Ban the Bounce

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Well no that's not the case, as explained by historian Col Hutchison in the latest video posted on the AFL website.
Agree. The game originally started with a kick-off (given the rugby origins) before moving to a ball-up and then the bounce. I guess the 'tradition' argument depends on when you say football really 'started' but that becomes a grey area if you argue for later than the original 10 rules of the 1850's. Based on the evolution, like an earlier post, the intention seems to have been for clarity of start (ie by giving possession (kick-off) or having a neutral start (ball-up)) rather than the randomness of the bounce (the tradition of which may perhaps actually be a furphy) - on that basis reverting to ball-up is what it should go back to.

Having said all that, I would love to see the bouncing technique in that video come back in!
Having said all that, I would love to see the bouncing technique in that video come back in!

I'm calling that the moon bounce technique. Got surprising height on it and looked to almost defy gravity for a moment.

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So sick of people calling for the end of traditions. Does it really influence the outcome of a match ?
It looks cool, it´s unique to our game and what the hell do you rename it from the first bounce or opening bounce ? First throw up first contest ?
Bigger issues with the sport than the umpires bouncing the ball. Come on.
Well to be honest thousands and thousands did, the crowds were no smaller than today. People have enjoyed our game in huge numbers for over a century, never once in the 70's, 80's or 90's did I hear people leaving the grounds complaining about the state of the game, they loved it.
Now the state of the game is all that is talked about. Not sure that is a good thing at all. Media driven crap if you ask me.
How crap do you really think footy was if all those people were loving it so much?

Well I can tell you that most fans I know didnt enjoy football as much when scores were 50-30. Look at the complaints about the womens game, all comes down to lack of scoring. Well thats what we had in those days.

We loved it in the 80s and 90s before coaches had changed tactics to make the game completely boring, and players reached such physical levels that positions became blurred and everyone went everywhere.
Didn't bother me. I've never watched footy and said "they need to change these rules immediately otherwise the game will suffer," but I have said many a time "**** these deliberate out of bounds rules," and now they want to enforce the deliberate behinds rule. There are going to be so many games now decided by the umpires.

Good, I'm sick of teams being able to just rush a behind to get out of a sticky situation. Use skill and break a tackle.
Showcase the skills of the game, not being able to handball backwards through the other teams goals.

And how much better was footy last year with the tighter OOB. Sure umpires still make mistakes but no more than they did before.

This is the whole reason the bounce should be banned, to get better decision makers. Less errors.
Umpiring is about being able to ensure the game is able to be played the way it is meant to be and not to change the rules to suit what best suits them.

It's not a party trick, it's a part of the game.

Is the banana shot for goal a party trick that not all players can perform so it should be banned? No, it's a part of the game.

Bounce is a part of the game, simple to get right. Go bounce a ball 250 times during the week and they will get it perfected just as the players perfect their skills.

That was also in reference to a previous comment FYI

Bouncing the ball is not a ****ing 'rule'. Jesus.
I don't go to the footy to watch the umpires bounce the ball. I don't go to the footy to watch the umpires at all. Their job is to adjudicate the game, not participate in it. There's enough vaguries and quirks in our game to keep everyone happy. Taking the bounce away will have zero effect on the game -apart from removing the massive groan from the crowd whenever an errant bounce is recalled.

I cant believe some morons arent supporting this change.

It ADDS NOTHING, but when they stuff it up its a massive anticlimax and embarrassing for the sport.
I suspect those like the OP who want to axe the bounce also wanted to axe the grand final draw. Both changes seek to make the game more certain, more homogenous, more global, less parochial.

I think it was like 97% of players didnt want a grand final replay when surveyed.

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So sick of people calling for the end of traditions. Does it really influence the outcome of a match ?
It looks cool, it´s unique to our game and what the hell do you rename it from the first bounce or opening bounce ? First throw up first contest ?
Bigger issues with the sport than the umpires bouncing the ball. Come on.

It doesnt look cool when they bounce it 20m sideways and 5m up and have to recall it...10 times a
You'd think after 20+ years of watching football you'd see there was no need for the bounce and it actually hurts the game.

You'd think...

Hyperbole? What part of my statements were hyperbole? I deal in facts not exaggerated bullshit.
The ball going 20m sideways 10 times a game. The umpire going oops 6 times a game.

So it's not hyperbole (let's ignore that your stats don't match). You're saying bounces are recalled 10 times a game as a fact?

