Port won't get him in the PSD. Sorry to dash your hopes, but look at it realistically - young bloke, 70 odd games of experience, ready made body size - can you see GC and GWS passing that up? A promise, unless formalised in way of a contract, is worth the paper it's written on.
Port know they have to trade, and WCE want to assist Brad get to Port. All part of trade week shinanigans my teal friend.
Absolute CRAP!! Why would GWS or GC pick a player that they know full well wants to play at the club his father, uncles, grandfather, great grandfather and cousins played at. What part of this dont you flogs understand??
You WCE eagles supporters just dont get that this guy has a desire to play for Port. Even if GWS or GS take him they are wasting a pick just like WCE did by knowing that there would be a very good chance he will still want to play for Port.
WCE supporters on the trade thread are soooooo stupid, they just cant see the link between Ebert and Port.
Get this in your thick skulls BRAD EBERT WILL PLAY FOR PORT ADELAIDE and if they dont take pick 33 then they are stupid. We will get our man either through pick 33 or PSD. I am annoyed that we even offered pick 28 TBH.
I am hoping like hell he goes to the PSD now just to shove it up these idiot WCE supporters.
They look down on us not having a clue we have them over the barrel on this deal like no other deal in the history of deals because there is no other player in the hisory of players with a link so strong to one club.
fools the lot of them.