BigFooty AFLW Fantasy - Squad lists/fixtures/team submissions/results

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AFLW Draft

Few housekeeping rules. We'll start with 24-hour time limits which will be halved to 12 and then eventually 8. We won't include the time between Midnight and 8am AEST or 10pm - 6am for West Australians such as Tarks and Biggie.

ROUND 1 - 24 hour time limits

#1 - The Big Cats - Lou Stephenson (Hawthorn)
#2 - The Mark Alvey's - Ash Saint (Port Adelaide)
#3 - Pentridge Prison Bars - Matilda Scholz (Port Adelaide)
#4 - St Kilda Shrikes - Nicole Bresnehan (North Melbourne)
#5 - Junee Thunderfeet - Elizabeth Keaney (Gold Coast)
#6 - SEQ Swans - Tahlia Randall (North Melbourne)
#7 - Demons of the West - Lauren Wakfer (West Coast)
#8 - Fremantle Blues - Jasmin Stewart (Port Adelaide)

ROUND 2 - 12 hour time limits

#9 - SEQ Swans - Lily Postlethwaite (Brisbane)
#10 - The Mark Alvey's - Imogen Evans (Collingwood)
#11 - Pentridge Prison Bars - Chantel Emonson (Geelong)
#12 - St Kilda Shrikes - Amy Smith (North Melbourne)
#13 - Junee Thunderfeet - Maddie Shevlin (Richmond)
#14 - The Big Cats - Ella Heads (Sydney)
#15 - Demons of the West - Sarah Goodwin (Adelaide)
#16 - Fremantle Blues - Courtney Rowley (West Coast)

Round 3 - 8 hour time limits

#17 - SEQ Swans - Shannon Campbell (Brisbane)
#18 - The Mark Alvey's - Jae Flynn (Fremantle)
#19 - Pentridge Prison Bars - Darcie Davies (Gold Coast)
#20 - St Kilda Shrikes - Renee Garing (Geelong)
#21 - Junee Thunderfeet - Alyssa Bannan (Melbourne)
#22 - The Big Cats - Mikayla Hyde (Fremantle)
#23 - Demons of the West - Tahleah Mulder (Fremantle)
#24 - Fremantle Blues - Rosie Dillon (St Kilda)

Round 4 - 8 hour time limits

#25 - Junee Thunderfeet - Chelsea Biddell (Adelaide)
#26 - The Mark Alvey's - Georgia Nanscawen (Essendon)
#27 - Pentridge Prison Bars - Deanna Berry (Western Bulldogs)
#28 - St Kilda Shrikes - Jess Good (Carlton)
#29 - SEQ Swans - Lucinda Pullar (North Melbourne)
#30 - The Big Cats - Ruby Svarc (Brisbane)
#31 - Demons of the West - Katelyn Pope (Port Adelaide)
#32 - Fremantle Blues - Erone Fitzpatrick (Carlton)

Round 5 - 8 hour time limits

#33 - SEQ Swans - Poppy Boltz (Brisbane)
#34 - The Mark Alvey's - Lexi Hamilton (Sydney)
#35 - Pentridge Prison Bars - Dakota Davidson (Brisbane)
#36 - St Kilda Shrikes - Chloe Wrigley (Carlton)
#37 - Junee Thunderfeet - Sophie Alexander (Essendon)
#38 - The Big Cats - Danielle Ponter (Adelaide)
#39 - Demons of the West - Yasmin Duursma (Port Adelaide)
#40 - Fremantle Blues - Charlotte Mullins (Brisbane)

Available Players


Najwa Allen, Abbie Ballard, Chelsea Biddell, Yvonne Bonner, Hannah Button, Mckenzie Dowrick, Sarah Goodwin, Niamh Kelly, Keeley Kustermann, Rachelle Martin, Kiera Mueller, Hannah Munyard, Madison Newman, Danielle Ponter, Zoe Prowse, Jasmine Simmons (rookie), Brooke Smith, Brooke Tonon, Deni Varnhagen, Amber Ward, Jess Waterhouse, Caitlin Wendland, Lisa Whiteley, Taylah Levy (rookie)

