Carlton in the Media (articles, podcasts etc)

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Wow, they're all out tonight.

I don't get Footy Classified up north, can someone keep me updated on that and the 3AW interview? :)
Wookie will most likely have FC up for you tomorrow some time so you can watcdh it on here.

Only need to tune into 3AW on the net to hear it also but someone will probably have it up later for everyone who misses it.
Wookie will most likely have FC up for you tomorrow some time so you can watcdh it on here.

Only need to tune into 3AW on the net to hear it also but someone will probably have it up later for everyone who misses it.
Wasn't expecting to still be in the office at 6 but sadly it looks like I'll be able to listen after all :confused::(
How about having some pride in what you do, and go out and prove him wrong? IF that is the issue..

That's what's wrong with society with the "woe is me, I'm the victim" attitude..

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I addressed that. They had the chance to rise above, they didn't. That was the moment for them. Mick even said after the Bombers game he hoped it was a once off. It wasnt. He called a spade a spade. But, the question remains, does he know how to reach this playing group to get the most out of them. Believe it or not, some people respond well to positive reinforcement. Ratten had that in droves. MM is a firey character and we've seen him burn many a player in his time. Some people dont respond well to that. It does work for some. I reckon it worked very well at Collingwood keeping the likes of Swan, Didak and co in line. We are a different breed at Carlton. MM spoke of how we were a very introverted group. I just wonder if the MM approach is going to get the most out of our players. We'd sooner see a list turn over than MM change his ways however
Probably mentioned.

Have been troubled by the glee with which carlton is being massacred in the media.

SEN seem to be having a carlton bashing festival on this week, while the Herald had the first four pages of sports dedicated to how crap we were - in order - captain is crap and has to go, malthouse is crap and has to go, Kernahan is crap and has to go, Swann is crap and has to go, Daisey is crap and has to go and finally Judd wont fix it.

I was despondent and turned to the comments section to amuse myself with the wild vassilations of the dregs - only to note the Herald had a special on that day with the entire section dedicated to how crap carlton are.

I addressed that. They had the chance to rise above, they didn't. That was the moment for them. Mick even said after the Bombers game he hoped it was a once off. It wasnt. He called a spade a spade. But, the question remains, does he know how to reach this playing group to get the most out of them. Believe it or not, some people respond well to positive reinforcement. Ratten had that in droves. MM is a firey character and we've seen him burn many a player in his time. Some people dont respond well to that. It does work for some. I reckon it worked very well at Collingwood keeping the likes of Swan, Didak and co in line. We are a different breed at Carlton. MM spoke of how we were a very introverted group. I just wonder if the MM approach is going to get the most out of our players. We'd sooner see a list turn over than MM change his ways however

I'd rather players that can't handle it moved on. I want a coach to coach. Not coddle and applaud players like a fan, like ratten

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Was anyone else disappointed by Mick's 'from the coach' address to the members this week? I thought he owed us a lot more explanation than "we are trying our hardest" and "we have no excuses". I'd like him to further address our concerns and put any myths to rest about inner club turmoil rather than the same old easy response. I'd also like to know what plans he had rather than "we are training hard". Easy answers that sheds no light on the situation. Not liking Mick in the press at all at the moment, keeping members in the dark and guessing about what the hell is going on within the club.

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Not much in the swann interview

- just said the cue ain't in the rack and we want to win
- confidence is down a fair bit
- daisy ahead of where they predicted him to be
- Mathieson 'influential' and valued member (1.5 - 2 million a year)
- Admitted list was revalued at start of year, tried to get a good mix of age bracket with draftees, also knows there isn't a Quick fix buy solution.
- Gibbs contract not at figure stage yet
What exactly is Mathieson distracting the club from? :confused: I assume everyone is still doing their jobs despite what he's saying in the media.

If they aren't, they shouldn't be in the role anyway.

I don't agree with Mathieson but I fail to see how he is anything more than a whiny voice in our side.
he isnt distracting... he is destabilising... big difference. He is whinging and whining and pointing fingers. Admittedly some of the fingers are falling on the right people... but saying that the club needs a broom put through it and pointing the finger at someone who he already knows is stepping down at the end of the year is undermining Sticks support base and takes us straight back to the bad old days when we were having boardroom brawls every other week and some 'faction' was leaking all the crap that was getting tossed around in the boardroom. Stuff that shouldnt have been leaked was.
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