Big Bad Barry at it Again

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what a flog.
it wasn't long ago he filmed that heart to heart conversation he had with staker where he said how sorry he was and how he thinks about it and regrets it every day blah blah blah

Lol that was about as sincere as Gary Lyon's "mental health issues" after shagging his best mates wife.
How embarrassing.

I could be wrong but it looked like he was shaping up to punch and then backed out at the last second.

Just plain wrong.

editing is a bit misleading. he hits 26 first, and then hits him again later.

So 26 gets straight back up both times. Cant be that forceful of a "punch".

its probably weeks but he didnt knock anybody out.

How do you figure that? Can't see the first guy who gets clobbered's number.

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Plenty of people. How else do you shove someone who's facing the other way. The bloke clearly comes back up to him again in the clip looking for more and goes down again from a shove to the chest. Umpire didn't even send him off despite it being right in front of him.
Imagine Clayton Oliver's reaction to a Barry Hall swing....
its called common sense ya clown.
No one should tread on egg shells because someone has a temper they can't control. You're putting the onus on a couple of blokes playing local footy because Hall is a lunatic. Barry Hall has a big profile in footy and he made a huge effort to apologise for knocking out Staker. He then did the same thing to that player in QLD. He has a problem and should never be allowed on a football field again. He should also lose his job.
The first one is bad
Second one is hard to tell
You can't expect to cop punches to the head for tackling a guy.
There's going hard on the field and there's whacking guys when they're vulnerable - the first contact at the least looked like the latter.

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So has he been sacked yet?

Maybe he's angry that that small guy in the shopping centre opens his milk and pats him on the back.

Jesuz, his hard man persona get him money. Perhaps it really is time to rid out tv screens of him. I predict an OJ like fall from grace, without the car chase and mini series.
I said it in the Brent Staker apology thread and I’ll say it again.

The man is a thug and should be in jail. No amount of phony contrite apologies change that. Just proves that everyone who was skeptical of him earlier in the year was 100% on the money.
Oliver had a decent sort at the Brownlow this year. Just getting a feel of what it would be like to be winning one in a year or two.

Should probably warn him not to fall down while Gil presents him the medal then.

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Now watch the footage

I have. There is no proof apart from outrage. The bloke is seen walking back at Barry immediately. Unlike Staker who was carried from the field.

In fact I'll just leave this here for when the bloke he hit comes out and says there was nothing in it.
Nothing in it.

Nice to see Labrador on the main board, i used to do some of my best work in that goal square. Hated the other end.
Opposition 26 might be the bravest bloke on the planet.

Edit: oh shit it's the same bloke? Damn in that case not a single teammate wanted to stick up for him.
Why? The guy clearly has anger issues and doesnt mind taking it out on someone physically weaker. Textbook domestic violence abuser.

You think if his wife up and left him he'd cop it on the chin?
No it's not. Stop with that bullshit.
Just a shit, shit way to behave. Exact same blind swing as the Staker incident but missed his chin through dumb luck.
Have never understood why morons like this get a gig in the media post footy.

Can't string 3 words over 3 syllables together and is regularly on our screens. No surprised if he has been sacked from Fox Footy

Tbh, I thought he's pretty much left already,I haven't seen him on Fox Footy all year. I think Pav, Nicky Dal and Browny pretty much make him irrelevant on the channel, and the key thing is they aren't flogs.

I've only really seem him on those cringeworthy Draftstars ads.
Just a shit, shit way to behave. Exact same blind swing as the Staker incident but missed his chin through dumb luck.

Got all of 2 weeks down to 1 for hitting him with an open hand, there was no fist. Didn't miss his chin. Good old fashioned slap around the face. Got cleared of the 2nd charge as it was just a hard push.

This Hall incident is just a beat up from the media designed to suck the dummys in.

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