Poppy Boltz, Shannon Campbell, Dakota Davidson, Zimmorlei Farquharson, Dee Heslop, Kiara Hillier, Kate Lutkins, Analea McKee, Phoebe Monahan, Charlotte Mullins, Mikayla Pauga, Lily Postlethwaite, Ella Smith, Taylor Smith, Ruby Svarc, Caitlin Wendland, Luka Yoshida-Martin, Jennifer Dunne (rookie), Courtney Murphy (rookie)

Marianna Anthony, Mia Austin, Lulu Beatty, Jess Dal Pos, Jess Good, Lily Goss, Madeline Hendrie, Vaomua Laloifi, Genevieve Lawson Tavan, Annie Lee, Phoebe McWilliams, Imogen Milford, Taylor Ortlepp (rookie), Natalie Plane, Tahlia Read, Paige Trudgeon, Amelia Velardo, Darcy Vescio, Brooke Vickers, Daisy Walker, Chloe Wrigley, Dayna Finn (rookie), Erone Fitzpatrick (rookie)

Olivia Barber, Imogen Barnett, Charlotte Blair, Lauren Brazzale, Grace Campbell, Sophie Casey, Imogen Evans, Erica Fowler, Eliza James, Selena Karlson, Joanna Lin, Stacey Livingstone, Eleri Morris, Alana Porter, Sarah Rowe, Sarah Sansonetti, Aishling Sheridan, Emily Smith (rookie), Charlotte Taylor

Sophie Alexander, Alana Barba, Mia Busch, Georgia Clarke, Joanne Doonan, Matilda Dyke, Ellyse Gamble, Kodi Jacques, Danielle Marshall, Alex Morcom, Georgia Nanscawen, Amelia Radford, Renee Tierney, Mia Van Dyk, Ashleigh Van Loon, Steph Wales, Brooke Walker, Lily-Rose Williamson, Jessica Wuetschner

Joanne Cregg, Emmelie Fiedler, Jae Flynn, Serena Gibbs, Mikayla Hyde, Orlagh Lally (rookie), Jess Low, Tahleah Mulder, Amy Mulholland, Madi Scanlon, Philipa Seth, Tara Stribley, Makaela Tuhakaraina, Sarah Wielstra

Julia Crockett-Grills, Kate Darby, Chantel Emonson, Gabbi Featherston, Zali Friswell, Renee Garing, Claudia Gunjaca, Erin Hoare, Ingrid Houtsma, Rachel Kearns (rookie), Abbey McDonald, Meghan McDonald, Jacqueline Parry, Brooke Plummer, Georgie Rankin, Shelley Scott, Mia Skinner, Eliza Shannon, Anna-Rose Kennedy (rookie), Aishling Moloney (rookie)

Gold Coast:
Lauren Ahrens, Gabrielle Biedenweg-Webster, Maddy Brancatisano, Ashanti Bush, Georgia Clayden, Darcie Davies, Giselle Davies, Clara Fitzpatrick, Meara Girvan, Elizabeth Keaney, Ella Maurer, Cara McCrossan, Jordan Membrey, Tahlia Meyer, Wallis Randell, Claire Ransom, Vivien Saad, Lucy Single, Jasmyn Smith, Niamh McLaughlin (rookie)

Annise Bradfield, Tess Cattle, Jessica Doyle, Meghan Gaffney, Teagan Germech, Jasmine Grierson, Zara Hamilton, Annalyse Lister, Tait Mackrill, Cambridge McCormick, Caitlin Miller, Brodee Mowbray, Pepa Randall, Katherine Smith, Haneen Zrieka

Janet Baird, Zoe Barbakos, Mattea Breed, Catherine Brown, Tegan Cunningham, Bridget Deed, Laura Elliott, Emily Everist, Tahlia Fellows, Bridie Hipwell, Ainslie Kemp, Aine McDonagh (rookie), Akec Makur Chuot, Sarah Perkins, Jenna Richardson, Louise Stephenson, Kristy Stratton, Casey Dumont (rookie)

