have Eyes) Assists with kills | Seers as “The Mutants”
Mutant 2 (The Hills Have Eyes) Assists with kills | Seers as “The Mutants”

Win Con: Outnumber the rest of evil

1980s Villains

The Predator
(Predator) Night Immune | Seers as “Villain”
Jason Voorhees (Friday 13th) Assumes Night Immune status if The Predator is killed | Seers as “Jason Vorhees”
Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street) Puts a player to sleep and silences them for the following day | Seers as “Freddy Krueger”
Jack Torrance (The Shining) Assists with kills | Seers as “Jack Torrance”
Hans Gruber (Die Hard) Assists with kills | Seers as “Hans Gruber”

Win Con: Outnumber the rest of evil

1990s Villains

Hannibal Lecter
(Silence of the Lambs) Night Immune | Seers as “Villain”
John Doe (se7en) If alive in seventh phase (N4), 90s killers get a bonus kill that night and each night onwards | Seers as “John Doe”
Pennywise (It) Intimidates a player and can dictate their posting (within reason) and vote for the following day | Seers as “Pennywise”
Agent Smith (The Matrix) Assists with kills | Seers as “Agent Smith”
Candyman (Candyman) Assists with kills | Seers as “Candyman”

Win Con: Outnumber the rest of evil

2000s Villains

(Harry Potter) Night Immune | Seers as “Villain”
Jigsaw (Saw) Lays a trap on another player and only way a player can escape is by that player providing the same information they received overnight | Seers as “Jigsaw"
Gollum (Lord of the Rings) Uses the power of the Ring to roleblock an opponent | Seers as “Gollum”
Hans Landa (Inglorious Bastard) Assists with kills | Seers as “Hans Landa”
Anton Chigurh (No Country for Old Men) Assists with kills | Seers as “Anton Chigurh”

Win Con: Outnumber the rest of evil


(The Exorcist) An evil object that grants the holder with a kill (or additional kill if that holder already has on). It is moved on daily and can only be within the same group for a maximum two consecutive nights. It will explode at a random time with the holder killed. The Pazuzu will be randomised to a player at the beginning.

Nazar (Amulet) An object that overrides Pazuzu. It protects the holder from death in that phase only (either night OR day lynch). Each phase it is moved on and can only be held by the same person once. It must also only be within a group for no more than three phases (ie. Night, day, night). Submit who will receive the amulet before the 9am window (to pass for day phase), and then again before the 9pm window (to pass for night phase). It will disappear at the same time the Pazuzu explodes.

Things that might cause confusion:

  • If Dracula happens to "bite" The Joker and join that PM, that does not count as a recruit, but Dracula does join the PM.
  • Keep in mind the Nazar (amulet) gets moved on each phase not just night as it protects from the individual phase (if held at night, night immune, if held at day, lynch immune)
  • In the scenario the person getting lynched holds the Nazar, there is no lynch
  • If The Joker goes to recruit someone and Chucky switches the role of their target, then the person Chucky switched to will be the recruit instead. If that person is The Joker or a current recruit, it will read "Recruit failed". The same message will be displayed if The Joker is roleblocked by Gollum (as usual whoever the roleblocker blocks).
  • The person answering Pinhead's question or riddle has the day phase to answer but has one confirmed answer.
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Werewolf Rules and Etiquette, Please Read

BASIC RULES please read
These are the rules for this game, please respect them and let the game flow

Night Phase 9pm - 9am Eastern Daylight Savings Time
Day Phase 9am - 9pm Eastern Daylight Savings Time

Game start date:
Sunday, November 11


You can’t talk about the game anywhere but in here and the dead PM, not in private, not on any other media or in private or public, until the game is completely over. This is extremely important as the slightest slip of the tongue can ruin the game, new players please take note of this especially, it’s an Instant Modkill

You cannot post any screenshots or quote PM's Or mods = Modkill
You cannot delete or edit your posts in the game at any time (Remember Wosh can see all edits and deletes) = Modkill

If you forget to tag me just draw my attention to it.

Please note
When you have been killed you CANNOT post anymore in the game. You may have a goodbye post like ‘thanks for the game’ or ‘Good luck village’ but nothing that affects the game..as in who you seered or who is in a faction or anything at all about the game or players. You cannot reveal roles or throw someone under a bus after deadline..you have all day to do this, that’s the point of the game. Once you’re dead you’ve had your shot and you’re out, simple.

You also cannot post in your faction/group PM.

If you disregard this rule you won’t be added to the DEAD PM or receive a delicious muffin basket.

