This was Zorko's last year as Captain without doubt in any case. There'll now be a debate as to whether we keep him as a player.This is the crux of it.
Among all the outrage and hype this morning on SEN (and no doubt on other media platforms) it took Nathan Buckley to voice the most salient point here.
That is that
1) why did the specifics of what Zorko said have to get aired at all? He said he (Buckley) didn't need to know and didn't know why anyone else needed to know.
2) the longer this gets played out the more hurtful it becomes for the injured party, Harrison Petty, who as he pointed out, had accepted the apology and just wanted to move on. So why can't the offended and outraged respect the wishes of the victim?
Potting Bucks for his perceived "treachery" in leaving the Bears 28 years ago has been a recurrent theme on this board but I for one, enjoy his insights and commentary on issues such as this.
It's disrespectful to Petty himself to keep dragging the issue through the public court of outrage
Zorko made an abhorrent remark and I am disgusted by it as anyone.
But can we please express our disgust/anger/displeasure with the deed rather than crucifying Zorko himself.
Somewhere on this Forum someone came up with the theory that Dane Zorko was suffering from "Small man syndrome"
Just have a think about that comment. It's the very essence of vilification. Instead of addressing the issue of the poor behavior, the focus became the physical stature of Dane Zorko, as if that was the reason for the behavior itself. Ridiculous!
Short people everywhere are now being labelled as more likely to be suffering from some kind of "syndrome"
If Dane was tall and Indigenous, would anyone be so bold as to attribute his comments as ""tall black guy syndrome"?
I'm 67 years old and I've said and done many things that I've not only regretted but been downright ashamed of. It's part of being human. We all make gross and grievous errors and misjudgments so before getting on our moral high horses, put yourself in another persons shoes and try to understand how in the heat of the moment we are all susceptible to foot in mouth disease.
Lest my comments be misinterpreted, let me say I think it's time we moved on from Dane's captaincy .He is ill disciplined and prone to brain explosions but that is entirely a different issue.
The real challenge is to find a suitable club captain who will lead by example in word and in deed.
Unlike others I believe he was a champion player and a good captain who took over the mantle when we were on our knees and led by example. He helped get us off the bottom of the ladder to a significant degree.
It's sad that he'll probably go out like this and sadder still the scant regard that most Lions supporters on this blog seem to have for him.