Alyssa Bannan, Georgia Campbell, Maeve Chaplin, Gabby Colvin, Megan Fitzsimon, Georgina Fowler, Georgia Gall, Tahlia Gillard, Shelley Heath, Jordan Ivey, Samantha Johnson, Blaithin Mackin, Casey Sherriff, Saraid Taylor, Charlotte Wilson, Aimee Mackin (rookie)

North Melbourne:
Hannah Bowey, Nicole Bresnehan, Lucy Burke, Ailish Considine, Tess Craven, Jasmine Ferguson, Taylah Gatt, Charli Granville, Cassidy Mailer, Sophia McCarthy, Elizabeth McGrath, Alice O'Loughlin, Erika O'Shea (rookie), Lucinda Pullar, Tahlia Randall, Zoe Savarirayan (rookie), Kate Shierlaw, Amy Smith, Ruby Tripodi, Victoria Wall (rookie), Sarah Wright, Niamh Martin (rookie)

Port Adelaide:
Ella Boag, Amelie Borg, Laquoiya Cockatoo-Motlap, Litonya Cockatoo-Motlap, Janelle Cuthbertson, Jade De Melo, Yasmin Duursma, Jade Halfpenny, Cheyenne Hammond, Georgie Jaques, Lily Johnson, Madeline Keryk, Olivia Levicki (rookie), Maggie Maclachlan, Justine Mules, Ebony O'Dea, Katelyn Pope, Matilda Scholz, Jasmin Stewart, Sachi Syme, Julia Teakle, Ash Saint (nee Woodland)

Katelyn Cox, Sarah D'Arcy, Kate Dempsey, Libby Graham, Caitlin Greiser, Poppy Kelly, Meagan Kiely, Shelby Knoll, Bethany Lynch, Laura McClelland, Rebecca Miller, Lilly Pearce, Amelia Peck, Stella Reid, Charley Ryan, Maddy Shevlin, Charli Wicksteed, Stephanie Williams, Jemima Woods, Emelia Yassir

St Kilda:
J'Noemi Anderson, Maddie Boyd, Alice Burke, Steph Chiocci, Rosie Dillon, Nat Exon, Darcy Guttridge, Deanna Jolliffe, Grace Kelly, Caitlin Matthews, Erin McKinnon, Simone Nalder, Rebecca Ott, Bethany Pinchin, Ashleigh Richards, Renee Saulitis, Jayde Van Dyk, Nicola Xenos

Jaide Anthony, Kiara Beesley, Montana Beruldsen, Hayley Bullas, Sarah Ford, Lexi Hamilton, Ella Heads, Bridie Kennedy, Brooke Lochland, Aliesha Newman, Rebecca Privitelli, Ruby Sargent-Wilson, Paige Sheppard, Bella Smith, Lisa Steane, Brenna Tarrant, Eliza Vale, Aimee Whelan, Alana Woodward, Jennifer Higgins (rookie), Paris McCarthy (rookie), Julie O'Sullivan (rookie)

West Coast:
Kate Bartlett, Abbygail Bushby, Emily Elkington, Kellie Gibson, Sasha Goranova, Eleanor Hartill, Emma Humphries, Sophie McDonald, Krstel Petrevski, Courtney Rowley, Beth Schilling, Aimee Schmidt, Isabella Simmons, Ella Smith, Zoe Wakfer

