Social Science Casey - The bullied boy that fought back

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Time to bring in a new form of the old ruler across the backside. I reckon the best way to cut down a ego is through embarassment.

Something like a school assembly in this case should be called where Casey and 2 people of his choosing get to fart in the young kids face. They get 24 hours to prepare. Can be with or without pants and the young kid must have his eyes open at all times
Lol his name is we have definitive confirmation that he is a feral bogan. He quicksmart deleted his facebook after this thing started getting some internet coverage.
Whats everyones opinion if the kid lands on his head and dies, is Casey still a hero?

What would Bill Hicks say? " less gas station attendant in the world." Funny man that Billbo.

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Time to bring in a new form of the old ruler across the backside. I reckon the best way to cut down a ego is through embarassment.

Something like a school assembly in this case should be called where Casey and 2 people of his choosing get to fart in the young kids face. They get 24 hours to prepare. Can be with or without pants and the young kid must have his eyes open at all times

Disparaging the boot is a bootable offence!

Wow the bully's details phone number, address etc have been posted everywhere online. He really picked the wrong person to pick on this time.
I get the whole screw the bully commotion coming out of this, but did Casey(?) really have to jam the bullies head into the cement like that. I felt sick watching it.

Sorry but it's attitudes like this that allow the bullying to go on.
Most bullies aren't traditionally committed to their schooling so expulsion, suspension or detention will do absolutely nothing.

The parents of these bullies probably couldn't care less if their failure of a child is suspended anyway. So what do they have to lose? Nothing.
I don't often condone physical violence. But without it, he'd still be getting bullied. The kid would still be getting away with it and in a few years you'll find these poor innocent kids hanging from a f****** noose.
It would be a very sad state of affairs.

Like others have said, the progressive bullying that twerp has dealt out to Big Show has gotten to the point where he stands there without a care in the world and showboats while punching him in the face. Twerp didnt just get up that day and decide to agitate Big Show. It's probably been going on for over a year, gradually building up to that arrogant display.

I've gone to school with and also taught kids like Casey. They're ostracised from the school society and taught to not attract anyone's attention (by other students obviously). They keep a low profile and are happiest when left alone with a couple of other friends. Twerp is boisterous and over-the-top in trying to stake an alpha claim and get attention from, mainly girls, due to his physical limitations. The way he hits him, the way he gets someone to tape it and the peacock display from the twerp all tells me that he does this simply to further his own standing in the school.

IF Casey dropped him on his head and he died, it would be terribly sad. It's quite clear that Casey simply snapped and decided he had to take action. He didnt go further, he didnt attack anyone else, he did what he had to do. You corner an animal and they'll try to escape. But you can tell Casey didnt want to drop him on his head, he rotated him and moved his hand to make sure the head moves to a parallel position.

It really was perfect for all concerned. Taped so Casey has evidence of provocation, big hit to warn off bullies, no real permanent damage to twerp and a couple of days off for Casey to cool off and the whole thing to blow over.

Everyone points to the teachers, but it's a very hard situation to stamp out. It's covert and subtle. Judging by the emptiness of the yard and the fact they had their school bags on (most schools use lockers now), I'm guessing it was after school and most had gone home. It's very hard to pinpoint and stamp out.

I agree with everything you're saying, its a perfect end to what otherwise couldve been pretty bad. I liked it as much as the next guy, seeing the little shit get whats coming to him

Its a bad scenario all round though that nobody has a solution too, but the publicity could cause the next bullied kid to snap but this time the end result could be much worse

Its easy to laugh now because as mentioned its ended perfectly, but whos laughing when instead of a youtube video theres a headline of 'kid paralyzed for life after schoolyard fight'. This exact same situation couldve resulted in either or worse outcomes
Someone needs to send Ritchard a shirt that says Casey 3:16 and on the back "I just whooped your ass", while Casey should strut around in a old fashioned "Here comes the Pain" shirt
Lol his name is we have definitive confirmation that he is a feral bogan. He quicksmart deleted his facebook after this thing started getting some internet coverage.

Deleted his FB? - What's with this msg he left then?


....yes, Ritchard is the kid who got owned.

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Doubt he'll ever show his face at school. Little twerp. That page in support of Casey was scaring me, people were trolling it and posting photos of really gross things.
They brought out the lion in that kid. Too bad he didn't go on with it and destroy all the goobers filming and talking shit. It's the only way - schools don't give a **** anymore, teachers are useless and generally parents are too piss weak or scared to deal with it directly.

Hopefully he has the confidence to just crush anyone that tries to bully him from now on, the bullying will stop toot ****en sweet.
Doubt he'll ever show his face at school. Little twerp. That page in support of Casey was scaring me, people were trolling it and posting photos of really gross things.

It really got out of control. Disturbing things were posted, people reacted to obvious trolls, home addresses were found. 4chan and /b/ in particular had a field day.
I get the whole screw the bully commotion coming out of this, but did Casey(?) really have to jam the bullies head into the cement like that. I felt sick watching it.
put your hand in a pot of boiling water and you may get burnt.
bully a fat kid twice your size and you may get power-slammed.

this is the way of the world.
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