Australian Idol 2005 - Official thread

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DIG said:
I agree with most of that. But I'm going to rate her on how she sings, not how she handles interviews - could not give a toss.

She's picked her songs very shrewdly for the most part. Contrary to what you said, she did take a risk only last week on the Britney number, but it didn't come off.


D. Ig

(i couldn't resist!)

Has anyone taken a real BIG risk?

There's risks associated with many songs, but there hasn't been something particularly daring- apart from Lee's hilarious attempt at 'Ben' (only made difficult because he can't hit a decent note).

With the competition so close, they've all been hesistant to really put their stamp on the show, which I think is part of the reason why it's been pretty average.

Anyway, For me, it's Emily, she's far from endearing, but she has the voice, something special, and while Kate is a good performer, she doesn't really go anywhere, doesn't take it to any heights IMO.

Still, a largely uninspiring season.
Langer's_Babe said:
none of you know the real Emily so id shut up
all i can say is im so proud of her

do you know her? so because none of us know her we cant comment. Well, she better leave idol cause the judges dont know her either.

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Langer's_Babe said:
yes actually i do know her ive sang in a competion with her

did you beat here? was that you in the video tape with her on inside idol last nite?

well, i think she'll win unfortunately. shes got enough sympathy votes to last a lifetime. and if she thinks shes losing ground simply mention her child and the fact she drove a forklift.....and then the obligatory tears of course.

incidentally, anyone see casey donovan last night. my god, i had to avert my eyes :eek: oh and bad news UNIT, shes got boyfriend.
thepower said:
did you beat here? was that you in the video tape with her on inside idol last nite?

well, i think she'll win unfortunately. shes got enough sympathy votes to last a lifetime. and if she thinks shes losing ground simply mention her child and the fact she drove a forklift.....and then the obligatory tears of course.

incidentally, anyone see casey donovan last night. my god, i had to avert my eyes :eek: oh and bad news UNIT, shes got boyfriend.

Well they said Casey was going to be HUGE !
Stumpy Pete said:
All I can say is if she could actually provide logical, reasonable, sensible responses when people ask her questions then I would like her more.

As it is she just cry and waves her hands and responds with simplistic one word answers.

She is also yet to take a risk with any of her songs.


S. Pete

Agreed :thumbsu:
thepower said:
did you beat here? was that you in the video tape with her on inside idol last nite?

well, i think she'll win unfortunately. shes got enough sympathy votes to last a lifetime. and if she thinks shes losing ground simply mention her child and the fact she drove a forklift.....and then the obligatory tears of course.

incidentally, anyone see casey donovan last night. my god, i had to avert my eyes :eek: oh and bad news UNIT, shes got boyfriend.

:eek: I hope he has a good supply of flour the poor bastard.
Honestly, I think Kate is the lesser of two evils. Neither of them has a future in the music industry - both will fade just as quickly as Casey.

Kate seems to have a bit of personality, though her mannerisms (i.e. sticking her tongue out with that stupid inane grin whilst nodding her head) sh*t me to tears.

Emily annoys the crap out of me and even if she does have a good voice, she has nothing else going for her. Her rendition of "Hit Me Baby One More Time" was up there with Kerri-Anne singing "Hot Stuff" on the Footy Show as one of the most cringe worthy song performances in the history of Australian TV. What's even more alarming is that Kyle was the only judge who had anything negative to say about it!

Once Dan was booted I lost interest really. A mate of mine runs a punk/emo label so I suppose if Lee had won it might have been good for sales, but the top 13 (I can't believe they thought there was enough talent to expand it) was embarrassingly devoid of talent. I can't believe there's going to be a fourth season, but given that it seems almost certain to go ahead, here's hoping that they chop it down to a top 10 (at least) and shake up the format a bit. Maybe some guest judges (like Gene Simmons and Quentin Tarantino on American Idol) would be a good way to go. Preferably at the expense of Marcia.
Anja_Nees said:
Honestly, I think Kate is the lesser of two evils. Neither of them has a future in the music industry - both will fade just as quickly as Casey.

Kate seems to have a bit of personality, though her mannerisms (i.e. sticking her tongue out with that stupid inane grin whilst nodding her head) sh*t me to tears.

Emily annoys the crap out of me and even if she does have a good voice, she has nothing else going for her. Her rendition of "Hit Me Baby One More Time" was up there with Kerri-Anne singing "Hot Stuff" on the Footy Show as one of the most cringe worthy song performances in the history of Australian TV. What's even more alarming is that Kyle was the only judge who had anything negative to say about it!