Western Bulldogs:
Daisy Bateman, Elle Bennetts, Deanna Berry, Millie Brown, Dominique Carruthers, Richelle Cranston, Keely Coyne, Isabella Grant, Britney Gutknecht, Sarah Hartwig, Bailey Hunt, Gemma Lagioia, Kirsten McLeod, Aurora Smith, Elizabeth Snell, Brooke Vernon, Heidi Woodley
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Natalie Grider (VC), Tarni White
HB: Daisy D'Arcy, Serene Watson, Lucinda Pullar
C: Cynthia Hamilton, Jamie Stanton, Sophie Conway
HF: Claudia Whitfort, Tayla Harris, Charlie Rowbottom (C)
FF: Jesse Wardlaw, Lily Postlethwaite
Foll: Tahlia Hickie, Chloe Dalton, Lucy Single
Int: Tahlia Randall, Jacqueline Dupuy, Lauren Bella, Ellie Hampson, Keely Skepper
Emg: Sabrina Frederick (RUCK/FWD), Shannon Campbell (DEF), Tara Bohanna (MID)

IN: Chloe Dalton, Serene Watson, Lauren Bella
OUT: Jade Ellenger, Poppy Boltz, Alana Gee

Non-Selected: Jade Ellenger, Poppy Boltz, Alana Gee, Fleur Davies
Inactive: Cat Phillips, Jacqui Yorston, Maddison Levi, Teagan Levi, Maddy Collier, Kalinda Howarth, Indy Tahau

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Regardless of the Shrikes' team, The Big Cats still comfortably got the win FYI.

Round 5 results:

Pentridge Prison Bars 1449
defeated The Mark Alvey's 1349
Demons of the West 1609 defeated SEQ Swans 1294
Junee Thunderfeet 1564 defeated Fremantle Blues 1379
The Big Cats 1567 defeated St Kilda Shrikes 1199

Means that Pentridge, Junee and Demons of the West have all secured finals spots and The Big Cats just need one win in the last two matches to do the same.
Pentridge Prison Bars Round 6 lineup

Jordyn Allen - Lauren Butler
HB: Bec Webster - Chantel Emonson - Ange Foley
C: Jaimee Lambert - Mikala Cann - Olivia Purcell
HF: Abbey Dowrick - Hannah Ewings - Kate Surman
F: Chloe Molloy - Erin Phillips
R: Alice Edmonds - Brianna Davey (vc) - Britt Bonnici
INT: Nina Morrison (c) - Eden Zanker - Gemma Houghton - Matilda Scholz - Dakota Davidson

EMG: Eliza James - Tarni Brown - Darcie Davies
The Big Cats (Richmond/Brisbane) team for Round 6

Katie Lynch
Breanna Koenen
Bella Smith
Harriet Cordner
Ella Heads

Georgie Prespakis (C)
Emily Bates (VC)
Amy McDonald
Alexandra Anderson
Mon Conti
(Ali Drennan)
(Isabelle Dawes)
Gab Seymour - ?no other ruck option

Chelsea Randall
Greta Bodey
Katie Brennan
Aine Tighe
Orla O’Dwyer
(Danielle Ponter)
(Courtney Hodder)

Bench in brackets
Emergencies - Catherine Svarc, Lou Stephenson

Sarah Allan
Tessa Lavey
Sarah Hosking
Ellie McKenzie
Gab Seymour
Jess Hosking
Munga this is what has got me going around in circles a bit. Can you advise if there was a player I missed that did play and should have been in there? Just been referring back to past teams and then any changes since so might have got confused.

Yeah don't worry about this one, won't make difference so I'll take the doughnut. Will submit a team tonight.
Just the one emergency this week! Players dropping like flies.

St Kilda Shrikes Rd6
F - Caitlin Gould - Teah Charlton - Jess Good - Montana Ham - Tamara Luke
M - Ebony Marinoff (C) - Anne Hatchard (VC) - Georgia Patrikios - Tyanna Smith - Molly McDonald
B - Bianca Jakobsson - Hannah Priest - Stevie-Lee Thompson - Aileen Gilroy - Eloise Jones
R - Lucy Wales
I - Tamara Smith - Charlotte Baskaran - Amy Smith - Olivia Vesely - Nicola Stevens
E - Ella Friend

Pentridge Prison Bars (1453)
defeated Demons of the West (1412)
Fremantle Blues (1228) defeated The Mark Alvey's (1128)
The Big Cats (1449) defeated SEQ Swans (1341)
Junee Thunderfeet (1533) defeated St Kilda Shrikes (1507)

Massive game from the Thunderfeet and Shrikes. Thunderfeet only had two scores under 40 to get past a Marinoff-inspired 306 points by herself.

