Article: Two in line to replace Kennett

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Two in race to replace Kennett

Jake Niall

March 1, 2011

Jeff Kennett.. "Part of my responsibility as president, as leader of the organisation, is to bring about transition." Photo: Angela Wylie

THE man who replaces Jeff Kennett at the helm of Hawthorn is expected to come from within and there are already two frontrunners to succeed the game's most outspoken president at the end of this year.
Andrew Newbold, a lawyer known for his leadership of renewable energy company Wind Power, is the slight favourite to succeed Kennett, with businessman Geoff Harris, the founder of discount travel service Flight Centre, considered to be the other serious candidate.

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"There has been speculation, too, about ex-Melbourne Victory chairman and former Hawks president Geoff Lord becoming a candidate for the presidency for a second period, but sources say Lord would only consider it if he was invited."

So invite him, lol. He did a bang-up job for MV.
LOL that members 'arent interested' in who the president is.

A politicians way of saying we won't get to choose.

Perhaps if you dont have presidents who are in your face every 5 minutes, or try to merge the club (LORD), that would be true.

Can anyone remind me who the essendon supporting board member is ?
Hell should freeze over before he becomes president

PS I cant believe Lord even thinks he would be welcome. Just shows how out of touch the melbourne old boys club is.

For those not aware, Lord was president/board member when the club was turned from a powerhouse to a lauging stock in less than 5 years (91-96) hes also one of Jack Elliots cronies from the elders days (anyone remember elders ? - no I thought not)
Sorry bro, but Geoff Lord wasn't president during the merger; Brian Coleman was.
Also, club CEO at the time, and man most responsible for the merger vote, was Peter Hudson, though his untouchable status as a player means he's somehow gone missing from most "merger memories" :)
Sorry bro, but Geoff Lord wasn't president during the merger; Brian Coleman was.

Mmm so u missed the part of Hawthorn's history about Lord suddenly needing to leave, Coleman getting dumped with the Presidency as the previous rats jumped ship, then finding out we were a financial basket case.

U can blame Coleman if u want for the decision to merge that's fine but the previous administration were responsible for the position he was put in and the financial position of the club. At least he was man enough to try to do something.
Not too fussed as long as it's not Lord. Either of the two mentioned have reasonable credentials.

BTW I think the comments about Lord were made up by the journalist probably to extract a reaction somewhat like mine.
A quick history:

88-91 won 3 from 4 flags

93 end of season, club in fianancial trouble - many club legends left because of massive pay cuts coach sacked for 'poor' 5/6th finish

93-95 Much merger specualtion - pushed heavily by AFL in 95 clubs privately agreed to let fitzroy play centenary 96 season

96 Lord replaced by Coleman. Initially Coleman rejected the pro merger stance of his predecessor, but by the end of 96 had been railroaded into a merger stance by the board, influential members, the AFL and a report by an accounting firm which no longer exists as a seperate entity

1988 1 DT Coote JD Lauritz F Kurzmann JD Hook Alan Joyce Michael Tuck
1989 1 DT Coote JD Lauritz B Ibbott AM Joyce and JD Hook Allan Jeans ichael Tuck
1990 5 DT Coote JD Lauritz B Ibbott AM Joyce and JD Hook Allan Jeans Michael Tuck
1991 1 DT Coote JD Lauritz B Ibbott JD Hook Alan Joyce Michael Tuck
1992 6 DT Coote JD Lauritz B Ibbott JD Hook Alan Joyce Gary Ayres
1993 6 DT Coote and GF Lord JD Lauritz B Ibbott JD Hook Alan Joyce Gary Ayres
1994 7 GF Lord JD Lauritz B Ibbott JD Hook Peter Knights Chris Langford
1995 15 GF Lord PJ Hudson B Ibbott JD Hook Peter Knights Jason Dunstall
1996 8 BH Colemann PJ Hudson B Ibbott JD Hook Ken Judge Jason Dunstall
1997 15 IM Dicker MA Browne B Ibbott JD Hook Ken Judge Jason Dunstall

However you look at it, Lords tenure is far from successful. Arguably the most financial damage occurred under Coote from 91-93
THE CHIEF! No-one else would come close to Dunstall. He effectively pioneered our Renaissance and has a bloody good brain on him. Make it happen!

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I trust Jeff, the board and the club to appoint the correct successor - someone with a business background and success/experience hopefully.

Not sure the majority of Hawthorn members are equipped to look past anything more than a name.
I'm not sure, but I think I once read that JD didn't ever want the job as President, he prefers to be making sure things are running behind the scenes. I think they may have even offered once and he declined?

Don't quote me though!

Problem being, with Jeff limited tenure for board memebers, JD cannot say on indefinately, unless he became pres, then gets another 6 years.

I also heard he was considering stepping away
I've seen it all now. Some Hawthorn people actually advocating getting "gold taps" Lord back as President. Coote mightn't have done as well financially as he could have but at least he won some flags for us. Lord saw the sinking of Melbourne Victory and nearly succeeded in railroading our club into a merger. Coleman was at least honourable in his intentions.

I would actively stand against Lord should he try and get on to the board. I am unbelievably unqualified for a board position but I'd be a far better candidate than Lord.
It would be great to see Goeff Lord back as President of Hawthorn.

A very successful business man and one that had taken Melbourne Victory to the top as the biggest and most powerful club in the A-League.

This would be a good move.

Lord was listed on the BRW rich 200 in 2005 with a fortune of $115 million.

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Article: Two in line to replace Kennett

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