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Welcome to the Ask an Atheist thread II.

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Yes it does. Who knows..
You at least have been made aware.
Your choice.
His ineptness?
I’m aware because at 14 I started attending an Anglican private and read the bible because my literature teacher told me it was vitally important to at least understand the romantic poets and Shakespeare.
Imagine being able to create universes out of nothing and still being so ****ing petty?!
The petty universe creator, yahweh son of el, deity of the christians, jews and muslims.
If its pettiness and war you want, you’ve chosen the right sun god, he comes with a wife too, baal was getting a bit of her as well, asherah deity of fertility, motherhood and childbirth, she is also his mother and sister.
Weird family deity unit you got there Dubs.
The jews loved themselves a bit of incest didn’t they?
Cain and Abel, Noah and his lot, Lott and his girls, it’s a concurrent orgy of incestry and debaucherous family fun.
I think I’ll pass on a cult that thinks I should go about repopulating with my own child, that’s my choice Dubs, I’m sensible and not truly sick of mind!
No need.
You are blinded by your beliefs, and strangely, you think I am.
Spoken by a true religious bigot. What beliefs am i blinded by? science is not belief, geology, history, biology are not beliefs. They have sound evidence behind them. I have presented hundreds of evidences here for 6 years and despite your inability to answer, you still parrot the same old lines.

Answer my question, apparently God walked the earth but no one wrote about it after 100 years after this death outside the Gospels. Imagine how early Christian movements had no Trinity, Original Sin etc which is central to your belief system came about 400 years after his death. Gospels aren't eyewitness' and still the Gospel of John was written 70 years (earliest dating) after the death of this character. How old do you think John was, when Jesus was alive? 15? 17? 20?

If it's a lie , i call it a lie.

I don't have beliefs, you definition faith is BELIEF without evidence, you admitted it yourself. No need to make it about me again. Irrational belief is still irrational, no matter how loud you scream murder.
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Yes it does. Who knows..
You at least have been made aware.
Your choice.
You are a born Muslim but you choose not to be.

It's your choice, atleast you are made aware of the fact that there's no god but allah. Jesus was only a prophet.

After death you will suffer.

Using the logic of religion two can play the game. It's utterly hopeless and desperate, pretty much like all your arguments.

Jesus never claimed he is god himself, refer the early Christian movements..just because Eusebius told you so, you guys believe. The evidence points otherwise. But it's not like you care anything out of what you believe to be true.

And then you have the gall to call others 'blind'..the mirror is your best friend.
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You are a born Muslim but you choose not to be.

It's your choice, atleast you are made aware of the fact that there's no god but allah. Jesus was only a prophet.

After death you will suffer.

Using the logic of religion two can play the game. It's utterly hopeless and desperate, pretty much like all your arguments.

Jesus never claimed he is god himself, refer the early Christian movements..just because Eusebius told you so, you guys believe. The evidence points otherwise. But it's not like you care anything out of what you believe to be true.

And then you have the gall to call others 'blind'..the mirror is your best friend.
Dubs was so lucky that he was born into the christian tribe, the probabilities are amazing, whom would have figured, such luck.
Imagine how lucky those Pakistani kids or Saudi kids are to have been born into the correct religion, it’s astonishing the luck, Allah never ceases to amaze me with his conjuring of human religious placement!
It’s like he never fails, well,except for those that don’t, like us!🤣🤌🏻
You are a born Muslim but you choose not to be.

It's your choice, atleast you are made aware of the fact that there's no god but allah. Jesus was only a prophet.

After death you will suffer.

Using the logic of religion two can play the game. It's utterly hopeless and desperate, pretty much like all your arguments.

Jesus never claimed he is god himself, refer the early Christian movements..just because Eusebius told you so, you guys believe. The evidence points otherwise. But it's not like you care anything out of what you believe to be true.