Similarly, Prison Bars overcome a disappointing 59 from skipper Nina Morrison with Zanker and Lambert tonning up and only four scores under 50 to defeat Demons of the West with Swanson also only scoring 76, but only one player - Lucas-Rodd - tonned up.
Round 7

Pentridge Prison Bars vs. Fremantle Blues
Demons of the West vs. The Big Cats
The Mark Alvey's vs. St Kilda Shrikes
SEQ Swans vs. Junee Thunderfeet

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Essentially the top four have been locked in now, very impressive seasons from them.

Last round permutations for finalists:

Pentridge Prison Bars:

Win - 1st
Lose - 1st-3rd

Junee Thunderfeet:
Win - 1st-2nd
Lose - 2nd-4th* (but would need substantial points loss differential compated to Demons)

The Big Cats:
Win - 1st-3rd
Lose - 4th

Demons of the West:
Win - 2nd*-3rd (but would need substantial points win differential compared to Thunderfeet)
Lose - 4th

In all likelihood there is a chance The Big Cats and Demons of the West face off two weeks in a row. But is an upset brewing?
Pentridge Prison Bars Round 7 lineup

Jordyn Allen - Lauren Butler
HB: Bec Webster - Chantel Emonson - Ange Foley
C: Jaimee Lambert - Mikala Cann - Olivia Purcell
HF: Abbey Dowrick - Eliza James - Kate Surman
F: Chloe Molloy - Erin Phillips
R: Alice Edmonds - Brianna Davey (vc) - Britt Bonnici
INT: Nina Morrison (c) - Eden Zanker - Gemma Houghton - Matilda Scholz - Dakota Davidson

EMG: Tarni Brown - Imogen Evans - Darcie Davies

IN: Eliza James
OUT: Hannah Ewings

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Junee Thunderfeet Round 7 lineup

Emma Kearney - Tarni Evans
HB: Elizabeth Keaney - Ange Stannett - Chelsea Biddell
C: Mia King - Emily Pease - Ally Dallaway
HF: Jasmine Garner (c) - Zarlie Goldsworthy - Nicola Barr
F: Emma King - Georgia Garnett
R: Kim Rennie - Alyce Parker (vc) Ash Riddell
INT: Ally Morphett - Rebecca Beeson - Chloe Scheer - Alyssa Bannan - Alicia Eva

EMG: Sophia Hurley - Maddie Shevlin - Brooke Brown
The Big Cats (Richmond/Brisbane) team for Round 7

Katie Lynch out - no cover sadly!
Breanna Koenen
Bella Smith
Harriet Cordner
Ella Heads

Georgie Prespakis (C)
Emily Bates (VC)
Amy McDonald
Alexandra Anderson
Mon Conti
(Ali Drennan)
(Isabelle Dawes)
Gab Seymour

Chelsea Randall
Greta Bodey
Katie Brennan
Aine Tighe
Orla O’Dwyer
(Danielle Ponter)
(Courtney Hodder)

Bench in brackets
Emergencies - Catherine Svarc, Sarah Hosking

Sarah Allan
Tessa Lavey
Ellie McKenzie
Gab Seymour
Jess Hosking
Lou Stephenson

Natalie Grider (VC), Tarni White
HB: Daisy D'Arcy, Poppy Boltz, Lucinda Pullar
C: Jade Ellenger, Jamie Stanton, Sophie Conway
HF: Claudia Whitfort, Jacqueline Dupuy, Charlie Rowbottom (C)
FF: Jesse Wardlaw, Lily Postlethwaite
Foll: Tahlia Hickie, Chloe Dalton, Lucy Single
Int: Tahlia Randall, Lauren Bella, Ellie Hampson, Cynthia Hamilton, Sabrina Frederick

