Australian Idol

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And hey to actually discuss Australian Idol again instead of the great weight debate. Did anyone watch Inside Idol last night and what did they think of the song choices?

I'm worried by Courtney's version Somebody to Love... and don't start me on Anthony doing Bridge Over Troubled Water....
RooBunny said:
Then why was Angie the first voted out? The argument fails on that alone. And Ted, speaking from someone who was an insecure, fat teenage girl I can assure you the argument makes no sense, because you actually act oppositely, the people who are your "role models" are not the "obese" people it's the skinny blondes because they are who you want to be.

People also want to emulate someone they see as happy and successful - Casey doesn't give that off at all, Casey seems constantly unhappy. She is not a role model for that reason. And hey don't forget that apart from a few disasters she's had more touchdowns then anyone else, because she has a beautiful voice. Courtney also has a great voice and hey it's a singing contest.

Not too mention the teenage girls are actually voting for Anthony. It's older people who vote for Courtney and Casey I would think (trust me teenage girls are not the only ones who vote).
Very true.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
RooBunny said:
Then why was Angie the first voted out? The argument fails on that alone.
where were you during series 1? idol voters are racist. casey is obvoiusly white enough to have survived like guy did.

People also want to emulate someone they see as happy and successful - Casey doesn't give that off at all, Casey seems constantly unhappy. She is not a role model for that reason. And hey don't forget that apart from a few disasters she's had more touchdowns then anyone else, because she has a beautiful voice. Courtney also has a great voice and hey it's a singing contest.
rebecca cartwright is a better singer than casey, marilyn manson more adaptable to the pop genre, and adolf hitler easier to market. casey might allegedly have a great voice but what the hell could she possibly sing if she wins, and the video clip, how could that possibly be made stylish, unique or *shudders* attractive.

seriously re heat S2S or Vanessa Amorosi because both of them are so much better than anybody to have come through the idol system its not funny

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Ted Pellitts said:
where were you during series 1? idol voters are racist. casey is obvoiusly white enough to have survived like guy did.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA - That's why Guy won? A Malaysian? And Paulini came 4th! Or the first two out were Matt and the Pig Farmer (sorry forgot his name - Peter?) both white boys out before Cle and Rebekah. Yes, the racist argument is very easily supported. Or in fact why Casey (who is aboriginal by the way) has beaten out the blonde, blue eyed Hayley?

rebecca cartwright is a better singer than casey

And this definitely destroys any argument you were trying to make.
I'm worried by Courtney's version Somebody to Love... and don't start me on Anthony doing Bridge Over Troubled Water....[/QUOTE]

Somebody to love is a great choice for him, just whether he can pull it off, could be another touchdown moment. Looking forward to this.

However i have to say bridge over troubled water, oh god, the pain. was already shudderring!!
nicolbolas said:
Somebody to love is a great choice for him, just whether he can pull it off, could be another touchdown moment. Looking forward to this.

However i have to say bridge over troubled water, oh god, the pain. was already shudderring!!

That's what I meant with Courtney - if he pulls it off it will be great and as he can't sing like Freddy Mercury he can't "mimic" him as the judges complain he does. However if he blows it, he'll blow it big time.
Ted Pellitts said:
thats a shame, because it didn't compel me at all

Teddie, got a feeling that you may be a bit sensitive about being a malnourished, pimply faced little geek, so have a hatred towards larger people. Maybe if you're mummy let you go out of the house you may discover that people come in all shapes and sizes, and that what you consider to be an overweight person is not "obese" and probably has more of an active lifestyle than you. It does not affect whether they are suitable role models.
Would still love to see Courts belt out a Meatloaf number before the end of the competition though...

Nil interest in anything Anthony is planning to sing. Really hope the last two will be Courtney and Casey. :)
RooBunny said:
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA - That's why Guy won? A Malaysian? And Paulini came 4th! Or the first two out were Matt and the Pig Farmer (sorry forgot his name - Peter?) both white boys out before Cle and Rebekah. Yes, the racist argument is very easily supported. Or in fact why Casey (who is aboriginal by the way) has beaten out the blonde, blue eyed Hayley?
did i start the racism argument? again, just running with material already presented by people in a more informed situation than me.

and as for hayley - flat as a tack. if she was a blonde haired, blue eyed man, with similar looks, and similar singing ability, she'd be odds on favourite.
purplesoul said:
Teddie, got a feeling that you may be a bit sensitive about being a malnourished, pimply faced little geek, so have a hatred towards larger people. Maybe if you're mummy let you go out of the house you may discover that people come in all shapes and sizes, and that what you consider to be an overweight person is not "obese" and probably has more of an active lifestyle than you. It does not affect whether they are suitable role models.
you've assumed a lot there purplesoul

it sounds to me like you're talking to a totally different person, certainly not me
Ted Pellitts said:
did i start the racism argument? again, just running with material already presented by people in a more informed situation than me.

and as for hayley - flat as a tack. if she was a blonde haired, blue eyed man, with similar looks, and similar singing ability, she'd be odds on favourite.

So who are these people more informed than you? So basically you've heard a few tidbits of gossip eg talk back radio and decided that makes a credible argument, which you still argue for despite not having your own opinion or conducting serious research into the topic?

You may have not started the racism debate - it was actually most significantly started in American Idol - not Australian Idol (although there were a few rumours) - by Elton John who couldn't understand why Jennifer got voted out after a spectacular performance of one his songs - but you were the one who raised it in the context of this argument and used first season as an example - in fact mentioning that I obviously didn't pay attention.

Hayley by the way was not flat as a tack. Secondly remember Matt who I pointed out got kicked out first last year? He was blonde haired, blue eyed and had a better voice than Hayley.