And then you have the gall to call others 'blind'..the mirror is your best friend.
Jesus uses the title “I AM,” the name God uses for Himself when answering Moses in Exodus 3:14. The reaction of the Pharisees confirms this is precisely what Jesus was claiming because they tried to stone Him for blasphemy.
John tells us directly that Jesus was making Himself equal with God. Since there was only one God, this was claiming to be God. In John 5, Jesus heals a man on the Sabbath and the Jewish leaders question Jesus about this violation of the law. Jesus claims authority over the Sabbath. Then John tells us in 5:18, “This is why the Jews were seeking all the more to kill Him, because not only was He breaking the Sabbath, but He was even calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God.” They wanted to carry out the death penalty for blasphemy.
In Mark 2, Jesus heals the paralytic man and forgives his sins. The scribes who were there called this blasphemy because only God has authority to forgive sin (see Isaiah 43:25). This was a claim to be God. Luke records this claim also in Luke 5:20.
In John 10, Jesus again claims to be one with the Father. The Jews question Him, and His answers again elicit an attempt to stone Him. Jesus asks them for which of His good works they want to kill Him. They answer, “It is not for a good work that we are going to stone you but for blasphemy, because you, being a man, make yourself God.” And they attempted to arrest Him, but Jesus escaped.
In Matthew 14:33 and 28:9, Jesus received worship, the kind of worship Jews only gave God.
Finally, Jesus’ claim to be God was the reason the Jews arrested Him and convinced Pilate to crucify Him. In John 19, Pilate tells the Jewish leaders that he finds no guilt worthy of the capital sentence. They answer Pilate, “We have a law, and according to that law He ought to die because He has made Himself the Son of God.” Jesus’ violation of blasphemy is recorded in Luke 22:70–71 when He appeared before the Council after His arrest. They had the evidence they needed from Jesus’ own lips. Mark gives more detail of this in 14:62–64. When Jesus answered them, the high priest tore his clothes and declared this was blasphemy.
Jesus said very clearly that He was God.
Spoken by a true religious bigot. What beliefs am i blinded by? science is not belief, geology, history, biology are not beliefs. They have sound evidence behind them. I have presented hundreds of evidences here for 6 years and despite your inability to answer, you still parrot the same old lines.

Answer my question, apparently God walked the earth but no one wrote about it after 100 years after this death outside the Gospels. Imagine how early Christian movements had no Trinity, Original Sin etc which is central to your belief system came about 400 years after his death. Gospels aren't eyewitness' and still the Gospel of John was written 70 years (earliest dating) after the death of this character. How old do you think John was, when Jesus was alive? 15? 17? 20?

If it's a lie , i call it a lie.

I don't have beliefs, you definition faith is BELIEF without evidence, you admitted it yourself. No need to make it about me again. Irrational belief is still irrational, no matter how loud you scream murder.
The First Law of Thermodynamics, also known as the “Law of Conservation of Energy”, is a principle in physics which asserts that energy cannot be created or destroyed. The Bible creation account that God created everything at the beginning of time is in harmony with this scientific principle.
Dubs was so lucky that he was born into the christian tribe, the probabilities are amazing, whom would have figured, such luck.
Imagine how lucky those Pakistani kids or Saudi kids are to have been born into the correct religion, it’s astonishing the luck, Allah never ceases to amaze me with his conjuring of human religious placement!
It’s like he never fails, well,except for those that don’t, like us!🤣🤌🏻
You are a born Muslim but you choose not to be.

It's your choice, atleast you are made aware of the fact that there's no god but allah. Jesus was only a prophet.

After death you will suffer.

Using the logic of religion two can play the game. It's utterly hopeless and desperate, pretty much like all your arguments.

Jesus never claimed he is god himself, refer the early Christian movements..just because Eusebius told you so, you guys believe. The evidence points otherwise. But it's not like you care anything out of what you believe to be true.

And then you have the gall to call others 'blind'..the mirror is your best friend.

