Challenge System will improve umpiring and fix dissent

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Mar 3, 2022
AFL Club
AFL has to be close to the only code without a challenge system.

An extra umpire hasn't fixed umpiring standards (some might say the opposite).

Dissent/abuse has come back into the comp in the last couple of weeks. Agree it has no place in the game but like any people who feel they have no voice, a challenge system might help to alleviate that.

Seeing in NRL when a player starts to have a crack at the ref he will simply remind them they are free to challenge and the whinging usually stops there.

Players need to be better but on the other hand there is nothing worse than seeing an umpiring error made and then as a result of the error, the player becomes frustrated. Whilst there needs to be an acknowledgement that umpires are essential, players careers are also on the line.

1 challenge per qtr and then the last 5 mins of the game everything is reviewed (and play brought back if issue found).

It might slow the game down a bit but I would just shorten the qtrs to compensate. I'd rather see 15 min qtrs (that extend to 22-23 mins) with a higher degree of accuracy than 30+ minutes that can be decided based on how the umpire sees it (and may be wrong).

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Yes, 1 review per team per game and if they get it correct to overturn the decision they retain the review and can use it again in the same game. If they use it and the call is not overturned they can't challenge the rest of the game. This will mean all teams will leave it to 4th quarter in a close game, unless it's an absolute howler
Yeah …let’s have more stoppages and reviews.
Then we can be like the NFL and stretch games out to 4 hours.


That isn't why NFL is so long (not 4 hours) and hasn't had a demonstrable impact in NRL, Basketball etc where challenge system is in place.

Nope. Just enforce the rule that makes umpires ball it up if they bugger up.
Protecting the umpires is one thing, but pretending they're perfect tarnishes an already tarnished reputation

How do they know they've got it wrong? There isn't a system in place for that except if another umpire sees it.
That isn't why NFL is so long (not 4 hours) and hasn't had a demonstrable impact in NRL, Basketball etc where challenge system is in place.

How do they know they've got it wrong? There isn't a system in place for that except if another umpire sees it.

There's 4 field umpires, and another 6 umpires on the boundary/goals.
They all can communicate.

Drop the egos, and tell them "if someone is 100 percent sure, overturn/overrule"
Get rid of the "touch the post is a behind" rule and instead say if the ball goes through the goals, even if it touches the post on the way through then it is a goal. 50% of issues regarding the goal review would be fixed with that one change.

Just like a rugby league or soccer goal, hits the woodwork and goes in, it's a goal. I'd be fine with this.

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Dissent rule is just what if a player carries on, just ignore them and carry on as usual. That someone who had a legitimately complaint was punished and their team lost a chance to win it with 40 seconds left is a travesty.

Like the idea of a challenge.
Challenge would be interesting, but only have 1 unsuccessful per half (or game even).

That would help dissent and turning the focus from slagging off the umpire.

No changes to quarter length required.

Also agree that the "hit the post" or "touched" goals could be completely ignored..with a simple rule change. If the ball goes through the goal posts, it is a goal.

It doesnt matter if it shaves the post, or is touched. If the defense cant stop the ball going through the goals bad luck, it is a goal.

Eddie McGuire's suggestion of getting rid of goal and boundary umpires and instead have a smaller full team of umpires who can all make decisions is a winner.
If they implement the technology, then yes definitely. 1 review per quarter.

Also review boundary line controversial OOBOTF and players OOB inside the 50 arcs near goal.

I suspect however that the poor technology for reviews is convenient for the AFL biases when it suits them so it will never be changed.
If it hits post and comes back into play its play on.

I know this will send traditionalists into a frenzy but its a no brainer imo.

A step too far for me. That's a behind for mine.
Hardest game to umpire in the world, can't think of any other 360 degree ball game

But what the AFL should do is amend the rules to minimise the variation of interpretations

Prime example is players once again being allowed to use their hands to hold players out and or push them under the ball in a marking contest. Change the rule back, no use of hands placed placed on an opposition's players back and it's easy for umpiring interpretation

Now, we are seeing it even more in boundary throw ins

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Challenge System will improve umpiring and fix dissent

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