"Embarrassing for the sport" pretty big hyperbole. Judging by this thread most people don't give a ****.

I think your understanding of a fact needs a lot of work.

I'm not for or against the bounce. I'm against the deflection that the umpires are using this issue as, "derrrr we can't make the right decisions because we have to bounce!"
Also hurts the game. More hyperbole. Just because it triggers you doesn't mean the majority actually give a shit.
The ball going 20m sideways 10 times a game. The umpire going oops 6 times a game.

So it's not hyperbole (let's ignore that your stats don't match). You're saying bounces are recalled 10 times a game as a fact?

"Embarrassing for the sport" pretty big hyperbole. Judging by this thread most people don't give a ****.

I think your understanding of a fact needs a lot of work.

I'm not for or against the bounce. I'm against the deflection that the umpires are using this issue as, "derrrr we can't make the right decisions because we have to bounce!"

See this is where you're missing the point. This isnt an excuse for the current umpires (although im sure they could allocate more time to watching tape and working out the right decisions if they didnt have to practice the bounce for hours a week), its more about the fact that a number of good umpires wont be able to make it to a decent level because they cant bounce the footy. Its a hard skill that has no bearing on anything. Its like if the goal umpires had to stand on their head to give a goal, it would rule out a lot of people who may be very good goal umpires.

Yes it is embarrassing. Hence the massive sighs from the crowd every time. Or when i have friends from overseas laughing at the umpires bloopers multiple times a game.

Real question comes now... if you dont care one way or another, why the **** are you here?
See this is where you're missing the point. This isnt an excuse for the current umpires (although im sure they could allocate more time to watching tape and working out the right decisions if they didnt have to practice the bounce for hours a week), its more about the fact that a number of good umpires wont be able to make it to a decent level because they cant bounce the footy. Its a hard skill that has no bearing on anything. Its like if the goal umpires had to stand on their head to give a goal, it would rule out a lot of people who may be very good goal umpires.

Real question comes now... if you dont care one way or another, why the **** are you here?
Yeah, this keeps being mentioned with nothing to back it. It's a sound byte. How many umpires have failed because of it? Anecdote? Stats?

Because I read the stupid logic people were using. We get that you can't handle when people disagree, but with the garbage you've been posting (and the sheer amount of it) I don't think it's really a good idea for you to ask anyone why they're here
Yeah, this keeps being mentioned with nothing to back it. It's a sound byte. How many umpires have failed because of it? Anecdote? Stats?

Because I read the stupid logic people were using. We get that you can't handle when people disagree, but with the garbage you've been posting (and the sheer amount of it) I don't think it's really a good idea for you to ask anyone why they're here

Well personally I wouldnt bother trying to become an umpire because I cant bounce the footy properly.
I have considered it.

But even if the evidence was there, it wouldnt be able to be found.
Well personally I wouldnt bother trying to become an umpire because I cant bounce the footy properly.
I have considered it.

But even if the evidence was there, it wouldnt be able to be found.
Really? As I said umpires in the bloody valley can do it, and there's a fair few players who stuff around before training doing it. It's not really a hard skill to master, kicking a decent long pass is much harder.
Really? As I said umpires in the bloody valley can do it, and there's a fair few players who stuff around before training doing it. It's not really a hard skill to master, kicking a decent long pass is much harder.

Absolutely isnt.
Bouncing a footy is a lot harder than kicking it 40m to a point on the ground.

I've done both.

Put it this way the average umpire could kick a 40m drop punt. The average footballer cant bounce the ball sufficiently and consistently enough to be an umpire. The skill is a pointless one. It adds nothing to the game, and is almost certainly keeping good umpires from the top level. As I said I dont have anything beyond anecdotal evidence for this, but it makes perfect sense. I dont know how you would even find evidence for something like that...
Really? As I said umpires in the bloody valley can do it, and there's a fair few players who stuff around before training doing it. It's not really a hard skill to master, kicking a decent long pass is much harder.
...yeah, but why should they need to?? They shouldn't be on show. Just because it 'makes our game different'? The players are the ones who should be showing the physical skills. Let the Umpires form their own 'ball-bouncing' competition/league.
Mate chill yourself. Did the umpire bounce a ball straight up your a**e or something

Just the stupidity of people in here is frustrating.

Put simply, the bounce adds nothing.
The game could possibly be a lot better without it (fairer/better ruck contests/better umpires/more focus on umpiring decisions not bouncing).

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Ban the Bounce

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