Opinion AUSTRALIAN Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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I never had anything close to resembling a wage that would afford a mortgage in 20 years of working various jobs up until I got into the industry I am in now - It has a strong union history, our workforce would be almost 100% union members and I am reaping the benefits of that
So you're reaping the rewards of other peoples hard work?

#freeloader ;)

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From the Senate hearing on excess deaths:

“It would be fair enough if everybody in the community was equally at risk…. unfortunately that was not the case. Yet we treated everybody as though they were. And that sacrificed one group of people for the potential, or the puported benefit of another.

“But complicating that strategy in addition was the fact these vaccines did barely nothing to prevent transmission anyway.

“The younger people getting vaccinated to protect more vulnerable people… they weren’t actually protecting those more vulnerable people. From our patient perspective, we just see so many people, who were living full, active, very vibrant lives, and that’s been destroyed now.

“People who didn’t need to have the vaccine, but felt compelled to, or they were coerced to, in order to ‘protect’ their community or family… or even if they thought Covid was a big risk for themselves…but actually it wasn’t.”

I'd be almost certain this is the reason the Despicable Daniel got TF outta there so soon after winning another term.

Pretty obvious what was long held that both he and the missus had been drinking at the party they were returning from when the missus cleaned up the poor lad on his bike yet no standard practice breathalyser etc etc. More evidence of the lying coniving rat P.O.S. that is Despicable Daniel.

Questions raised over what happened in the ‘four missing minutes’ between the crash and Daniel Andrews calling triple-0​

Daniel Andrews refused to be drawn on why he is resisting a Supreme Court order to hand over his mobile phone records from the day of a near-fatal 2013 car crash with a teenage cyclist.

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Daniel Andrews has remained tightlipped on why he is resisting a Supreme Court order to hand over his mobile phone records from the day of a near-fatal 2013 car crash with a teenage cyclist.
Mr Andrews on Monday refused to comment on the matter saying it was before the courts.
“It would be thoroughly inappropriate for me to comment on your reporting or on the matter,” he told the Herald Sun.
Asked about his controversial King’s birthday honour and whether he had spoken to any of the victims of the Covid pandemic that were angry about the decision, Mr Andrews said: “I’ve put a statement out and I’ve got nothing further to add”.

Earlier, the Herald Sun revealed the former Victorian premier – who last week received the highest award in the King’s Birthday Honours – engaged high-profile lawyer Leon Zwier to fight the order.

He was slapped with a subpoena outside his Mulgrave home in March.

Lawyers for Ryan Meuleman, who was 15 when he was struck by the Andrews’ family SUV in Blairgowrie, are seeking to establish who Mr Andrews spoke to – and when – amid concerns of interference in the collision’s aftermath.

Ryan Meuleman was 15 when he was struck by the Andrews’ family SUV in Blairgowrie.

Ryan Meuleman was 15 when he was struck by the Andrews’ family SUV in Blairgowrie.
Ryan’s father Peter Meuleman said he could not understand why Mr Andrews would not simply comply with the court subpoena.

“What has he got to hide? He just received an Order of Australia – he’s meant to be exemplary – and yet he’s doing this,” he said.

The Meulemans said that Mr Zwier had argued the subpoena was a “fishing expedition”.

A hearing on the issue expected within weeks.

Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner Brett Curran, Mr Andrews’ chief of staff at the time of the incident, has declined to clarify if he received a call from the then-opposition leader from the crash scene.

Daniel Andrews’ SUV after the 2013 crash with Ryan Meuleman. Picture: Supplied

Daniel Andrews’ SUV after the 2013 crash with Ryan Meuleman. Picture: Supplied
Police documents show Mr Andrews did not call triple-0 until 1.10pm on January 7, 2013.

The crash is estimated to have happened four minutes earlier, at 1.06pm.

Paramedics’ records reveal that a triple-0 operator had already notified Ambulance Victoria of the emergency at 1.08pm after being alerted by a call from a nearby resident.

Former Assistant Commissioner for Traffic and Operations Raymond Shuey estimated it would have taken up to a minute for the triple-0 operator to process the notification through to Ambulance Victoria.

Dr Shuey said there was likely to have been another minute’s lag between the crash and the call being made. So he estimated the collision probably happened at 1.06pm.

Ryan Meuleman after the near-fatal crash.

Ryan Meuleman after the near-fatal crash.
Dr Shuey, now an expert witness for the Meuleman family, asked: “What happened in those four missing minutes between the crash and Andrews’ call?”

In sworn statements to police, Mr Andrews and his wife Catherine, who was the driver, said he had “immediately” called triple-0 for an ambulance.

Mr Meuleman said: “A neighbour called the moment she heard the crash. So what was Andrews waiting for? What the hell was he doing in those four minutes?”

Mr Meuleman said the family had also obtained a statement from Ridley St resident Brad Morgan, who was in his front yard when the crash occurred, saying: “I heard the squeal of tyres then an almighty bang, followed by screams of pain.”