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There's no 'hoping' about it. I see absolutely no reason to suppose Jesus is 'god'. Whatever 'god' is.
So you say. With amazing historical and archaeological research to back you up.
That you believe there is zero possibility that Jesus is God, and that God is real is fine. Millions agree with you.
Many like me, despite the doubts and the science and the archaeology, believe it to be true. Jesus is God and the only way to God.
So you say. With amazing historical and archaeological research to back you up.

Yep. Which is far more than you have.

Quoting Biblical scripture as evidence of the truth of your claims is virtually worthless.
Sorry to say, I have Jesus. Not sorry for me btw.

It really is of little interest to me if you consider you "have Jesus". What is of interest to me is whether your claims to truth are actually supported by anything other than faith. They are not. Therefore I see no reason why I should consider your beliefs as actually true. Held as they are through faith alone.
That is all to be needed.

An opinion only, which I do not share.
The First Law of Thermodynamics, also known as the “Law of Conservation of Energy”, is a principle in physics which asserts that energy cannot be created or destroyed. The Bible creation account that God created everything at the beginning of time is in harmony with this scientific principle.
God created evil then, he created suffering, pain, hatred, division, torture, child rape, ethnic cleansing, Auschwitz, indigenous peoples genocide, cancer etc etc.
Isiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
You don’t even need to a half decent person with a basic sense or understanding of right and wrong, good and bad to realise that if you could program a system without the above, that you’d probably try to make a universe where these things don’t exist.
You worship a monster.
In response to what was not completely ridiculous, though:

You don't need to identify with a role to do it or be successful at it. I used to identify as a "CEO" and was less successful at it because it causes a lot of stress and pressure which does not aide in producing results.

I don't go around saying "I'm not a CEO" and "Managing Director & CEO" is on my email signature, LinkedIn and everything else, but I know "I" am not that. I wasn't born with "CEO" stamped on my head and my kids, friends, and family couldn't give a sh* what my title is or "waht I've done" or "who I think I am". Who I think I am or who other people think I am is not really who I am. I just "am". Anything else is just my mind deluding itself or buying into the mass delusion where we all agree a concept is a real thing, when it is not. Concepts do not exist outside of our mind. A tiger exists, which is great, I'll glady suffer stress and pressure if I see one, but I won't for delusions created by evolution for a different purpose.

Everyday though I live by the principle of cause and effect, I just take actions which I think will produce results tomorrow but I don't get attached to the outcomes of those actions. You don't need to believe the delusion to take action and then those actions become effortless because you're not doing them to maintain a delusion.

The result is success happens and I don't get stressed or have any pressure whatsoever making me much more effective in my work as a leader and at home.

Obviously I don't talk about this sh* to my executive team or they'd think I was nuts like most people replying to me. All they see is a leader who performs highly, doesn't think he's better than anyone, and never gets stressed which creates a great environment.

Of course it sounds nuts but a bunch of people thinking you're nuts doesn't make you nuts and that's a logical fallacy on its own. Otherwise we'd say Galileo was actually "nuts" just because evryone thought it, when we know now he was not. People think I'm nuts because evolutionary we grew up in this delusion assuming that our concepts are real and that we must cling to them as if they are real. You know they are not though if you look at the science or even think through it.

You might not get your head around all that and call it whatever you like because you don't get it, but it's true. Concepts, thoughts, defintions, identities, meaning, and a lot of other things are delusions there to aid in our reproductive success on the Savannah. Now that we're living in a completely different environment, though, some of these concepts are harmful. If there was an apocolypse, I'd go straight back into them, but there's not. We're currenlt living in this foreign environment where of course our psychology from living in a tribe is not all useful.

No it's not. My point is atheists need to keep dragging theism into their lives for that identity to remain relevant.

Again, no it's not.

Just because you're not getting it, doesn't mean it's jibberish.

There is nothing "astounding" about the universe or what humans have done, and I know this will trigger people but that trigger is because we want to think we're special, when we're not.

