Australian Wrestling thread

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You're entitled to your view but the only part I respectfully disagree with is wins and losses not really mattering. If they don't matter because wrestling isn't real then what's the point in even watching? Spiderman isn't real but the world still pays hundreds of millions of dollars to see him get involved in a storyline and beat the bad guys.

As I said above, if you're laughing at my points about keeping the local guys strong then you're laughing at legitimate hall of fame bookers and promoters because they've been doing that for decades, this isn't MY concept I'm posting. You mentioned Robbie so you clearly get excited for him, did you know that in PWA he has only taken on average 2 losses a year across his entire 18 year career there? Is that laughable?

Also, you're shifting the posts, your original argument was that the booking wasn't bad, now you're arguing that the bad booking won't impact ticket sales and that the fans aren't smart enough to realise that the QLD guys were booked badly. Which is it?
When i say wins and losses don’t matter i mean more in the form of independent promotions seperate from one another and within context.

Delta losing all those matches on her way out doesn’t hurt her at all because of the context behind them.

Jarvis being a heel and winning and retaining his tag titles in renegades doesn’t detract from his story as a rising baby face in mcw.

Jesse Lambert won interstate but his story in EPW about getting his first win isn’t damaged.

My point is - i think pulling up people’s wins and loss records to apply meaning to them is silly. Who cares if cava hasn’t won a bunch of matches, it’s wrestling, it’s about the story your telling through those matches - if someone presents him as a killer force and books it’s well, just because his cagemstch doesn’t reflect that doesn’t mean it’s unbelievable.

Pretty much any wrestler that travels from their home promotion takes the L on the interstate show they work - that doesn’t make them a jobber.

Wins and losses have meaning in context to the show/promotion/story but it feels dumb to try an analyse an independent wrestlers record.

We're currently doing features on Women's Wrestling at PWDownunder and I got to interview Allie Galvin from Tasmanian Championship Wrestling.

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So the Parea just popped up on AEW Dynamite in the opening match.

Spewing Dynamite is delayed (already got enough subs at the moment) awesome stuff. They deserve a shot.

EDiT: Watched delayed telecast on Kayo. Pretty disappointing match IMO, even for a squash. Not sure they would have got much out of that other than experience in front of a televised crowd. Hopefully they get something more substantial in the future soon.
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Mcw tonight is killing it

Awesome show tonight, but I do have two queries after the ME...

Are we just re-doing last year's story with different names?? Cos I didn't feel there was much point of difference there at the end.

Maybe a three way wasn't the best idea, especially not with Ugg, if getting Dusk over is the goal... The people hated Ricky, the people loved Ugg. Dusk was liked, but he wasn't getting the people because Ugg was there.
If Adam Brooks isn’t the best wrestler in Australia, he’s very close. Sensational match with Robbie Thorpe last night that deservedly received a standing ovation. Robbie Thorpe continues to improve every time I see him too.

MCW is in something of a transitional phase at the minute with a lot of new talent (including a bloke in the opening match who I’m pretty sure is a member of Demolition).

The fact that they continue to sell out in advance, seemingly on the strength of their brand, is a strong endorsement of the goodwill they’ve built up with the audience. Based on the card, there was nothing that stood out to me in advance last night, but I still came away thinking it was a good show and money well spent.
If Adam Brooks isn’t the best wrestler in Australia, he’s very close. Sensational match with Robbie Thorpe last night that deservedly received a standing ovation. Robbie Thorpe continues to improve every time I see him too.

MCW is in something of a transitional phase at the minute with a lot of new talent (including a bloke in the opening match who I’m pretty sure is a member of Demolition).

