- Oct 21, 2024
- 21
- 2
- AFL Club
When i say wins and losses don’t matter i mean more in the form of independent promotions seperate from one another and within context.You're entitled to your view but the only part I respectfully disagree with is wins and losses not really mattering. If they don't matter because wrestling isn't real then what's the point in even watching? Spiderman isn't real but the world still pays hundreds of millions of dollars to see him get involved in a storyline and beat the bad guys.
As I said above, if you're laughing at my points about keeping the local guys strong then you're laughing at legitimate hall of fame bookers and promoters because they've been doing that for decades, this isn't MY concept I'm posting. You mentioned Robbie so you clearly get excited for him, did you know that in PWA he has only taken on average 2 losses a year across his entire 18 year career there? Is that laughable?
Also, you're shifting the posts, your original argument was that the booking wasn't bad, now you're arguing that the bad booking won't impact ticket sales and that the fans aren't smart enough to realise that the QLD guys were booked badly. Which is it?
Delta losing all those matches on her way out doesn’t hurt her at all because of the context behind them.
Jarvis being a heel and winning and retaining his tag titles in renegades doesn’t detract from his story as a rising baby face in mcw.
Jesse Lambert won interstate but his story in EPW about getting his first win isn’t damaged.
My point is - i think pulling up people’s wins and loss records to apply meaning to them is silly. Who cares if cava hasn’t won a bunch of matches, it’s wrestling, it’s about the story your telling through those matches - if someone presents him as a killer force and books it’s well, just because his cagemstch doesn’t reflect that doesn’t mean it’s unbelievable.
Pretty much any wrestler that travels from their home promotion takes the L on the interstate show they work - that doesn’t make them a jobber.
Wins and losses have meaning in context to the show/promotion/story but it feels dumb to try an analyse an independent wrestlers record.