That was an exceptional post.I don’t think they have “played the mental health card”. That’s lazy cliched criticism. Their first response was to condemn what he said and apologise. Melbourne didn’t want to take it any further and were satisfied with the club’s handling of it.
Moving forward the club has a professional responsibility to look after the well being of its staff, Zorko included. While the situation Zorko is in is essentially all self-inflicted, the media furore would definitely be putting him under significant emotional stress and the club is obligated to ensure he is okay.
“Playing the mental health card” has always meant using mental health as a way to explain, mitigate or excuse bad behaviour. That is clearly not what has happened here, and it doesn’t help anyone to claim otherwise. At no stage have Zorko or the club tried to rationalise, minimise or excuse Zorko’s deplorable comments.
A little bit of vigilantism disguised as morality going on. Ultimately this is an issue between Zorko, Petty, the Lions, the Demons and the AFL. All of those parties appear to feel the issue has been resolved appropriately amongst themselves and they don’t want any more of it to play out publicly in a media that cares only for clicks.
Zorko will pay a significant price in a range of ways. He clearly will not be captain next year, will lose endorsements and he has drastically limited his post-playing career options at clubland and in the media.
As fans we can have opinions and express them but we aren’t entitled to anything beyond that.