In sworn statements to police, Mr Andrews and his wife Catherine, who was the driver, said he had ‘immediately’ called triple-0 for an ambulance.
Ryan’s camp will argue “the squeal of tyres” is further evidence the SUV was travelling at speed, contradicting the Andrews’ claims they came to a “complete stop” and “turned right from a stationary position” just “moments” before the collision.

Mr and Ms Andrews have always maintained that their Ford Territory was “T-boned” by the bike, while Ryan insists the Andrews’ car was “speeding” and “seemed to come out of nowhere” when he was struck 17m on from the Melbourne Rd-Ridley St intersection.

Police photographs uncovered by the Herald Sun in November 2022 showed extensive damage to the front of the Andrews’ car and its windscreen.

In April last year, the Herald Sun revealed an Ambulance Victoria report detailed how the Andrews’ SUV “struck” Ryan while “travelling at 40 to 60km/h”.

Questions surrounding the police response to the crash have included why officers failed to use breathalysers and why they allowed Mr Andrews to drive the unroadworthy vehicle from the scene.

Mr Zwier, of top law firm Arnold Bloch Leibler, helped the Andrews government scrap the $1bn East West Link contract, and the 2026 Commonwealth Games at a $380m compensation cost to taxpayers.

Ryan’s lawyers are suing law firm Slater & Gordon, which acted for him after the crash, for failing to conduct “a full and proper investigation into the circumstances”.

A trial date has been set for May next year.

Senior Allan government Minister Lily D’Ambrosio on Monday said the crash had been “thoroughly investigated” and the case closed.

Asked whether the former Premier should comply with a Supreme Court order to hand over phone records from the day of the crash, Ms D’Ambrosio said: “I’m not going to get into court matters but what I can say to everybody is that whenever this pops up every now and then, the matter has been thoroughly investigated by all relevant authorities and there’s nothing more to be added”.

“I won’t be adding any more comments to it,” she said.

These sickos come for everything eventually.

Toddlers being turned into activists at childcare: report

A new curriculum for Australia’s childcare centres has been accused of turning toddlers into cultural and environmental activists and ignoring the role of parents.

The Institute of Public Affairs says the federal government’s Early Years Learning Framework is “indoctrinating infants and toddlers to radical social justice theory, rather than allowing children to simply be children”.

An IPA analysis of the framework found diversity, inclusion and equity mentioned 149 times, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and reconciliation 96 times. However, mother, father and parent were not mentioned at all.

The federal government’s childcare regulator, the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority, guides childcare centres in applying the framework.

The regulator suggests childcare services perform a daily Acknowledgement of Country and display both the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags on their premises.

It states that social justice in early years is an “exciting” opportunity to explore issues around gender, sexuality, race and culture.

Bella d’Abrera, director of the Foundations of Western Civilisation program at the IPA, said most parents would be unaware activism was “at the heart of the mandatory education being forced upon their child”.

“These centres should be where children play in sandpits, draw with crayons, and have afternoon naps, not be inducted into the cults of social justice, identity politics and sustainability by activist educators,” Dr d’Abrera said.
Succinct and straight to the point..

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Not happy we have reopened major export markets, like our wineries & other farmers that were suffering.

Gather you prefer the ScoMo approach of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Yeah, it's a delicate relationship & we need to stand up for issues, but there is a diplomatic way of doing it.
Not happy we have reopened major export markets, like our wineries & other farmers that were suffering.

Gather you prefer the ScoMo approach of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Yeah, it's a delicate relationship & we need to stand up for issues, but there is a diplomatic way of doing it.
I think the point was "at what cost".

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I think the point was "at what cost".
What are you suggesting the cost is?

Do you realise how many export dollars have been lost by ScoMo's diplomacy skills...
Not happy we have reopened major export markets, like our wineries & other farmers that were suffering.

Gather you prefer the ScoMo approach of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Yeah, it's a delicate relationship & we need to stand up for issues, but there is a diplomatic way of doing it.
Yeah like just bending over and taking it up the rear, first the sonar with our navy divers,then the Chinese navy firing lasers at RAF aircraft, numerous cyber attacks, and then yesterday the Chinese diplomats (henchmen) blocking Australian journalist Cheng Lei from the Press conference and numerous other ünfriendy acts.. Albanese claimed later in the day he wasn't aware of it...utter bullshit he's got 11 full time press aides that would have made him aware, if not they should all be fired.

Diplomacy works 2 ways and if you think kowtowing to the Chinese will end well you're delusional.
Yeah like just bending over and taking it up the rear, first the sonar with our navy divers,then the Chinese navy firing lasers at RAF aircraft, numerous cyber attacks, and then yesterday the Chinese diplomats (henchmen) blocking Australian journalist Cheng Lei from the Press conference and numerous other ünfriendy acts.. Albanese claimed later in the day he wasn't aware of it...utter bullshit he's got 11 full time press aides that would have made him aware, if not they should all be fired.

Diplomacy works 2 ways and if you think kowtowing to the Chinese will end well you're delusional.
How will it end exactly?