Nothing outside of our human minds is astounding or meaningful. The universe itself is not astounding and there is meaning to it.

If all humans died there would be no meaning or anything astouning because meaning and "astounding" is not a pre-exisitng condition in the universe.


How is an argumentum ad absurdum?

You're as bad as the other bloke just posting without backing it up.

Are you saying we've got quantum physics worked out? that we know what reality is? or that knowing how something works means we know the entirety of what it is?

Again you're just positing without backing it up.
Post some pics of these “exotic” cars you have, you can post pics of anything you personally own without giving your identity away.
Make sure you post the pics with the extended middle finger so we know it’s you, it’s a well worn personal identification signifier we use on Bay 13.
You have 24 hours or you can’t be trusted as an honest poster on this site!
I posted those cars because I wanted to show you how easy it is to pretend to be an elite car owner.
I don’t own them, but I work around them, I do however have to inform those taking pics with them to remove their body parts from coming into contact with them, on a regular basis, folks love pawing at objects they could never attain, I’m thinking you are one of these people!
Pics or you are an abject failure and liar!
24 hours put up or be considered outed….4:12pm EST Australia
Post some pics of these “exotic” cars you have, you can post pics of anything you personally own without giving your identity away.
Make sure you post the pics with the extended middle finger so we know it’s you, it’s a well worn personal identification signifier we use on Bay 13.
You have 24 hours or you can’t be trusted as an honest poster on this site!
I posted those cars because I wanted to show you how easy it is to pretend to be an elite car owner.
I don’t own them, but I work around them, I do however have to inform those taking pics with them to remove their body parts from coming into contact with them, on a regular basis, folks love pawing at objects they could never attain, I’m thinking you are one of these people!
Pics or you are an abject failure and liar!
24 hours put up or be considered outed….4:12pm EST Australia
Lol. You're a dude on the internet, I don't need to do sh* by your deadlines, nor do I care if you think I'm a liar.

You could have just stuck your finger up and pretended they were your cars so that's not proof is it?

I already said I'd verify my identity, which is proof, with a trusted poster if it would make a difference, but it won't because what will you do when I prove it? And whoopty doo, I get an apology or a backflip or whatever (which you wouldn't do anyway) from some tool on the internet as if I need that for my ego.
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God created evil then, he created suffering, pain, hatred, division, torture, child rape, ethnic cleansing, Auschwitz, indigenous peoples genocide, cancer etc etc.
Isiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
You don’t even need to a half decent person with a basic sense or understanding of right and wrong, good and bad to realise that if you could program a system without the above, that you’d probably try to make a universe where these things don’t exist.
You worship a monster.
And if HE did create all this evil, including you, and all of us,where does that leave you?
Lol. You're a dude on the internet, I don't need to do sh* by your deadlines, nor do I care if you think I'm a liar.

You could have just stuck your finger up and pretended they were your cars so that's not proof is it?

I already said I'd verify my identity, which is proof, with a trusted poster if it would make a difference, but it won't because what will you do when I prove it? And whoopty doo, I get an apology or a backflip or whatever (which you wouldn't do anyway) from some tool on the internet as if I need that for my ego.
Now do it in elocution within the English language if you can?
Utter rubbish and jibberish as you’ve been known to purport!
You don’t own a $300 million dollar company, nor an expensive home, nor do you have access to “exotic” automobiles.
You are a Joseph Smith character, a fraud, a sheister, a criminal liar.
If you were half of what you claim, you could evidence it, thus far, I’m making you dance like a trained monkey, dance monkey dance!🤣🤣🥹👿✌🏿
knowing that it has the incapacity to exist, given its claims to goodness, this one’s easy folks!
Next question?
Not a reply, where does it leave you, and all the non-believers?
Because if he does not exist, as you maintain, i lose nothing in this life.
That’s what really gets you, but it doesn’t have to be like that

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Win Prizes Ask an Atheist II

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