And you've just shot your own argument in the foot again...a minute ago all the voters were insecure "obese" teenage girls who would clearly vote for "obese" role models. Now they'd be more likely to vote for a blonde, blue eyed hearthrob.

Now stop using this board to add to your post count. Some of us would actually like to genuinely discuss the show.

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Will Sundays performances really influence voters. I just have this feeling that Casey is going to go, because the 2 guys have a bigger supporter base that will vote for them regardless of Sunday.
purplesoul said:
Will Sundays performances really influence voters. I just have this feeling that Casey is going to go, because the 2 guys have a bigger supporter base that will vote for them regardless of Sunday.

I think sadly that Anthony is absolutely guaranteed of getting through. The thing with the 70s is that many voters weren't alive to know the songs. Many people won't know Bridge Over Troubled Water and will fail to appreciate the way Art Garfunkel sang it with such a sweet, melodic simplicity as opposed to Anthony's Johhny Young Talent School style.

I do think it's a toss up between Casey and Courtney though. I think Courtney's been a firm favourite the whole show so should get through, but hey so was Rikki-Lee.
By this stage of the competition in the last series the Idol organisers had clearly decided Guy was the one they wanted as Australian Idol. Not saying he did not deserve to win but it was sickening how biased the official push became. The judges led by Dicko (who could only see the $$$$ signs flashing) and the two shirt lifters(Jim and Andrew) went overboard in pumping for Guy. It was embarrassing for Guy and unfair to the other two.

This time around the organisers appear to be worried. Casey has a great voice but her age, appearance and inability to express herself verbally are huge disadvantages. Anthony has ability and appeals to the young girls and sugar moms, but lacks the maturity at this point to shake off the perception of a Young Talent Time type.

I believe Courtney is their main hope. He is more mature, experienced and ready than the other two. His two major identified "flaws" have been identified as his weight and irritability at criticism. To his credit he has been working hard on his physical appearance. Last week he finally showed he had also been listening to technical criticisms and gave much better performances and reaction to the judges feedback. I think he also gained a lot of confidence and is capable of further improvement in the final 2 weeks. If he does then Courtney will become the new Australian Idol.
If Anthony wins I won't listen to an FM radio station for at least six months.

The number of songs he has murdered (and not in a good way) with his boy-band-soaking-up-their-fifteen-minutes-style vocal gymnastics, the ridiculous 'days of our lives' inspired head flicks, and comical mannerisms that never change whether he's singing Sean Paul or Andrea Bocelli (and that performance was WAY over-rated...'Grand Royale Touchdown' my arse) is unforgiveable.

His performance (that should really read 'alleged performance') of 'When I saw her standing there' was the sort of thing you would expect to see in a 'Spinal Tap' style p*** take of talent shows - not on Australian Idol!

If (well...when) he gets through to the final, I will seriously consider voting for the other party, no matter who it is, despite the fact I had previously sworn never to vote on one of these reality style shows simply because I can't stand the thought of Bruce Samazan mk.II (minus the acting part - thugh I'm sure that it's only a matter of time) soiling the name of Australian musical talent.

RooBunny said:
Hayley by the way was not flat as a tack.
see an optometrist for your own good

RooBunny said:
Now stop using this board to add to your post count. Some of us would actually like to genuinely discuss the show.
why are you so afriad of an opinion that differs to yours?

the title of this thread was 'australian idol series 2', not 'let's all say something nice about australian idol'
Ted Pellitts said:
see an optometrist for your own good

why are you so afriad of an opinion that differs to yours?

the title of this thread was 'australian idol series 2', not 'let's all say something nice about australian idol'

Thanks Ted, you've amused me greatly :D
not a single post about tonights show!

here is how i saw it

courtney was average
casey was garbage - she cannot sing. she has a poor attitude, she has no style or class, she is petulant, she is just not a human. she should be disenfranchised of humanhood.
anthony dominated.

conclusion - anthony voted out, fatties to the final
Ted Pellitts said:
not a single post about tonights show!

here is how i saw it

courtney was average
casey was garbage - she cannot sing. she has a poor attitude, she has no style or class, she is petulant, she is just not a human. she should be disenfranchised of humanhood.
anthony dominated.

conclusion - anthony voted out, fatties to the final
An accurate run down, except I would have bagged Casey just a tad more and highlighted the fact that all three are pretty ordinary.
yeah - by saying 'anthony dominated' i meant he dominated his competition - not the songs themselves
Well it only just finished here...

Tonight's show...well I hate Anthony so I can't even pretend to be unbiased but I hated his plastic version of Bridge Over Troubled Water...and was so upset to see the judges just rave about it...I thought he totally oversang it, to me the original was just so simple and heart wrenching and that wasn't. His version of Hold the Line wasn't too awful, it's a good sing a long song so it's hard to muck up.

Courtney was a LOT more modest and accepting of the judges tonight which was a very wise move. One of the best ways to get me offside is to play anything by Wings (one of the reasons the 70s sucked musically - thank god for Elvis Costello, The Clash, The Police etc who saved it) so he lost many points for that. It was a nice enough version though, Somebody to Love was much better.

Casey's Your So Vain was very good, thanks to the fact that she sang it made me race to my Carly Simon CD though, so I don't know if that's good or bad! The second song, I have to admit I'd never heard before and it sounded like it was better suited to last week's big band week.

I know Anthony's going through (WHY???? :rolleyes: ) so it'll be out of Courtney and Casey going and I'm really not sure who. I've been a Courtney fan the whole time so I hope he gets through but sadly neither of them will beat the Plastic One in the final.

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Australian Idol

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