Emg: Alana Gee, Serene Watson, Shannon Campbell

IN: Poppy Boltz, Jade Ellenger, Sabrina Frederick
OUT: Tayla Harris, Serene Watson, Keely Skepper

Non-Selected: Fleur Davies, Tara Bohanna, Tayla Harris, Keely Skepper
Inactive: Cat Phillips, Jacqui Yorston, Maddison Levi, Teagan Levi, Maddy Collier, Kalinda Howarth, Indy Tahau
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Pentridge Prison Bars (1578)
defeated Fremantle Blues (1309)

Bri Davey and Britt Bonnici went well, but Nina Morrison as captain with 82 was well below them. Another even effort for the Prison Bars with Kate Surman and Lauren Butler's 38s the lowest. Kaitlyn Ashmore (114) the sole ton for the Blues. Hayley Miller (59) also a low captain score this week.

The Big Cats (1408) defeated Demons of the West (1309)

Lakay ended up being an out and Wakfer had to ironically come in anyway for the Demons, but The Big Cats get the job done and host the knockout elimination final despite being a player down. Ally Anderson (100) and Monique Conti (108) the top scorers, but plenty of contributors. Charlotte Thomas (111) the only ton for the Demons, Emma Swanson's 60 as captain was disappointing.

St Kilda Shrikes (1382) defeated The Mark Alvey's (1282)

Ebony Marinoff lead from the front with 132 as captain, Anne Hatchard's 106 also big, Ella Friend coming in for Tam Luke didn't do much with 12. Finish off the season with a win and a well deserved fifth place.

Junee Thunderfeet (1716) defeated SEQ Swans (1433)

Junee just casually knocking up 1700+ with Garner (140x2), Riddell (139), Parker (105) and Goldsworthy (100) the tons. Will be minus Parker and Morphett for the rest of the season. Biddell (41) the lowest score, just crazy.


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Pentridge Prison Bars vs. Junee Thunderfeet
The Big Cats vs. Demons of the West (again)

samFFC and Biggie will do battle to stay in the finals series.
Pentridge Prison Bars Qualifying Final lineup

Jordyn Allen - Lauren Butler
HB: Bec Webster - Chantel Emonson - Ange Foley
C: Jaimee Lambert - Mikala Cann - Olivia Purcell
HF: Abbey Dowrick - Eliza James - Kate Surman
F: Chloe Molloy - Erin Phillips
R: Matilda Scholz - Brianna Davey (c) - Britt Bonnici
INT: Nina Morrison (vc) - Eden Zanker - Gemma Houghton - Ruby Schleicher - Dakota Davidson

EMG: Tarni Brown - Imogen Evans - Darcie Davies

IN: Ruby Schleicher
OUT: Alice Edmonds
Junee Thunderfeet Qualifying Final lineup

Emma Kearney - Tarni Evans
HB: Elizabeth Keaney - Ange Stannett - Chelsea Biddell
C: Mia King - Emily Pease - Ally Dallaway
HF: Jasmine Garner (c) - Zarlie Goldsworthy - Nicola Barr
F: Emma King - Georgia Garnett
R: Kim Rennie - Rebecca Beeson - Ash Riddell
INT: Chloe Scheer - Alyssa Bannan - Alicia Eva - Sophia Hurley - Isabel Huntington

EMG: Maddie Shevlin - Brooke Brown - Molly Eastman

OUT: Alyce Parker, Ally Morphett
Congratulations on the default team * sighs * lol making the grand final, and samFFC for making the Preliminary Final.

Preliminary Final:

Pentridge Prison Bars vs. The Big Cats
Thanks for running it again this year mate.

We are all busy, and running stuff like this is a real effort. I’ve done much smaller things and gotten waylaid, so you are a legend.

Good luck this weekend.
Bad luck Biggie
Also! The two sweetest words in the English language!

homer simpson wtf GIF

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BigFooty AFLW Fantasy - Squad lists/fixtures/team submissions/results

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