Not-a-cluey Best FOOTBALL RELATED RUMOUR you have heard from someone you trust Part Deux - Many lies and bullshit in here. Please read OP before posting.

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Everyone’s getting a bit teste


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I'm actually pretty certain he brought the nickname up with the group at a team meeting in one of his last years at the club, asking them to stop much to their confusion. If I'm recalling correctly that's when his relationship with Buckley began to heavily deteriorate because Bucks simply didn't get it.

I heard this story but not about his own nickname. He was offended that Paul Seedsman was called 'Lez' because apparently he looks like a lesbian.
I heard this story but not about his own nickname. He was offended that Paul Seedsman was called 'Lez' because apparently he looks like a lesbian.
From Lez’s wiki:

“During the same season, he was also at the heart of a fallout between teammate Harry O'Brien and coach Nathan Buckley, with O'Brien reportedly taking issue with his teammates and Buckley calling Seedsman 'Lez' (a reference to his hairstyle at the time).[7]


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His name is Lamumba you racist
I ****ing LOVED that movie !!!

Even went and saw Los Lobos at the Apollo Theatre.
I think that was the only song they had so they played it 15 times
I reckon that Goodes also got booed for leading with his spikes when going for marks. No doubt some booing was racist though.

Not a footy rumour but Andrew O'Keefe was seen by a mate of mine paralytic, crawling in a Sydney gutter some time ago after a few too many sherbets.
It was on the front page of the paper bro :D
Have met Ruby Rose and can confirm she is a huge b*tch .
I am NSWCROWS lack of surprise.

Sometimes you can just see it , that ines bird from MAFS ( no i never watched it ) is the perfect example.
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