The fact that they continue to sell out in advance, seemingly on the strength of their brand, is a strong endorsement of the goodwill they’ve built up with the audience. Based on the card, there was nothing that stood out to me in advance last night, but I still came away thinking it was a good show and money well spent.
I was in a similar boat. It should be solid. Then it ended up exceptional. Everyone worked so hard. Very japan in some of the match structures (roll ups and different pins towards the end), which is very nice to see since it always gets the crowd into the last third of a match.
Genuinely don’t think I can really fault anything from Anniversary - top to bottom really enjoyed all of it. Try not to spoil anything with thoughts

Scramble was fun, really cool to see Kobe Reid getting to shine.

Womens match was fun, really enjoyed seeing how those characters interact. I would’ve liked to see Eugenie defend her title but I don’t anything was lost by her not being there.

Brooksy is the best wrestler in the country I don’t know what else to say, the fact he continues to be unsigned is a crime at this point. Maybe turning the IC belt back into that workhorse belt which I am all for.

Jarvis and Rocky, short and sweet but got the point across and told their story well. That sounds negative but I promise it’s all praise. I like baby face Jarvis, I just hope it doesn’t fall into the place Emman did of just being small baby face #3.

Tag match was good, as to be expected with who was in it. Really enjoyed Ryan & Mitch together. For the match they had I felt the finish was odd but still really had fun! Maybe the best the classics have had in awhile.

Really enjoyed the main and story it was telling for all 3, I wish it went longer just because I feel they continue to scratch the surface of what they guys involved can do but never give us the whole thing, it was great though. Jesus Christ the bumps Dusk was taking, insane.

Overall, I think MCW is positioning itself for a really good interesting year, everything is fresh and new but still continuing to build off what happened last year.

Sue me for being too positive but I can’t really fault much.
Genuinely don’t think I can really fault anything from Anniversary - top to bottom really enjoyed all of it. Try not to spoil anything with thoughts

Scramble was fun, really cool to see Kobe Reid getting to shine.

Womens match was fun, really enjoyed seeing how those characters interact. I would’ve liked to see Eugenie defend her title but I don’t anything was lost by her not being there.

Brooksy is the best wrestler in the country I don’t know what else to say, the fact he continues to be unsigned is a crime at this point. Maybe turning the IC belt back into that workhorse belt which I am all for.

Jarvis and Rocky, short and sweet but got the point across and told their story well. That sounds negative but I promise it’s all praise. I like baby face Jarvis, I just hope it doesn’t fall into the place Emman did of just being small baby face #3.

Tag match was good, as to be expected with who was in it. Really enjoyed Ryan & Mitch together. For the match they had I felt the finish was odd but still really had fun! Maybe the best the classics have had in awhile.

Really enjoyed the main and story it was telling for all 3, I wish it went longer just because I feel they continue to scratch the surface of what they guys involved can do but never give us the whole thing, it was great though. Jesus Christ the bumps Dusk was taking, insane.

Overall, I think MCW is positioning itself for a really good interesting year, everything is fresh and new but still continuing to build off what happened last year.

Sue me for being too positive but I can’t really fault much.
I got to caught up in brooksy but Robbie Thorpe wasn’t just there - great performance from him. Probably the best match I’ve seen him have. Gave just as good as he got in that match.
The only two things I had that weren't super positive from Saturday are just nit picking from mine.

I enjoyed the main event, but at no time did it seem like Ricky was in danger of losing the belt, felt a little bit telegraphed. Also having every title match end with Icon$ run in is getting a little old.

Brooksy vs Robbie was absolutely exceptional, but if I'm going to nitpick it could've had a bit more legs in storyline development, if Brooksy was ripped off from the title it'd have given his turn on the group more weight and IMO he doesn't really need the belt. For me, the whole story of Jarvis going through the group should culminate in him beating Robbie for the IC, but that's just me.

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Also looking at the Pro Wrestling League show on Saturday, for all the discussion of the Supershow "making QLD guys look bad", the set up match with Robbie Eagles vs Mitch Ryder led to Robbie putting Ryder over clean as a sheet in the middle of the ring and setting up the big storyline for the company for the year and pushing Ryder's babyface turn. Who'd have thought actually watching how events would play out would actually pay off, eh?
My complaint is an entirely selfish one, it's the same one I made late last year... For the 10 years I've been in Melbourne, I've always lived pretty close to High St. So I've been really spoiled, MCW and Renegades (and the first couple of TAMASHII shows) have always been really local to me.

