ill join in on this aswell, but i already have 69.70 in my account so i will start with that
Hezanoperator win 4.70 rc 5 Palmerton North (won @ 2.70 paid 12.95)
Melton Seabreeze e/w $1 rc 1 Albion Park (lost)
Utah Jazz -1.5 $5 @ 1.91
LA Clippers -2.5 $2.50 @ 1.91
Detriot-New York ranges $2.50 @ 2.42
Detroit- San Jose-Toronato (+1.5) $2 @ 3.45
no. 3 $5 win rc 6 addington (lost)
Balance 45.00 (24.70 in active bets)
No.7 $2.50 e/w at rc 6 Palmerston North
No 5 1.50 win/1.45 place rc 7 @ Addington
Balance 50.00 (19.95 in active bets)