Are zero scores included?

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After all this posting on the issue i dont think we are any closer to knowing what the situation is.I did a stupid thing and chose Harvey as captain this week so i am hoping like hell the 0 isnt included but whatever the outcome is we will all just have to accept it.I reckon we should all know by later tonight
I don't get it, you say it as if you know you're right, when really you don't know jack shit for sure - in fact, noone does.

Its proven that it happens in the past? Potential scores are being used to replace Harvey and Hille id be pretty confident to suggest that the emergency counts. ur the one acting as if u know over the past 3 pages that emergencys dont count ..... when infact most likely they will.
I don't know why some people are getting so worked up. The fact that people have lost Hille and/or Harvey is already a pretty big set back to their teams. And those with emergencies aren't exactly going to get that many points from them anyway.

Sure it might make the difference in a small handful of league games but I doubt when it comes down to it that this will effect rankings very much -- and if it does, not for very long.

We're not paying money for this service and they (VS) don't owe any of us anything. I don't see any point in getting worked up about who's right or what's fair. Whatever happens will happen. Just cop it on the chin just like how all these people who have Hille and Harvey are. If that's not enough, be thankful you didn't have Richo captain. If you did have Richo captain, you poor bugger lol.
Whether the emg counts will probably decide my match this week...I've got Harvey with no emg forwards and he has Hillie with an emg playing and i'll just get over the line as long as the emg doesn't count. It would seem a pretty big bug if the 0's don't stand imo.
I don't know why some people are getting so worked up. The fact that people have lost Hille and/or Harvey is already a pretty big set back to their teams. And those with emergencies aren't exactly going to get that many points from them anyway.

Sure it might make the difference in a small handful of league games but I doubt when it comes down to it that this will effect rankings very much -- and if it does, not for very long.

We're not paying money for this service and they (VS) don't owe any of us anything. I don't see any point in getting worked up about who's right or what's fair. Whatever happens will happen. Just cop it on the chin just like how all these people who have Hille and Harvey are. If that's not enough, be thankful you didn't have Richo captain. If you did have Richo captain, you poor bugger lol.

Well said Cryptor.

Everyone is arguing right and wrong based on their own situation, not whether they believe it is right or wrong.

FWIW I don't care about the emergencies but would love to see Hille's price remain unchanged. Traded Simmonds > Hille this week so it's already 2 trades and another 40K will make it 3.

But hey, if he drops in price life goes on. Either way I'll just accept it and move all future conversation to the vent thread. :)
If I had them (I don't, but I do have Richo) I'd be expecting to cop a 0 and for them to drop in value. I think it's pretty explicit about emergencies coming in for non-playing players, and clearly they both took the field.

That said, I'd be surprised if their stat-less 0s don't see emergencies come in and values stay as they were after R4. I hope for the sake of those with them that is the case. I agree - it's already a massive penalty just to lose them both. My fingers are crossed for you if you're one of the many affected coaches. :(
You guys are deluded. The 0 will count as it would if your player got -3 and did his knee. Harvey and Hille played and got 0. Emergencies wont count and their price will be negatively effected. Unlucky, yes. But the rule is correct. Just cop it.

Its clear and simple.

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I have Harvey in both DT and SuperCoach. In supercoch both my bench players didn't play so it doesn't matter but Brown will get me 64 in DT if they count the zero as not playing.

Its as plain as the nose on your face that the zero should count and the player should drop in value. Waht's the difference between a 0 and a guy scoring a minus or getting injured after one kick.

Harvey got a hanball IMO anyway when he got injured

If the game allows an emergency for Harvey even though he played I think its wrong. I will take it though!!:D
You guys are deluded. The 0 will count as it would if your player got -3 and did his knee. Harvey and Hille played and got 0. Emergencies wont count and their price will be negatively effected. Unlucky, yes. But the rule is correct. Just cop it.

Its clear and simple.

Don't be so sure CC.

It all comes down to whether the VS program is 'smart' enough to distinquish between a player who played and scored 0 v say a late withdrawal. It is as simple as that.

My gut feel is that it is not smart enough.
Don't be so sure CC.

It all comes down to whether the VS program is 'smart' enough to distinquish between a player who played and scored 0 v say a late withdrawal. It is as simple as that.

My gut feel is that it is not smart enough.
This is the crux of it. I doubt it's smart enough either, we'll know later.
Last year I lost a league match when one my opponents players scored a zero after getting injured early and his emergency counted. The year before I had a player score a zero after being injured and my emergency counted.....If the computer see's a zero it assumes that the player didn't take the field and inserts an emergency.....unless this has been rectified for this season I'd say the same will happen again.

I do agree it is a glitch and could cost somebody money one day.
You guys are deluded. The 0 will count as it would if your player got -3 and did his knee. Harvey and Hille played and got 0. Emergencies wont count and their price will be negatively effected. Unlucky, yes. But the rule is correct. Just cop it.

Its clear and simple.
Well how is it then that my emergency score (Mitch Brown) has been included in my total score after Harvey got a 0. I would think you need to check the rules before calling people deluded cause you just might be wrong on this one
If the game is to be legitimate and taken seriously the 0 need to stand, it's irrelevent if people are being punished by having these guys by having to trade them out. I had Ottens go down on 3, I copped it.
I've got a gut feeling that they will be counted, it wouldn't be too hard for the VS machine thingy to ask Gameday Live whether or not a certain player played or not, not too dissimilar to how Fanfooty works. That said I have Hille and Harvey so I would very much like to be wrong.
I can't f@#$%ing believe this!

My whole match has come down to whether or not Harvey's score will count. If his score counts, then i lose by ONE SOLITARY POINT!! :thumbsdown:

If it doesn't and his emergency does, then I win by 63.
I do agree it is a glitch and could cost somebody money one day.
You know what, I think there is a reasonable chance it could cost somebody money this year, this week even... All you need is for the top two teams for the round or at the end of the season separated by 50 or so points, one who had harvey, one who didn't...

Wow will be interesting to see the rankings when they come out!

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Are zero scores included?

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