Australian Wrestling thread

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I was walking the dogs past Tallboy & Moose in Preston just now.

If you'd told me that "DMDU" (if it's still that) would ultimately find its niche on gym mats out the back of a brewpub in Preston around the corner from my house, I'd have backhanded you for not sharing your drugs. But **** me they've started to pull decent little crowds in for these Mat Earth shows, and T&M seem really happy to bring them in once a quarter for the crowds they're pulling.

(Don't ever eat the food at this pub, it's the absolute shits. But the Kiwi IPA and the Tribute Stout they're serving at the moment are outstanding.)
how much is a "decent little crowd"?

Dunno, I didn't go in, but it looked as crowded as I've ever seen that pub. I went to the first Mat Earth show there and there would've been maybe 30 there? There would've been more than double that last night.
I've been to over 40 wrestling shows in the last 2 years. I have no idea who the guy on the bottom left here is:

Walker Stewart tweeted along with the TAMASHII show as he watched it, but I think there's something different about how The Velocities are being promoted.

This October could be the year? God I hope so...

The Kurt Angle prices broke my brain

I understand that Kurt would be big money to book and he'd be coming over to Australia in the most luxurious manner possible but yeah, I don't think there is any wrestler ever that I'd be spending $350.00 on for a signed 8X10, a photo and to see them be general manager for the night.

I'm sure you could get a half decent ticket to AEW at Suncorp for the same price and they'll have all of the stars there for that.
Thing is, there are crazy people who would pay that... but they're hardcore collectors who want their figure/rare card they can grade/title belt signed, not some shitty, small event A5 piece of paper with an autograph on it that's not even personalised.

This is such a miss on so many levels, without even factoring in AEW sales this week.

Also, who the **** is paying $100 general admission to watch Angle be a GM?

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I understand that Kurt would be big money to book and he'd be coming over to Australia in the most luxurious manner possible but yeah, I don't think there is any wrestler ever that I'd be spending $350.00 on for a signed 8X10, a photo and to see them be general manager for the night.

I'm sure you could get a half decent ticket to AEW at Suncorp for the same price and they'll have all of the stars there for that.
Like I get that he's probably 20k + business flights for him and his partner.

But at least put on a good card underneath. Like BCW is okay mostly but if you are going to do this it better be the all star show of all.
Solid first half. Obviously the match with Parea vs Icons setting up for the main, which should be awesome if they stick the landing.
I woke up on the wrong side of bed today. Had I been able to sell my ticket and/or had the show been live streamed tonight, I would've stayed home. Maybe that informs my review?

But I've never been to a local show that I hated that much. And I was there at DMDU when there were only 30 others.

They aren't even trying to put on good matches now. It's just jam your shitty one-dimensional storyline into ****ing everything on the show, and absolutely torch it from an enjoyment perspective because the booker thinks his "art" of storytelling is more important than the art of professional wrestling, and telling stories in the ring.

The opener was nothing but an Icons plot device.

The womens match was just an introduction of Shay and Kingsley as a heel tag team ahead of the OPW crossover.

Ricky vs Dusk should've been a great match - it was a short bunch of nothingness.

The heel turn in the tag title match was predictable a week ago. I still don't know who those w***ers are, and I don't care. It's one thing that I can speak confidently about tonight, is that no one else gave a shit either.

Rapid was in the death spot coming out to no reaction, then we got another storyline ending to keep the feud going, and a result that made no sense going into the OPW show.

We got a short tag match which was only a plot device for the storyline afterwards - interesting to see a faction that was built in another Melbourne fed that MCW doesn't acknowledge, that failed the first time because Carlo wasn't around, is now getting a run in MCW. Zhan Wen looked incredible... then he fell on his ass hitting his one move.

And then the main event... that ****ing main event. It was going so well, it was such a good match. Then...

Rocky, Brooks, Robbie, Jarvis, the 2 flogs, Ricky, Aeros, Theseus, Tuckman. That's 10 run ins. Going out on a limb and saying that's a touch excessive.

To cap it all off, I had the biggest human I've ever seen sitting in front of me, I had the flogs you dread at a local show trying to get themselves over behind me, I had the fight come right by me as people were throwing beer at the wrestlers and one fat smelly campaigner was literally jumping on me. (He got a swift shove and told to get the **** off me before I headbutted him.)