*All votes and change of votes must be bolded and tag the mod please, it makes it so much easier to search and see votes. If your vote is not bolded it will not be counted. If for some genuine reason you can’t bold your vote on your phone etc say so in your post and tag me. If a lynched player is protected there is no lynch that day.

Voting is compulsory, and if you miss a vote you will be warned. A second missed vote (without prior notification to Pie 4 Life) will be a modkill.

There will be no multi-lynches in this game - there's already too much death! So outright lynches or if level on votes, no lynch.
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Cold blooded killers

1 Barrybran (The Joker) killed D3 by Kingdom of Killers
2 kananooks (Candyman) killed N3 by 1970s Villains
3 Dingster (Pinhead) killed by 2000s Villains
4 Tarkyn_24 (Norman Bates) killed N3 by 2000s Villains
5 Nunez (The Mutants/Joker recruit) Killed N4 by Darth Vader
6 Jack The Godfather (Michael Myers) killed by 2000s Villains
7 por_please_ya (Anton Chigurh) killed N3 by Pinhead
8 eth-dog (Dracula) killed D2 by the Kingdom of Killers
9 Ligma (Pennywise) killed N1 by the 2000s Villains

10 MP_
11 Itsmyshow
12 croweater 41 (Ghostface) killed N1 by the 1970s Villains
13 dogs105 (Agent Smith) sent to eternal damnation D3 by Pinhead
14 MWPP (Jason Vorhees) Killed N4 by 1970s Villains and 2000s Villains
15 CursingFijian (Freddy Krueger) killed N2 by Darth Vader and 1970s Villains

16 Greenery (John Doe) killed N5 by 1970s Villains
17 Grand Uncle Horace (Darth Vader) lynched D4 by the Kingdom of Killers
18 BEaston
19 hotchilli (Jack Torrence) Killed N4 by 1990s Villains
20 sante (The Predator) sent to eternal damnation D4 by Pinhead

21 MC Bad Genius
22 omgfridge (Hannibal Lecter/Joker recruit) killed D2 by Kingdom of Killers
23 Robertio (Carrie) killed by 1990s Villains
24 Chipmunk (Golum) killed N1 by Darth Vader
25 DERO (The Mutants) killed N2 by 1990s Villains

26 jmoo wan
27 Elmer_Judd (Hans Gruber) Killed N3 by 1990s Villains
28 Hatchy1992 (Hans Landa) Killed N4 by 1980s Villains

29 Natural Disaster
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Werewolf Rules and Etiquette, Please Read

BASIC RULES please read
These are the rules for this game, please respect them and let the game flow

Night Phase 9pm - 9am Eastern Daylight Savings Time
Day Phase 9am - 9pm Eastern Daylight Savings Time

Game start date:
Sunday, August 11

You can’t talk about the game anywhere but in here and the dead PM, not in private, not on any other media or in private or public, until the game is completely over. This is extremely important as the slightest slip of the tongue can ruin the game, new players please take note of this especially, it’s an Instant Modkill

You cannot post any screenshots or quote PM's Or mods = Modkill
You cannot delete or edit your posts in the game at any time (Remember I can see all edits and deletes) = Modkill

If you forget to tag me just draw my attention to it.

Please note
When you have been killed you CANNOT post anymore in the game. You may have a goodbye post like ‘thanks for the game’ or ‘Good luck village’ but nothing that affects the game..as in who you seered or who is in a faction or anything at all about the game or players. You cannot reveal roles or throw someone under a bus after deadline..you have all day to do this, that’s the point of the game. Once you’re dead you’ve had your shot and you’re out, simple.

You also cannot post in your faction/group PM.

If you disregard this rule you won’t be added to the DEAD PM or receive a delicious muffin basket.

*All votes and change of votes must be bolded and tag the mod please, it makes it so much easier to search and see votes. If your vote is not bolded it will not be counted. If for some genuine reason you can’t bold your vote on your phone etc say so in your post and tag me. If a lynched player is protected there is no lynch that day.

There will be no multi-lynches in this game - there's already too much death! So outright lynches or if level on votes, no lynch.
“ (Remember I can see all edits and deletes) ’’
Straight from my playbook hey, you’re a mod now? 🤗

“ (Remember I can see all edits and deletes) ’’
Straight from my playbook hey, you’re a mod now? 🤗

I copied from the most recent traditional game, forgot it was yours 😂

I can see *most edits and I can employ someone who can see deletes? 😅

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Werewolf All-Star Killers Edition - Everyone gets a role

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