Australian Idol 2005 - Official thread

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I watched some of Idol last night. Still can't get over how crap everything about Lee is.

- One trick pony. Can only sing in one style.
- limited vocals
- ugly
- tw@t
- looks more like Punky Brewster than punk
- Dances like a teenage girl rather than struts like a punk he thinks he is

He was bad last night. Can't believe Holden didn't come out and state the obvious. I reckon he was nice on him so when Lee gets the arse Holden can say to him "Listen punk, sorry pussyboy is a better word, you got the arse and it had nothing to do with me. I talked you up so there's no excuses. I looked more punk than you in my hey day you little in the closet ***."
Kate looking the best option.

Emily would be ok if she didnt have so much vomit factor. Somebody should tell to stop doing affected powty wouty stuff she does.

As for Lee, just looking at him makes me want to vomit. Cant stand guys who feel the need to where makeup.
Pessimistic said:
Early on it was obvious Emily had the 'voice' but as time has gone on I think eel, she is a bit dumb.

The judges give valid criticisms and I think she just say's yeah yeah in a dismissive kind of way.

She could be so much better but I think she thinks she knows best.

Might end up being a coulda shoulda been who went nowhere

I actually think Kate is the dismissive one, she's hardly improved at all this competition despite the judges criticisms and has hid behind the old sore throat excuse a few times. You just have to get on with it hun.

And I totally agree with most others, last night was decidedly below-par for a final three night, with only one half-decent performance.

I got no idea who's going tonight. :confused:

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goalpie said:
As for Lee, just looking at him makes me want to vomit. Cant stand guys who feel the need to where makeup.
That's the whole idea!

Emily's the best of the lot. She's gonna win it this year - no doubt now.

When she nails it, she's the best in 3 years of Idol - Sebastian goes close but that's all. Her personality won't appeal to all, but Callea and Casey have less personality themselves. There have been and will continue to be posts on here bagging her out, but only cos she GETS to some people, they find her annoying. On performances thru the comp (the ones she's nailed like River Deep Mountain High, I'm every woman, last night's) she's going to be a worthy winner.

Kate's a rock solid performer, lost so much weight too. Has yet to really blow me away but has improved, is more likeable than Emily as a person which will help her, and she deserves to go final two now.

I don't hate Lee like so many, but he's gotta go this week, shoulda gone last week really. He should release an album for Toddlers, the way the little kids in the crowd were going berserk last night reminded me of the Wiggles. He'd make a killing if he targeted that under 7 market!

If he does somehow get to the final, it'll make it interesting though..
Everyone keeps bagging Lee out for not being "Punk" and all that. I know and understand he is not a hardcore punk. All these photos people keep putting up oh what Punks should look like and stuff is crap. Nobody goes around like that anymore, the 70's are over.

Why dont people bag Dan, always saying how Reggae was a big influence on him blah blah blah, he has dreads, wow! There was no sign of reggae at all in his performances.

I just think the Lee bashing is getting old, I dont really care for any of them but I think too many people have a preconcieved (sp?) idea and they are just sticking to it no matter what.
UNIT said:
Can someone explain to me what is 'powerful' about the masturbatory vocal gymnastics which are the real trademarks of the sorts of songs she is doing?

Good on ya Emily you can 'trill' a word for 20 seconds, give her the crown now.

What I mean by that is, she picks all the "powerful" songs where they have those big notes in it where she can perform the vocal gymnastics.

Obviously she can sing those kind of songs, but does she have any variety? I havent watched the whole series but has she attempted any other type of music? I heard she tried to do a Britany Spears cover and failed. Would an entire album of those kind of songs be succesful, would it get radio airplay? Maybe it will on Mix or some older station, but on Nova or something I just cant see it fitting in.
Obviously if she wins, it will kill it initially but then what?
i feel now that dans gone, kate should get votes from dan fans. lee is just awful, but he entertains teenyboppers and will find employment as a singing clown. all he needs is music sped up to hide is inability to sing.

Hope Kate wins, cause lets face it lee is a tool and i cant stand emily. did anyone notice after her last song, emily had her ugly crying look on her face again...BUT this time she stopped. maybe someones had a word to her about it the sympathy vote and how its potentially turning supporters away?
Why the heck did the viewers vote off Dan England?

He had by far the best voice out of the remaining 4, and yet he is voted off? Whaaaat?

Even though i still think Lee is limited in what type of music he sings (punk/speedy), i think he is a much better entertainer than Kate or Emily. Although Emily has a great voice, and might give Lee a run for his money.

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Lee murdered "Tainted Love" last night. His trick of putting songs on speed is sure getting old.

Just pick a song that already has a fast tempo, there's plenty to choose from.
Blue Red and Gold said:
Everyone keeps bagging Lee out for not being "Punk" and all that. I know and understand he is not a hardcore punk. All these photos people keep putting up oh what Punks should look like and stuff is crap. Nobody goes around like that anymore, the 70's are over.
No real punk goes around like Lee either. Punky Brewster was over in the 80s.

ps just walked past the TV and Holden said he's a "one trick box" and has backed himself into a "punk wiggles" corner.

Why dont people bag Dan, always saying how Reggae was a big influence on him blah blah blah, he has dreads, wow! There was no sign of reggae at all in his performances.
Because he's not an adult dressing like a 13 year old girl. Derr!

I just think the Lee bashing is getting old, I dont really care for any of them but I think too many people have a preconcieved (sp?) idea and they are just sticking to it no matter what.
What don't you understand about this statement?: Lee is an embarassment to punk.

He doesn't look like a punk, he doesn't act like a punk, he doesn't dance like a punk. Nothing to do with preconcieved ideas. Quite simply he's trying to be punk but has missed by a mile.
post 9,500:

Shut up marcia u try-hard gangsta. i'm blacker than you, someone boot this fake punk tool off NOW!

counting down..... come on....

first one through to next week is.... hang on emily's nearly crying already... f'ing hell.... i tohught they made people harder in the ghetto?

anyway... she's through the bitch so I don't know what she's tearing up for.... actually she has 'cry-face' on but no tears are coming out... nearly as big a fake as Lee.

ok.... noone cares... well actually everyone's going apesh1t over it.... but i don't care...

I just want hardon to get booted out a la me from TLC.... shut up emily would ya....

man she has a punchable head....

anyway... back to Das Boot.....

oh christ another ad break. ffs.


HE'S GONE!!!!!!!!!!

Well the two most boring personalities and performers are left.

The final is sure to be exciting. ;)

I think it is fair to say that whoever wins will sell less records than Casey. :eek:
gridlocked said:
I think it is fair to say that whoever wins will sell less records than Casey. :eek:
Emily will sell more than Casey, without question - and I'm thinking Kate will too - she has a far broader appeal than Casey did.
How pathetic was Kyle tonight with his none too subtle dig at Dicko with that 'we outrated that ABBA show on another channel' comment...

Truly pathetic man.

To be honest im in two minds about the departure of Lee. The part of me that hates him and would like to cave the front of his skull in with a Gray Nicholls Twin Scoop, is ear to ear happy tonight.

But the other part of me, that suspects that there may be something to the theory that the only way the Idol Empire can be toppled, was by having Lee win, and subsequently selling 12 CDs, and thus being the second 'Idol' to sell about 12 CDs thus killing the concept....well that part of me is deeply worried.
Sadly as a result of tonights desicion i think somewhere, deep within the bowels of the Ten Network, a green light went up for series 4 of Idol.

My hopes for a winner....Kate.

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Australian Idol 2005 - Official thread

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