Article: Two in line to replace Kennett

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The only measure that you can judge someone's tenure as a custodian of the club is 'did they leave the place in better nick than what they found it?'

Clearly Lord, for whatever reason, failed the Hawthorn Football Club dismally on the most basic of performance indicators - so no, I would not be keen to see him come back and have another crack at it.

Quite clearly we have a very focussed and united board at this point in time so I have the utmost faith in them to appoint a successor from within that will keep the wheels turning smoothly. They have done a great job of running the place so far.

However, and the time is probably not now, but sometime in the future I would love see see one of the great heroes of our footy club take the helm - he used his actions rather than words to let us all know his disgust when gagged about the possible merger, he has used his position to gift the Hawks their single biggest asset, and he has used his brains to cross the divide from 303 game champion player to successful and respected AFL Commissioner.

However, and the time is probably not now, but sometime in the future I would love see see one of the great heroes of our footy club take the helm - he used his actions rather than words to let us all know his disgust when gagged about the possible merger, he has used his position to gift the Hawks their single biggest asset, and he has used his brains to cross the divide from 303 game champion player to successful and respected AFL Commissioner.

I would love for this to eventuate. Fair to say langers would walk in unopposed.

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I will endorse whoever the board choose. Happy that its a current board member to take over, our results have been fantastic all lead by Dicker, followed by Kennett and hopefully our next president just compliments the good work.
MV is the most successful club of the first 6 years in the A-league, so explain to those of us who also follow soccer, ('coz you clearly don't), how the mighty victory is sinking?

*gets popcorn*

Quite right. Victory are a successful club on field, but I was under the impression that they were struggling to make a profit and wouldn't survive as a member based club. I am very happy to stand corrected, you are spot on in your assessment of my knowledge of the round ball game.

Does the MVFC publish an annual report so we can objectively judge Lord's performance?
Just announced - Lord to be on KB show SEN to put his case for being president

I wonder If KB will be the 'sycophant' his earlier guest almost accused him of being

I'd say yes

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It'll be a cold day in hell before I vote for Lord.
I agree 100%. Not only was his previous reign the precursor to the darkest days of the club, he is now the owner of a soccer team. Most of his recent public comments have been anti Australian Football - the other week he blamed the AFL for the police complaints about soccer crowds.
He has a vested interest in encouraging kids to play and support soccer rather than football - how could we possibly trust him as our president. He would have access to rookie and supporter information that I am sure Melbourne Victory would find very useful.
And before someone craps on about soccer being a different code, football and soccer are in hot competiton with each other for players and supporters.
The direct financial conflict of interest is so bleeding obvious I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't illegal under company law. Making him president would be putting a fox in charge of the hawk-house.
Yeah I heard the soccer clubs eat live chickens and want AFL outlawed and the players jailed and all people who go to AFL mandated to attend soccer...

Why the paranoia dude?

Hehe, that said, I don't believe Lord is the right fit for the club.

Jeff will know this and will act, or sway those in charge, accordingly.
he is now the owner of a soccer team.

Another comment about soccer that's just plain incorrect. Melbourne Victory is owned by a large group of private shareholders. There is no single owner and Lord recently sold the last of his share (less than 10%) back into the club.

Furthermore, you're acting like Lord is making a swoop on the presidency. He's not. As of right now, he hasn't even declared himself a candidate. You'll find that it is the press who is driving this. They always go sniffing around (Hutchy-style) to try to form their own conclusions about potential replacements for any position. We see it with coaches and presidents alike.
This is no different.
Another comment about soccer that's just plain incorrect. Melbourne Victory is owned by a large group of private shareholders. There is no single owner and Lord recently sold the last of his share (less than 10%) back into the club.

Furthermore, you're acting like Lord is making a swoop on the presidency. He's not. As of right now, he hasn't even declared himself a candidate. You'll find that it is the press who is driving this. They always go sniffing around (Hutchy-style) to try to form their own conclusions about potential replacements for any position. We see it with coaches and presidents alike.
This is no different.

Did he say that in his SEN interview ?
Geoff Lord was a very good club director in the 80's, his term as President in the 90's is muddied given the club was financially stricken at the time.

Personally I wouldn't expect Geoff Lord to be the right fit as President, he has an ego that would drive is vested interest and there would be better suited people on the existing board to lead the club into life after JK, where ego's have been in play for 5-6 years, perhaps we need an ego free President this time around.
Yeah I'm not saying he's the right or wrong guy by any means, I've no effing idea to be honest, but do you really think he'd what...
Tell his 'rookies' to stop playing footy & give soccer a go?
Go to every Hawthorn event & tell members not to rock up?
Give all of your addresses to Victory membership people so they'd bombard you with flyers (actualy pretty much every club does that for their sponsors, so it's not out of the question...) ?
Tell the players to stop running Auskick clinics & start running soccer ones?

He might have done this & that in the past, he is and has been involved with soccer, but he's not a complete fool.

And yes, that "crowd trouble" article was a complete BS beat-up fuelled - if not started by - this exact paranoia.
The first comments linking Lord to the presidency came from Billy Brownless, and it was just Billy being Billy. Jake Niall then ran his article and everyone's jumped on it but it doesn't seem to me like it was even in Lord's sights - the whisper across the soccer world is that Lord might be moving from MV to the a-league commission, which would be a bigger role than Hawks pres.

To me, Lord seemed surprised when first asked about it and said he wouldn't run unless invited. I don't think that line has changed.

And you're absolutely right, Slattery -- the very idea that a guy would shift from soccer to AFL and then spend his time trying to convert people to soccer is a joke.

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Article: Two in line to replace Kennett

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