Caroline Wilson article re Swan and bad behaviour

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Here's the back page of the Herald Sun, have to laugh at the coincidental headline and pic;


That's probably not coincidental.

Wouldn't be the first time a newspaper editor was playing a bit of mischief.
Michael Hurley should be sacked, even if he says he didn't bash a taxi driver, just because of his cavalier behaviour. Do you realise how ridiculous that sounds?

No? Well on your way.

My mistake - when I read the posts labelling her a dog and a cow, i didn't infer each were actually questioning her line of argument.

Perhaps Bucks should use this defence via twitter?
From a club that's been subject to Caroline's furious blowtorch of indigence in recent times, I can only sympathise with you all.
Which is why Collingwood should seriously consider sacking Dane Swan. If it has not already.... Even if Swan is telling the truth about drugs his cavalier behaviour has helped create a culture which is not healthy.

Read more:
If she thinks this has legs, sacking a contracted player because he displays "cavalier behaviour" will be one of the less ridiculous claims you see.

"Never mind those pesky Unfair Dismissal Laws, I'm Caroline Wilson and I have an axe to grind!"

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Isn't it interesting that this story came out a week after the draft.

Grand Final is over what do we do?? about the Melbourne tanking issue.

Tanking issue losing steam?? about Kurt Tippett and the Crows.

Draft over what do we do???...arggh Pert opens the door, talk about Dane Swan and drugs.

This story was clearly warehoused for a rainy day and now that it's a potentially slow AFL news week it mysteriously rears it's ugly head.

I do not follow Collingwood but am a fan of Dane Swan. Not just because he is a champion of the game but he is his own man and not a puppet. Swan would have more excuse than most to be a conformist as he has the most to lose but he ignores this and is a free spirit.

If you see his tweets you will see he's a different character, but he also has a personality and is funny.

Recreational drugs in football is no bigger problem than it is in society. If people want change then they should call for stiffer punishments to everybody, not just those that are in the public eye and happen to be making a good income.

Some of the loudest protestors are also the biggest hypocrites. If it was your son or your brother would you want him to lose his livelihood??

No doubt it is an issue and seems to becoming worse but lets not use a slow week as a catalyst to sling mud at people when there is absolutely no evidence they are even doing the wrong thing.
I don't know how someone can go out in public and accuse and AFL player of taking drugs. I am rapt to see Buckley support Swanny via Twitter.

I would be disappointed if any Collingwood player went on Footy Classified in the next few years at least.
Theres no denying that a drugs culture is rife in the AFL, but no more than in the general population. I know of many people who take illicit drugs while partying, and i've seen many AFL players who have appeared (appeared being the key word) to be on something while out on the town, Swan being one of many. We cant be sure who is using unless you actually see them take it or they test positive. So to have a direct attack specifically on Dane Swan without any proof or any sources or any quotes from people in the know, is extremely unprofessional and poor journalism. I know the Bulldogs young pups have a terrible drug culture, with Libba being the unlucky one out of a few to get caught, but they, like many other suspects, have conveniently been overlooked in this article. To specifically target Swan, one of the highest profiled players in the league at the biggest club in the AFL seems like Caro did this purely for the attention she would get, and it appears its working.
In a perverse way Caroline is doing us a favour - At least this brings it to a head. The story can only go one of two ways now - either where there's smoke there's fire or a categorical denial from Swan and Collingwood.

Clearly there is concern at Collingwood about Swan's behaviour and the wider erosion of the playing group's culture in general. Walsh, Pert and Buckley have all said that publicly. Then there is the endless procession of rumours and innuendo's - often Swanny is his own worst enemy given some of his public undertakings and tweets but more often than not he his entirely victimised by people who refuse to accept him.

This story has been festering under the surface for months - maybe Collingwood believes there is something out of their control in play here, maybe the bevvy of media releases from Pert and Buckley, and even Ed, without prompting, is Collingwood's way of saying we have a problem here and we need AFL and industry acknowledgement and help. Maybe Collingwood are preparing to make a tough call on a much loved member of the club and are using this is a medium for softening the blow to members, supporters and the public.

Maybe it's all a load of over the top hype and this commits Swan and the rest of the CFC fraternity to a closer committment to each other - reinforces the us against them mentality. It may be a watershed moment for Swan and the club and provide a wonderful lead into the upcoming training camp and re-introduction of the leading teams concept. See Bucks' tweet this morning as one such example.

Whatever the outcome let's just be thankful that it's happening on November 30th and not July-Sep 2013 like stuff has the past 2 years. It'll be done and dusted one way or another by Round 5 next year.
Firstly, to the Moderators here. Please don't ban me as I'm not trolling. I'm just trying to provide a different viewpoint from the 'shoot the messenger' threads here.

My club (Richmond) has had some serious problems with drugs and even recently we had a player delisted. There is a belief close to the club than this situation was far more serious than the public knew about. One day hopefully the full story will come out. As past history shows, we took Ben Cousins in and some believe he was still using while with Richmond. Richmond are no clean skins when it comes to addiction and abuse of drugs.

Now let's take Caro out of the equation. There are people who have seen Collingwood players partake of illicit substances. You could guess that 99.99% of them don't know Caroline Wilson. Names keep popping up from multiple sources from multiple places. Certain players are named over and over again.

While Richmond may have issues relating to their younger players taking illicit drugs (because we don't have that many older players) Collingwood has an issue with Senior Veteran Players who should know better taking illicit drugs and trying to perform within the AFL, for their club and their supporters who love them.

