News Clarkson succession plan: Mitchell to coach in 2023

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Truthfull I did not go back further as my knowledge of pre-2000 AFL is a bit more limited. I imagine though that coaches who used to play for the same club was basically the norm in the 70's, 80's and much of the 90's as it was a less professional era.

The record though seems to suggest that, at least in the last 21 years, you are much more likely to win a flag with a coach who didn't play for your club than one who did.
The record, if you go back at least 21 years, would also suggest you are much, much more likely to coach a club you didn’t play for.

I normally have some respect for your posts, but this is absolute garbage.
This has eery similarities to Collingwood 2009, when McGuire panicked believing that Buckley would take up the North job.

McGuire = Kennett
Malthouse = Clarkson
Buckley = Mitchell

The only difference here is Hawthorn are near the bottom, whereas Collingwood were in the midst of a premiership window when the announcement was made.

That's a pretty significant difference though.

I don't think Hawthorn will have to deal with the awkward 'problem' of Clarkson winning a premiership during the succession period.
I really hoped Sam would end up back at the Eagles coaching but I found out he burnt his bridges here. At least with his wife :(

He will be a great coach I think. Good luck with the Hawks Sam.
Also not about Mitchell exactly but I am really getting sick of great players being fast-tracked into coaching positions as what makes a person a great player probably won't translate into them being a great coach. Take the 40th person on a teams list, now he may be slow, be a bad kick, a bad decision maker in the contest but he may have a brilliant tactical mind for the game, but because he is a crappy player no one seems to take notice.

Soccer does it better as usually the best coaches in the world are actually people who are there because they are great coaches, and not because they were great players. In fact most of the best soccer coaches were average to below average players. It is time the AFL start looking at the players lower down the list who have brilliant tactical minds rather than just going for the stars to be future coaches.
Like Zidane, Gerard, Lampard…….

i get what you’re saying though, but the AFL almost never has coaches from outside the top flight - Bolton being the most recent exception I can think of.

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So he is going to see Hawks through the crap years and rebuild the club only to hand it over when the clubs is expected to see some success ? Thats not going to happen

Clarkson has said for a number of years now that he wants to rebuild the club to a position where he can handover something that is on the rise, and not at rock bottom. This has been in the making since he signed his last contract
The thing that will make or break Sam Mitchell as a senior coach is how he manages standards and expectations of his players.

As a young player, Sammy was not blessed with natural talent and had to work hard to get drafted after missing out in his draft year.
He obviously worked very hard on his game and set very high standards for both himself, which then became an expectation that his team mates would have similar high standards. I dont think you can impose the highest of high standards on everyone and expect not to rub some people the wrong way. You have to be careful not to push everyone to hard and potentially take the enjoyment out of it. I will be interested to see what Sammy has learnt in his time as an assistant coach and how he applies that as a senior coach. I have not doubt he will learn a hell of a lot in those first few years when he is the man.

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News Clarkson succession plan: Mitchell to coach in 2023

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