Ban Mark Viduka!

Ban Mark Viduka

  • Ban him forever... delete account.

    Votes: 57 52.8%
  • Give him a 2 week holiday to think about it.

    Votes: 7 6.5%
  • I love the guy.... leave him alone.

    Votes: 44 40.7%

  • Total voters

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Originally posted by jon hiseman
Am searching for the right links....

Meanwhile, from memory, you posted what Clarke had said in an interview, that in your view painted him as having a poor attitude.
You stated this is what you expected ie aboriginal = must have poor attitude

But he gave another interview the same day or the next in which he said very positive things - yet you chose to not post the second interview - selective quoting is not good for credibility

And for daring to move your post, the moderator was an a... retentive

Yup thats right... I said that it showed a poor attitude that while most kids can't wait to go to training and start their careers the first interview he gave after being drafted by St Kilda is that he was looking forward to St Kilda giving him leave so he could come back and visit the family. You don't find that an odd thing to be saying from a kid just drafted? Lets face it.... aboriginals are known to go on walkabouts... I'd worked with a few who decided to just up and disappear for a week at a time from work and not tell anyone where they went.

You might think thats racism... I think its realism.
Originally posted by Mark Viduka
Yup thats right... I said that it showed a poor attitude that while most kids can't wait to go to training and start their careers the first interview he gave after being drafted by St Kilda is that he was looking forward to St Kilda giving him leave so he could come back and visit the family. You don't find that an odd thing to be saying from a kid just drafted? Lets face it.... aboriginals are known to go on walkabouts... I'd worked with a few who decided to just up and disappear for a week at a time from work and not tell anyone where they went.

You might think thats racism... I think its realism.
you are racist, theres no doubt about that,
Your problems don't finish there.

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Ban Mark Viduka!

Originally posted by bunsen burner
1) Stop being a nancy boy
2) This is a forum where people express different opinions. If you can't accept other's opinions (that doesn't mean agreeing with them) then you are the one who shouldn't be here
3) There is an ignore function
4) STFU.
nicely put. as i think you said recently Ari - build that bridge ,son!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ban Mark Viduka!

Originally posted by bunsen burner
Wrong. Why don't you go ask Carly P and materamagic what they think of this.

I don't agree with a lot of stuff MK/DG says and think he's a racist bigot - but this is a forum and people should be allowed to express their opinions.

Fair enough, I can certainly understand that.

I've no issue with his or anyone elses opinions at all. I think it's fantastic that we are all able to have a say as such.... I really do.

What gets to me is that "some" people on here have no respect or portray their opinion in a decent manner.

Most trolls will add their :p or ;) to give an indication that they are only taking the mickey but when someone on here posts that they wish harm on players etc that going from being an opinion to just a sickly state of mind.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ban Mark Viduka!

Originally posted by Ari
Fair enough, I can certainly understand that.

I've no issue with his or anyone elses opinions at all. I think it's fantastic that we are all able to have a say as such.... I really do.

What gets to me is that "some" people on here have no respect or portray their opinion in a decent manner.

Most trolls will add their :p or ;) to give an indication that they are only taking the mickey but when someone on here posts that they wish harm on players etc that going from being an opinion to just a sickly state of mind.
You want someone banned because they don't use smiley's? Sooky la la. Soft.
ari, if anyone should be banned, it should be u for this stupid thread, with a stupid arguement!

get a life, viduka just rights whats on his mind, and cis u cant hack it, or take it like a man(or woman) doesnt mean he should be banned..

ive now seen it all:eek:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ban Mark Viduka!

Originally posted by Ari
Fair opinion.

Read this and tell me if you think it's all okay.... and a fair opinion of Mark Viduka's.

Sorry Ari but you are gonna come out of this thread worse than Viduka. BAD IDEA! Son!. Same thing happened to the tool who started my "Ban" thread and he ended up just disappearing from sight. Be a while before we see another thread like those I figure (as it should be)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ban Mark Viduka!

Originally posted by Ari
Fair opinion.

Read this and tell me if you think it's all okay.... and a fair opinion of Mark Viduka's.
I don't agree with it, but it isn't a reason to campagn for him to get banned. BF is riddled with trolls such as MV and soft-ons like you get all upset about it. You'd be better off hanging around a Christian based forum where everyone acts like Ned Flanders and blows wind up each others' asses.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ban Mark Viduka!

Originally posted by bunsen burner
I don't agree with it, but it isn't a reason to campagn for him to get banned. BF is riddled with trolls such as MV and soft-ons like you get all upset about it. You'd be better off hanging around a Christian based forum where everyone acts like Ned Flanders and blows wind up each others' asses.

LOL - you got a link? - i might get over and see what's happening
5. No respect for 15 AFL clubs.

With me?

PS: Fred, this is the peoples thread! Please don't delete :D [/B]

THATS RICH - coming from a stinking Essendon supporter. You pricks get so uptight about people hating the Bombers, yet never stop to wonder why.

What a ****er you are.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ban Mark Viduka!

Originally posted by Macpie
Sorry Ari but you are gonna come out of this thread worse than Viduka. BAD IDEA! Son!. Same thing happened to the tool who started my "Ban" thread and he ended up just disappearing from sight. Be a while before we see another thread like those I figure (as it should be)

Yeah fair enough.... but I had something to say and said it. As far as opinions go I am happy to listen to anyones. Even yours Macpie! ;)

Most people on here agree that this seriel troll goes too far on too many occasions.

Either way, said what I wanted and done with it. Viduka has every right to express his opinion, would simply be nice if it was done in a decent manner.

PS: The tool who started your ban thread did it under another account to protect their real one..... at least I had the balls to express my opinion (which is shared by most) under my normal account.

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ban Mark Viduka!

Originally posted by Ari

PS: The tool who started your ban thread did it under another account to protect their real one..... at least I had the balls to express my opinion (which is shared by most) under my normal account.

I'll give you that! you have more guts that that loser. still wondering who the moron was - any clues?
The bottom line is that if he does something that warrants suspension/banning, he will be.

In other words, no different to anybody else.

Now let's get back to footy matters.

EDIT. I just noticed the poll result. Bad luck M-V, the people have spoken.:D
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