Don't blame Caroline Wilson, this could have been written by a past Collingwood player if he was knowledgeable enough, concerned enough and had the sources.

What a coincidence that Gary Pert came out against drugs only days earlier before Wilson's article in a pre-emptive strike trying to tie all clubs to drug issues. If Club CEO's and President's care about drugs in sport why would Pert care what Richmond, Carlton, Essendon, etc do? CEO's and Presidents only care about their clubs. And that is why Pert got the early jump on Caroline Wilson. He must have been aware of the coming article.

All clubs need to look internally first. Collingwood must have. And will do again.
But don't be fooled. Whatever Bucks says, or whoever dismisses Journalists articles, nothing compares to what people have seen and heard, and that is, Collingwood has a drug problem within its playing group.

And Good Luck for Season 2013
OK then if you feel that drugs are an issue and a player's welfare is at stake, then you cannot have an issue with Wilson for picking up on Pert's concern. Incidentally, a recreational drug habit does not mean that a player's welfare is at stake. Nobody is suggesting that Swan is another Cousins. Plenty of people use drugs without their life going down the drain. Your hysteria over the issue only feeds Caroline Wilson's argument.

I don't have an issue with what she's written as long as she has the evidence to back it up.

P.S My hysteria? Exaggerating a wee bit no?
In a perverse way Caroline is doing us a favour - At least this brings it to a head. The story can only go one of two ways now - either where there's smoke there's fire or a categorical denial from Swan and Collingwood.

At the end of the day, Swan and the club don't need to say anything. What Swanny does in his past time is his business. He is a party boy, we all know it and what is associated with that tag. However he is also a 28 year old man, and knows what the consequences of his actions are. From what we know, he hasn't failed a drug test, and beside that one incident this year his social life hasn't interfered in his football life.

It's pretty poor journalism, why would you taint his image, and that of the club? Why would she use her public position/power to get a person, who from my knowledge has never done anything to her, sacked and in the unemployment line. That's what has pissed me off.
Thanks for the caring and sharing....that was indeed "deliberate"
To Caro, if you want to really help people within drug cultures I'm sure many welfare agencies could use your considerable skills?
Summed up perfectly Bucks (gee he's good at media)...." not a quote in sight. Don't ever presume to speak on Collingwood's behalf".

Now can we get on with pre season?

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Caroline Wilson has to put up her evidence now,this story and these allegations have already gone past the point where people will forget about what she wrote in a few days.
This is such a serious matter and with her naming names her evidence has to come out now and if she cannot provide it then I think she should be dismissed there is no other way out of this now.This was as good a case of character assassination as I have read in newspapers for while and she should be held accountable for her allegations,with Wilson saying these things either her or Swan will be damaged irreparably it is as simple as that.

I like others question her motives and her timing,I was as annoyed as anyone about Swan behaviour late in the season but she should not be allowed to shoot from the hip without evidence and that is what she must provide now.
IM definately not letting any article written by her bother me, when Collingwood have something to say regarding the matter I will take some notice, until then....
At the end of the day, Swan and the club don't need to say anything. What Swanny does in his past time is his business. He is a party boy, we all know it and what is associated with that tag. However he is also a 28 year old man, and knows what the consequences of his actions are. From what we know, he hasn't failed a drug test, and beside that one incident this year his social life hasn't interfered in his football life.

It's pretty poor journalism, why would you taint his image, and that of the club? Why would she use her public position/power to get a person, who from my knowledge has never done anything to her, sacked and in the unemployment line. That's what has pissed me off.

Actually the club does need to say something - you can't let that article sit out in the public domain without a response. What the club says will give us an insight into whether it's Caro writing a Xmas fluff piece that they are savage on or perhaps it is something more sinister. The club's been burnt before by players who weren't truthful (Didak/Shaw) so just how aggressive they are in responding will be interesting.
I don't read Caro's stuff, just like I don't read magazines boasting the real reason Tom and Nicole split, the secret that's tearing Wills and Kate apart, or why the Kardashians are looking great for summer.

Write a football article or GTFO, Caro.
Most players in the AFL do recreational drugs. Swan is no different to most others. You could replace Swan's name with most players int he AFL.

Why this Swan thing is randomly popping now is a mystery. Attention grabbing? Slow news week?
Swan should sue her
That is exactly what I would do I would take action against her immediately I of these 2 is in serious trouble because sure as S--- it is going to hit the fan.

If I were swan and she does not provide irrefutable evidence I would sue for all she is worth the onus is on her and the Age to provide evidence now.
Most players in the AFL do recreational drugs. Swan is no different to most others. You could replace Swan's name with most players int he AFL.

Why this Swan thing is randomly popping now is a mystery. Attention grabbing? Slow news week?
Caro is the dregs, she likes using Collingwood as a whipping boy and Swan is an easy target due to having been drug tested previously.

Just a mud raker and a sh@t slinger of a sorry excuse for a journalist.
Most players in the AFL do recreational drugs. Swan is no different to most others. You could replace Swan's name with most players int he AFL.

Why this Swan thing is randomly popping now is a mystery. Attention grabbing? Slow news week?
It may that Swan is no different to other players Ed but she has named him and that make a big difference to Swan this is going to end very badly for either Wilson or Swan there is no other way out now.

Although Wilson does not actually say she saw Swan doing wrong herself she cannot run away from her insinuations.

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Caroline Wilson article re Swan and bad behaviour

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