Australian Idol

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Ted Pellitts said:
the health department and the government should combine to have Casey and Courtney disqualified.

both promote obeisity, and are ingraining on the children of australia that you can be both fat and successful. it will justify kids getting fatter because 'casey was fat and look what she did'

if trends continue the entire australian population with be obese in 2050

with role models like casey and courtney justifying child obeisity through the example they set, that statistic is no surprise

As opposed to the size 4 supermodels who suggest you can't be successful, pretty or happy if you aren't a stick?
Leave Teddie alone. What comes around goes around, and in ten years time he is probably going to be unable to get out of his computer chair because he is so big. Not sure why he can't get out of it at the moment.

On topic - Casey will go next week.

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It's the business end of proceedings and unless Casey pulls a couple of gems out of the hat, a couple of touchdowns, she'll be leaving next Monday.

To be honest though, this series doesn't really concern me a great deal, whoever wins is fine by me, because frankly, they all give me the proverbial faeces...

Just my opinion, while probably the best of the lot, Casey's voice doesn't do it for me, her enunciation of the words troubles me, plus she lacks a certain charisma, Courtney IS one dimensional (by virtue of the limits in his voice) and he sulks like a schoolboy when he gets any criticism and finally Anthony...well, he's Anthony...every song is a Backstreet Boys number.

So which one will be our Australian Idol? :cool:
Mad Dog said:
do you also think we should have them publicly flogged for being so fat - to be a lesson to future fat contestants that they better not enter...or else ???
would that be a good idea Ted ???
hey i'm sure the government and all food producing corporations would rather these people are in idol

that way people eat more, and the business owners make more money

and the government make more money by levvying gyms, sports and fitness - which really they don't want people to take part in anyway, otherwise they can't get money from the taxes they place on the companies that make food
BomberGal said:
As opposed to the size 4 supermodels who suggest you can't be successful, pretty or happy if you aren't a stick?
hey i used the wrod obese - i never said anything about overweight being a problem...yet

riki lee was 'overweight' - i didn't care at all and wanted her to win

casey and courtney are 'obese' - i think society should be worried about this
purplesoul said:
Leave Teddie alone. What comes around goes around, and in ten years time he is probably going to be unable to get out of his computer chair because he is so big. Not sure why he can't get out of it at the moment.
ten years?

you can go from healthy to obese in 10 months
RooBunny said:
Good then that will include yourself and you might get your head around some of the issues.

These are the shallowest posts.

if i'm alive in 2050 that would make me 64

i don't like my chances if making it to that age

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Ted Pellitts said:

if i'm alive in 2050 that would make me 64

i don't like my chances if making it to that age

Yes when the average life expectancy for men currently is around 80...and it's expected to get closer to 100 by 2050, it's crazy to think you could live into your 60s! :rolleyes:
Ted Pellitts said:
or lukemia.

but hey no need to be insensitive about it.

i just want the world to be a better place before i go.

Do you mean leukemia, and do you have it?

How are you making the world a better place by suggesting that people who are overweight, yet get up of their asses to achive their goals are "obese"?
yeah ok i don't hvae lukemia

i tried to play the "you don't know me" card

not with much success either
bunsen burner said:
And she's had triple the amount of shockers as them too.
Disagree I can only remember 2 performances where she's genuinely underperformed , the first one was Elleanor Rigby(which may have been the one that tainted her) and that was an absolute disaster for her and the second song on Sunday which got a lukewarm reception.
Courtney and Anthony have had a couple of poorly reviewed performances aswell , Anthony probably the most by the judges.
If I was BMG and she didn't win, I'd make her a proposal: "Go on a diet and get down to 60+/- kgs in a six month period and let us take complete control of your image and what you wear. Basically be our puppet and we'll give you a contract". Harsh, but let's not kid ourselves, the demographic that will be buying these records are fickle.
That's a fair enough statement, if you're going to try and kickstart your career with a vehicle like Australian Idol then you're going to have to be prepared to be BMG's bitch (if they take the option to sign you). I think it would be under utilising her ability but it's more likely to instantly sell records and that's what they're basically after.
Apparently Dicko didn't want that beat box guy (because beatbox is crap) so Holden requested permission to back him with his own money and his album is no 2 in the charts. Although beatbox is crap it was shrewd judgement by Holden to realise there was an untapped market for beatbox in Australia.
Yes it's been a smartmove so far by Holden his single's been in the top 5 for a while and has gone to 2 this week but I'm not sure it's a true indicator that beatboxing has a strong market as it's more of a ballad than it is beatboxing.
I'd be fairly sure Holden will sign Casey if she slips through the BMG net as he has made it fairly obvious for a while that he rates her singing more than the others and his diatribe to her when she was in the bottom 2 yesterday was fairly telling.
benny's buddy said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I went to school with Anthony and he's the biggest w@nker I've ever met.

Haha are you serious!? I'm a teenage girl and I ain't going for him coz he annoys the ******** outta me.
Courtney is annoying.

So were u the same grade as Anthony? Was he a big loser at school?
choc_a_holic said:
So were u the same grade as Anthony? Was he a big loser at school?

I wouldn't say he was a loser, but he certainly wasn't the cool person.

He was in all the school productions and all that crap. The one thing I'll say about him is certainly has high opinions of himself. From what I've seen on Idol, that hasn't really changed.
Beatbox in the top 5 for 5 weeks or whatever means nothing , it's and advertising tool and the show goes out to like 2 mill aus wide or whatever... talk about it every week and it's gonna sell , case in point : Unforgettables album which is coming out soon will jump straight to #1....they can make anything sell if it's advertised enough
the fly said:
I think that if Casey is voted out, those people who vote for her would vote for Courtney in the final, and vice versa if Courtney is voted out.

I think Anthony will make it to the final but I don't think he'll win it.

the insecure obese kids of australia want an obese role model to justify thier obeisity

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Australian Idol

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