Werewolf Stargate Werewolf - Night 4

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Yeah I did but I also thought it would be great if he was evil and it exploded on him.
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I would have voted for you whether I was good or evil TBH.

Agreed, I meant everything I said regardless of alignment.

Aligning with SK does work but only with an actual strategy.
3 votes - serial_thrilla for a guy who didnt want to play and acted like it the whole game to win was a great effort.
2 votes - Jhye Clark 13 for throwing all his teammates under the bus to make sure he won.
1 vote - King Tenz for not sooking it up enough to get himself lynched.
Not actually correct. My thoughts always lie with what's best and how the team can win.

In my opinion that was our only option.
Wait what sick world have the Chevrons delivered us to where evil heads live happily ever after?

Toss the coin one more time and at least give the rest of us the enjoyment of watching one of them get manhandled into oblivion!

Thanks for the game Cadsky and Gralin.

Just for the record I had created a timed post l laying out my thoughts on who was evil and who wasn’t. But got befuddled by daylight savings and the post came in two hours post deadline and Gralin killed it as soon as it landed.

Having said that I was way off the mark except for KT and Chippy needing to be lynched.

Well played serial_thrilla and @jhyeclark13. I really liked the SK proposal by BEaston.

Salutations to the vigilante. You did your best porps!

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