So when MCW announce the Pavilion, or Renegades announce Essendon? That's like the opposite of a draw for me. It makes a lot of my favourite shows of the year - namely Ballroom Brawl - a bit of a chore to attend.

I've seen 2 stellar shows in Melbourne over the last 2 weekend. Not sure Renegades translated that well to the stream, but damn that was a hot crowd on the night!
Also looking at the Pro Wrestling League show on Saturday, for all the discussion of the Supershow "making QLD guys look bad", the set up match with Robbie Eagles vs Mitch Ryder led to Robbie putting Ryder over clean as a sheet in the middle of the ring and setting up the big storyline for the company for the year and pushing Ryder's babyface turn. Who'd have thought actually watching how events would play out would actually pay off, eh?

I think you're looking to argue just for the sake of arguing.

Mitch beat Robbie via a small package. The small package is a protected loss which most wrestling fans over the past 30 years have considered a fluke way to win a match, it also happened on the smaller, less prestigious and hyped show that less people will watch and pay attention to, this isn't the "Aha! Gotcha!" moment you're looking for I don't think.

Over the past month out of all the interstaters that went up to QLD only one QLD wrestler beat a non QLD wrestler with a clean decisive victory via finishing move or submission and that was EC Diamond over Anth Cava. The rest has been fluke roll ups/small packages or cheating. You're right, the QLD wrestlers look awesome.
I think you're looking to argue just for the sake of arguing.

Mitch beat Robbie via a small package. The small package is a protected loss which most wrestling fans over the past 30 years have considered a fluke way to win a match, it also happened on the smaller, less prestigious and hyped show that less people will watch and pay attention to, this isn't the "Aha! Gotcha!" moment you're looking for I don't think.

Over the past month out of all the interstaters that went up to QLD only one QLD wrestler beat a non QLD wrestler with a clean decisive victory via finishing move or submission and that was EC Diamond over Anth Cava. The rest has been fluke roll ups/small packages or cheating. You're right, the QLD wrestlers look awesome.
You must be fun at parties hey…
From what I understand the show however less prestigious you say was sold out & seriously who’s gives a crap the manner to which they won matches. I’ve never heard in my life “that was a great match, it’s a pity they won with a small package” it seriously just looks like you are groping for the smallest things to somehow prove you’re right eg win/loss records, a heel cheating (SHOCK) and now a small package. I mean come on man really, the fact the show sold out after the Supershow speaks volumes in my opinion even though less than a week after parts of QLD were flooded out
It they do Rocky And Thorpe vs Brooks and Jarvis next show Ill be pretty happy

The thing I was happiest about the other night is that this show felt really strongly like a renewed focus on telling simple stories and putting on great matches.

A lot was invested into storylines last year (that September show still makes me cranky.) And yeah, we got that amazing Parea Pop at the Pavilion... but we also saw the major risk of that investment, when Delta was signed away and was gone 4 months before she was due to win the belt.

In terms of match quality I was also excited cos it felt like Brooksy was laying down a marker the other night, both for the year in MCW, but also for opponents of Robbie - cos he's the one. You watch some of these local companies long enough, and you know that they know who has potential to really go somewhere in wrestling. Robbie's it, he's the next one that they want signed, or whom they think is likely to be/has the most potential to be signed next - he's going to wrestle everyone this year and be allowed to build an incredible resume I think.
You must be fun at parties hey…
From what I understand the show however less prestigious you say was sold out & seriously who’s gives a crap the manner to which they won matches. I’ve never heard in my life “that was a great match, it’s a pity they won with a small package” it seriously just looks like you are groping for the smallest things to somehow prove you’re right eg win/loss records, a heel cheating (SHOCK) and now a small package. I mean come on man really, the fact the show sold out after the Supershow speaks volumes in my opinion even though less than a week after parts of QLD were flooded out

Yep, the crowd looked great and I'd believe a sell out, doesn't change the fact that the Supershow was the big show with people all around the country with months and months of hype though and overall was the bigger show.