The guys shouting bullshit at the back - but not so the wrestlers could hear their stupid inane shit - got so jealous when Tommy acknowledged that guy in the crowd during the main event. They were swearing at him, yelling at him to sit down, it was so precious.

This was the worst episodes of Raw from 2018. Just one-dimensional storyline bullshit interfering with everything, and not responding to crowd reactions at all. No great matches; the main event was the only thing that even approached a 7/10, and then the run ins made that a 3/10 for me.

I've left tonight feeling a strange mix of devastated and angry. Not angry that I wasted my time or money. Not devastated by the results.

I guess this company isn't for me any more. It's not the workrate company that I fell in love with, it's a shitty, broken toy, and the guy in charge of it is so arrogant that he doesn't take advice or feedback on how to improve it or make it more enjoyable. I've been lucky enough to have seen the MCW that I want - this aint it :(

For me, being the first show post Delta, this needed something big. I thought "The End" announcement was going to be it, I thought it was going to be a person. Whilst it did elicit a genuine shocked pop from the crowd when "Melbourne Pavilion" flashed up on the screen, it's not personally exciting. When I'm hanging by a thread in terms of attending shows, I don't need them to be further away from me!

I have tickets with a mate in a fortnight, but I won't be going to Fight to Survive, and unless my mate sees the "End Game" ad at Worlds Collide and wants to go, I doubt I'll be going to that either. And the question mark over the building probably makes my doubts over attending future shows a little easier - The Parea said tonight "this is the house the Icons built, but we're going to build a new house." The phrasing of it sounded like it's not a one-off show. I wonder if they're doing what I was wondering a year ago after the GCW shows where they return to the old Essendon/Thornbury model, except now you're running Thornbury for your "regular" shows, and you do Ballroom Brawl and End Game/Final Battle/Whatever at the Pavilion.

It's unlikely to impact me that much. I've been to every MCW show this year, I've been to every Renegades show... Since that first Renegades show at Northcote back in January, I could count on one hand the number of matches I've seen that I'd go out of my way to re-watch.

It might be a good time for a break from live wrestling until Grand Slam next year.
After reading so much discourse about the All Out main yesterday. I still think the most crazy match I've seen live was the Slex/Rocky main event.

I've been to 40380438403 BJW/FREEDOMS shows with crazy bloody and well worked main events (you can't go through the dojo systems for these places and still not show how fundamentally good you are), but nothing compares to that match in terms of brutality. It always crosses my mind in the best matches I've seen in Australia.

I wish Rocky would do a stint in All Japan, he would be so perfect there. Him and Kento Miyahara doing a who could do less perfectly and get more out of would be amazing.
After reading so much discourse about the All Out main yesterday. I still think the most crazy match I've seen live was the Slex/Rocky main event.

I've been to 40380438403 BJW/FREEDOMS shows with crazy bloody and well worked main events (you can't go through the dojo systems for these places and still not show how fundamentally good you are), but nothing compares to that match in terms of brutality. It always crosses my mind in the best matches I've seen in Australia.

I wish Rocky would do a stint in All Japan, he would be so perfect there. Him and Kento Miyahara doing a who could do less perfectly and get more out of would be amazing.
From memory, Rocky is a big fan of BJW so it stands to reason that he would be going out of his way to emulate that wrestling style
I woke up on the wrong side of bed today. Had I been able to sell my ticket and/or had the show been live streamed tonight, I would've stayed home. Maybe that informs my review?

But I've never been to a local show that I hated that much. And I was there at DMDU when there were only 30 others.

They aren't even trying to put on good matches now. It's just jam your shitty one-dimensional storyline into ****ing everything on the show, and absolutely torch it from an enjoyment perspective because the booker thinks his "art" of storytelling is more important than the art of professional wrestling, and telling stories in the ring.

The opener was nothing but an Icons plot device.

The womens match was just an introduction of Shay and Kingsley as a heel tag team ahead of the OPW crossover.

Ricky vs Dusk should've been a great match - it was a short bunch of nothingness.

The heel turn in the tag title match was predictable a week ago. I still don't know who those w***ers are, and I don't care. It's one thing that I can speak confidently about tonight, is that no one else gave a shit either.