Would you have preferred we still let our primary industries suffer with a lack of exports to our biggest trading country.

You make it sound so simple...
How will it end exactly?

Would you have preferred we still let our primary industries suffer with a lack of exports to our biggest trading country.

You make it sound so simple...
I'm sure you're really not that thick, Xi Jinping and the CCP will just keep pushing us around because Albanese and this Labor Government aren't prepared to push back. The actions of the Chinese diplomats (henchmen) at a press conference in Australia yesterday should absolutely be the last straw that broke the camel's back.
I'm sure you're really not that thick, Xi Jinping and the CCP will just keep pushing us around because Albanese and this Labor Government aren't prepared to push back. The actions of the Chinese diplomats (henchmen) at a press conference in Australia yesterday should absolutely be the last straw that broke the camel's back.
How do you know they are not pushing back behind closed doors?

Would you prefer the ScoMo approach to publicly embarrass China so they can threaten our export industries again...

You make it sound just so simple...
How do you know they are not pushing back behind closed doors?

Would you prefer the ScoMo approach to publicly embarrass China so they can threaten our export industries again...

You make it sound just so simple...
Are you serious?

Did you here Albanese today when asked about the incident with the Chinese henchmen on Australian journalist Cheng Lei who incidently they locked up for 3 years on trumped up spying charges...he described it as ham fisted....maybe try unacceptable doofus.

Or did you hear his comments a while back on the incidents with our RAF pilots and our Navy divers? Unprofessional Albanese called it?....Try unacceptable doofus!!

Incidently on both occasions our Navy and RAF were not operating anywhere near China's territorial waters, in fact the episide with the RAF pilots were operating in the Arafura sea which is well within Australia's exclusive economic zone.
Are you serious?

Did you here Albanese today when asked about the incident with the Chinese henchmen on Australian journalist Cheng Lei who incidently they locked up for 3 years on trumped up spying charges...he described it as ham fisted....maybe try unacceptable doofus.

Or did you hear his comments a while back on the incidents with our RAF pilots and our Navy divers? Unprofessional Albanese called it?....Try unacceptable doofus!!

Incidently on both occasions our Navy and RAF were not operating anywhere near China's territorial waters, in fact the episide with the RAF pilots were operating in the Arafura sea which is well within Australia's exclusive economic zone.
Yet you have ignored by questions about what you would do.

Prefer the ScoMo approach of playing these issues out in public to threaten our export industries?

I was asked about the cost, but I know how many suffered with the last bans... which was a far, far greater cost.

So you are OK for us to publicly rebuke China rather than a more diplomatic approach...

Again, you make this out like it's so simple...
Yet you have ignored by questions about what you would do.

Prefer the ScoMo approach of playing these issues out in public to threaten our export industries?

I was asked about the cost, but I know how many suffered with the last bans... which was a far, far greater cost.

So you are OK for us to publicly rebuke China rather than a more diplomatic approach...

Again, you make this out like it's so simple...
You're letting your left bias impact your thinking if you think Xi Jinping's "handsome boy" Albanese is being strong enough with his words in condemnation of China's aggresive behaviour towards us.
You're letting your left bias impact your thinking if you think Xi Jinping's "handsome boy" Albanese is being strong enough with his words in condemnation of China's aggresive behaviour towards us.
No, I just know the importance of publicly not pissing off our #1 trading partner... which is completely lost on you!

Just as well you are not a diplomat as you have nfi...
No, I just know the importance of publicly not pissing off our #1 trading partner... which is completely lost on you!

Just as well you are not a diplomat as you have nfi...
Albo's diplomacy is bend me over, here's the lube Xi when it comes to China. He's a weak leader just like the latest Polls are showing.
Albo's diplomacy is bend me over, here's the lube Xi when it comes to China. He's a weak leader just like the latest Polls are showing.
You would prefer to make a strong rebuke of China publicly & threaten our export industries...

Really smart stuff...
The wheel is turning...And LOL the Number 1 issue for voters is the cost of living so of course The Guardian's latest Essential Poll didn't bother to include that in their Poll....We all know why...

Guardian Essential poll: Labor vulnerable to Dutton’s climate campaign as voters split on 2030 target​

Almost half of those surveyed said target was ‘unachievable and hurting the economy’ and Australia should instead focus on 2050
In the Essential poll just more than half (52%) of those surveyed said Australia should “stick to its 2030 target and achieving this target is necessary to meet the 2050 target”.

Just less than half (48%) said the target was “unachievable and hurting the economy” and Australia should “instead focus on the 2050 target”. Two-thirds of Coalition voters (67%) supported that view, as did one-third (34%) of Labor voters. Women were more likely to favour sticking with the 2030 target (55%) than men (50%).

When respondents were told that abandoning the 2030 targets “would breach Australia’s legally binding commitment to the Paris climate agreement”, which only allows countries to increase their targets, voters were still split with 36% opposed, 31% in favour and 33% neither supporting nor opposing the Dutton plan.

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