Who cares about matches and how they're won? Literally any real fan and anyone inside the business should as it's the way business is done. I assumed you were someone within the business with your account name, I guess you're not.
On a brighter note, MCW was a good time Saturday with acts like The Physicals coming through who scream lovable babyfaces for a tag division that really needs freshening up. Rocky and Jarvis told a good story, I was on the fence with Jarvis’s promos exactly how he was going to go as a face but live he really got the crowd behind him credit to Rocky for helping that too by being a great cocky prick. Brooks proved yet again why he should take Silvia’s old “best kept secret” gimmick as he is in elite shape and form. It might take a little time but the MCW crowd will eventually realise what they have in Ricky South and Dusk just needs to find a little extra something to connect him to more than just the hardcores and push him over the top into that certified main event guy status
I feel Brooks continues to be a litmus test for the mcw crew - was dusk a couple years ago, then the parea and now Robbie.

Jarvis said he wanted all the icons, so maybe a long term build to Jarvis and Brooks with the added layer of brooks turn like a passing the torch kind of moment?

Rob and Jarvis does seem to feel like the long term play for the icons story - and they’re both fantastic so it will be great to watch. I think they’ve done a terrific job telling their story amongst all the icon going ons.

I think the crowd knows what they have with Dusk and South - i think their match and endgame showcased that.

Now Ricky’s more established, i think he stands tall and strongly as the main champion heel - i do agree dusk needs to go away from the hardcore and establish himself without which he can do.

As mentioned above, I don’t think Saturdays crowd was anything away from him as much as it’s just a testament to that crowds love for ugg.
That said the section of the crowd i was in went off for that finish where it looked like Dusk was going win.

I’m assuming he and Rocky will feud while Ugg and Ricky continue for the belt. Maybe Jarvis, Dusk & Brooks against the Icons? I’d be really into seeing dusk and brooks back together.

With ballroom at pavillion, maybe Ugg takes the title there? I really thought Ricky was going to cash in to betray the icons, so any fantasy booking I had is out the window since endgame.
Yep, the crowd looked great and I'd believe a sell out, doesn't change the fact that the Supershow was the big show with people all around the country with months and months of hype though and overall was the bigger show.

Who cares about matches and how they're won? Literally any real fan and anyone inside the business should as it's the way business is done. I assumed you were someone within the business with your account name, I guess you're not.
I never said who cares about matches and you know that but it doesn’t fit with your narrative, yes finishes like pins, DQ or count outs matter for finishes but the manner of pinfall is just ridiculous. Also while SUPERSHOW was a bigger show but those tickets were already sold despite the card. So why not get the payoff selling tickets to their regular shows??
I never assumed you were an insider, possibly someone who was at one point but probably booted years ago and sounding quite bitter about it really
I’m assuming he and Rocky will feud while Ugg and Ricky continue for the belt. Maybe Jarvis, Dusk & Brooks against the Icons? I’d be really into seeing dusk and brooks back together.

I'm interested in how they handle this, and I hope they don't get lazy/rely on us forgetting a few things.

The entire motivation for Dusk's quite indistinguishable babyface turn was his hate for Brooksy. The reason Dusk's turn was indistinguishable is cos he wasn't even on screen when it happened, it turned out his face turn happened when Brooksy turned on Buddy and helped Slex win the belt.

I don't think they'll ignore it though, it's been a pretty major storyline beat. And while I generally prefer ring work to storylines, I guess the prioritisation of storylines over the last 2 years gives me a lot of confidence that we won't just have Brooks and Dusk suddenly teaming and being best mates .

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Australian Wrestling thread

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