Once Dan was booted I lost interest really. A mate of mine runs a punk/emo label so I suppose if Lee had won it might have been good for sales, but the top 13 (I can't believe they thought there was enough talent to expand it) was embarrassingly devoid of talent. I can't believe there's going to be a fourth season, but given that it seems almost certain to go ahead, here's hoping that they chop it down to a top 10 (at least) and shake up the format a bit. Maybe some guest judges (like Gene Simmons and Quentin Tarantino on American Idol) would be a good way to go. Preferably at the expense of Marcia.

Yep, Marcia needs a bullet! She reminds me of Oprah the way she loves the females. One of the girls would fart on stage and she would cheer for them!

The two left are shocking! The fatty bogan chick v The one that isn't even an Aussie and looks so corny and lame on stage! Dan was the only one that could sing and he gets eliminated before these two road kills and a dude that wears make up, what is the country coming to :confused:
What did we all think of the performances tonight?

I'm wanting Kate to win, but I really couldn't split them tonight. I think I preferred Kate's version of the winners single - it just sounded more "right" than Emily's, but others may disagree.

Of their "other" performances, they both did okay. Don't think Kate sang better than she did last week when she sang "Heaven", and Emily singing "Since you've been gone" was good in parts, but lacked something in other bits.

Don't know really. If I was to send a vote, it would go Kate's way. :eek:
I think Kate was the best tonight, although I thought Shackles was a weird song choice and wasn't that impressed by it. Emily's rendition of Since You've Been Gone was a shocker IMO. Agree that Kate did the best with the single.

Go Kate!

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I am partial to Emily, so my opinion probably counts for nought, but I thought she sang the pants off Kate tonight.

Kate seemed to play it really safe and sounded quaint as she always does, but Emily gave it that bit extra; not perfect, but comfortably ahead of her counterpart.

Having said that, going by the crowd reactions, I think Kate is in the box seat, she seemed to have the majority of the support and she'll secure enough votes to get over the line.
emily sang the single better, but kate was better overall in the 3 songs, sine u been gone was straight out bad in my opinion.... like alot of others lost all real interest when dan was eliminated
I think Kate shat all over Emily last night..... Emily sang a lot of flat notes, and was basically inarticulate when being interviewed by the boys. Kate was eloquent and articulate, and hit all the notes correctly. She seemed to be enjoying herself, whereas Emily looked like she was sh|tting her pants with every song. Go KATE!!!
ExTasDeeMan said:
'Since you've been gone' was the most abysmal effort in this show.

Utter ********...

Agree. Vomit inducing. I had to leave the room, and go outside for a cigarette. Just disgraceful. Kelly Clarkson should sue!
hawkeye23 said:
Agree. Vomit inducing. I had to leave the room, and go outside for a cigarette. Just disgraceful. Kelly Clarkson should sue!
I (and the rest of the public) see Gremily as a soul diva - however she sees herself as a Pop Princess... Since you've been gone and Hit be Baby were rubberdubbish.

Lets hope if she wins, she doesn't pick the songs.
Kooley said:
pretty pox show last night. it was as flat as a tack.

why on earth can't the judges comment on the last night?

They probably didn't want to be seen to be influencing voters.

But I agree, last night's episode was probably the dullest this year.

Bring back Laura - at least she got people talking!

Unlike like fatty arms and mumbles.

BTW, people talk about Emily manipulating the audience but what about Kate?

She's always going on about her battle with the bulge and how she lost 30kg this year (yeah, right.)

But when they show her from previous Idols, she appears to be a similar size.

ExTasDeeMan said:
'Since you've been gone' was the most abysmal effort in this show.

Utter ********...

If Idol goes another series - Emily's performance should be a warning to contestants about researching songs. Kelly Clarkson did that song on the MTV music awards and even when she sang it, the introduction of each verse sounded garbled and too deep. Clearly in studios they can fiddle with the output etc. using the mixer boards.

So any potential Idol's out there - try and hear it live before you choose it.

My tip to win - Emily. Don't like her, not a big fan of Kate either. In fact the last Idol I actually liked was Courtney Murphy.


S. Pete
Hmm wasn't a particularly inspiring show last night. I would like Kate to win as she seems to be marginally more interesting, but to be honest I can't see either of them outselling Casey Donovan. This series has been a shambles, I hope that if they are going to do another season, they give it a rest for a couple of years.

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Australian Idol 2005 - Official thread

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