Rapid was in the death spot coming out to no reaction, then we got another storyline ending to keep the feud going, and a result that made no sense going into the OPW show.

We got a short tag match which was only a plot device for the storyline afterwards - interesting to see a faction that was built in another Melbourne fed that MCW doesn't acknowledge, that failed the first time because Carlo wasn't around, is now getting a run in MCW. Zhan Wen looked incredible... then he fell on his ass hitting his one move.

And then the main event... that ****ing main event. It was going so well, it was such a good match. Then...

Rocky, Brooks, Robbie, Jarvis, the 2 flogs, Ricky, Aeros, Theseus, Tuckman. That's 10 run ins. Going out on a limb and saying that's a touch excessive.

To cap it all off, I had the biggest human I've ever seen sitting in front of me, I had the flogs you dread at a local show trying to get themselves over behind me, I had the fight come right by me as people were throwing beer at the wrestlers and one fat smelly campaigner was literally jumping on me. (He got a swift shove and told to get the **** off me before I headbutted him.)

The guys shouting bullshit at the back - but not so the wrestlers could hear their stupid inane shit - got so jealous when Tommy acknowledged that guy in the crowd during the main event. They were swearing at him, yelling at him to sit down, it was so precious.

This was the worst episodes of Raw from 2018. Just one-dimensional storyline bullshit interfering with everything, and not responding to crowd reactions at all. No great matches; the main event was the only thing that even approached a 7/10, and then the run ins made that a 3/10 for me.

I've left tonight feeling a strange mix of devastated and angry. Not angry that I wasted my time or money. Not devastated by the results.

I guess this company isn't for me any more. It's not the workrate company that I fell in love with, it's a shitty, broken toy, and the guy in charge of it is so arrogant that he doesn't take advice or feedback on how to improve it or make it more enjoyable. I've been lucky enough to have seen the MCW that I want - this aint it :(

For me, being the first show post Delta, this needed something big. I thought "The End" announcement was going to be it, I thought it was going to be a person. Whilst it did elicit a genuine shocked pop from the crowd when "Melbourne Pavilion" flashed up on the screen, it's not personally exciting. When I'm hanging by a thread in terms of attending shows, I don't need them to be further away from me!

I have tickets with a mate in a fortnight, but I won't be going to Fight to Survive, and unless my mate sees the "End Game" ad at Worlds Collide and wants to go, I doubt I'll be going to that either. And the question mark over the building probably makes my doubts over attending future shows a little easier - The Parea said tonight "this is the house the Icons built, but we're going to build a new house." The phrasing of it sounded like it's not a one-off show. I wonder if they're doing what I was wondering a year ago after the GCW shows where they return to the old Essendon/Thornbury model, except now you're running Thornbury for your "regular" shows, and you do Ballroom Brawl and End Game/Final Battle/Whatever at the Pavilion.

It's unlikely to impact me that much. I've been to every MCW show this year, I've been to every Renegades show... Since that first Renegades show at Northcote back in January, I could count on one hand the number of matches I've seen that I'd go out of my way to re-watch.

It might be a good time for a break from live wrestling until Grand Slam next year.
Heel groups are super hot and this is the first time they've done this sort of angle as well. I don't mind them having a theme each year.
Australians on the PWI 500 list.

65. Kyle Fletcher
99. Jess Troy (the highest ranked woman on the "mens"/open list.)
144. Bronson Reed
157. Delta
161. Adam Brooks
169. Robbie Eagles
222. Charli Evans
232. Slex
255. Ricky South
261. Grayson Waller
306. Duke Hudson
323. The Tuckman
328. Paris da Silva
333. Emman Azman
340. Jimmy Townsend
342. Ben Braxton
356. Caveman Ugg
395. Chris Basso
413. Will Kiedis

  • Clearly a lot more eyes on the Australian scene from the PWI voters than usual
  • no Jude is weird when Paris is 328.
  • the list I saw said "The Tuck Man"... surely you've gotta get right to be an authority don't you?
  • no Buddy Matthews feels like a guy that was forgotten, Australia's top champs seem pretty well represented in this list.
  • To have included Kiedis, Braxton, even Tuckman ahead of Tommy suggests they absolutely forgot about Tommy!

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Australian Wrestling thread

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