Clinton Casey is to Blame

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Feb 7, 2007
AFL Club
The 1 person who is mainly responsible for the embarrassing position this club is in is Clinton Casey. He took over the club in a sound financial position from Leon Daphne and ran the club into the ground leaving us millions in debt and unable to pay for any decent recruiting staff or have our full compliment of rookies.

Why wasn't he held accountable for loosing the clubs money, the only reason we made a profit during some years of his reign was because he included Jack Dyer Foundation donations in the Profit and Loss statement each year. His incompetence and fiddling of the books is a direct result of where we are now.

The only reason he got re-elected was because Miller ran on the board with him. After he got re-elected he cleared off not paying back 1 cent of the money he lost the club.

He should be banned from having anything to do with the club ever again.
The 1 person who is mainly responsible for the embarrassing position this club is in is Clinton Casey. He took over the club in a sound financial position from Leon Daphne and ran the club into the ground leaving us millions in debt and unable to pay for any decent recruiting staff or have our full compliment of rookies.

Why wasn't he held accountable for loosing the clubs money, the only reason we made a profit during some years of his reign was because he included Jack Dyer Foundation donations in the Profit and Loss statement each year. His incompetence and fiddling of the books is a direct result of where we are now.

The only reason he got re-elected was because Miller ran on the board with him. After he got re-elected he cleared off not paying back 1 cent of the money he lost the club.

He should be banned from having anything to do with the club ever again.

Did you vote for him??

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The 1 person who is mainly responsible for the embarrassing position this club is in is Clinton Casey. He took over the club in a sound financial position from Leon Daphne and ran the club into the ground leaving us millions in debt and unable to pay for any decent recruiting staff or have our full compliment of rookies.

Why wasn't he held accountable for loosing the clubs money, the only reason we made a profit during some years of his reign was because he included Jack Dyer Foundation donations in the Profit and Loss statement each year. His incompetence and fiddling of the books is a direct result of where we are now.

The only reason he got re-elected was because Miller ran on the board with him. After he got re-elected he cleared off not paying back 1 cent of the money he lost the club.

He should be banned from having anything to do with the club ever again.

What $40K profit is a sound club???

The rate the AFL clubs have had to become professional in the last 8 years had caught out most clubs.
Leon had an old VFL procedure at the club, it was doom to fail.
Whether Casey or anyone else had moved in to the club at that stage RFC was going to make big losses.

Your a Goose...:thumbsu:
My sources say that he put in over $700000 into the club of his own money. Has anyone on this forum done that? Knowing the whole story is important before you formulate an opinion.

He offered a guarentee. That is not the same as putting in cash. It was misrepresented as such throughout the election campaign by Patrick Smith in particular.

Had we gone belly-up he would have had to cough-up the pennies. But we were going to turn to AFL cash before that ever happened.

I am sure he has put in cash through being a member of coteries, donating items to auctions, sponsoring the club via his Whitsunday islands development etc. But it should not be overstated, plenty of others do the same.

It should also be remembered that for a large part of the catastophe he was CEO and president. His inability to find a CEO meant he did the job himself. Thank Royce they finally found Steve Wright and we could begin bailing out the water.

We not only have Casey to blame for the cash problems that we still suffer from. But more (?) importantly he should have appointed someone experienced and pragmatic to oversee Frawley. Someone who could have told Frawley that we weren't close to a premiership and overruled him on his recruiting, trades, contracting etc.

Someone who could have let us trade Holland for Johnson - or let Gaspar go back to WA. Our lack of a proper Footy Manager let an inexperienced, niave and foolish Frawley run wild. That is Casey's worst legacy.
The 1 person who is mainly responsible for the embarrassing position this club is in is Clinton Casey. He took over the club in a sound financial position from Leon Daphne and ran the club into the ground leaving us millions in debt and unable to pay for any decent recruiting staff or have our full compliment of rookies.

Why wasn't he held accountable for loosing the clubs money, the only reason we made a profit during some years of his reign was because he included Jack Dyer Foundation donations in the Profit and Loss statement each year. His incompetence and fiddling of the books is a direct result of where we are now.

The only reason he got re-elected was because Miller ran on the board with him. After he got re-elected he cleared off not paying back 1 cent of the money he lost the club.

He should be banned from having anything to do with the club ever again.
You cannot be Ceriouss :eek:
My sources say that he put in over $700000 into the club of his own money. Has anyone on this forum done that? Knowing the whole story is important before you formulate an opinion.

Your sources are wrong. Knowing the whole story is important before you formulate an opinion!
The 1 person who is mainly responsible for the embarrassing position this club is in is Clinton Casey. He took over the club in a sound financial position from Leon Daphne and ran the club into the ground leaving us millions in debt and unable to pay for any decent recruiting staff or have our full compliment of rookies.

Why wasn't he held accountable for loosing the clubs money, the only reason we made a profit during some years of his reign was because he included Jack Dyer Foundation donations in the Profit and Loss statement each year. His incompetence and fiddling of the books is a direct result of where we are now.

The only reason he got re-elected was because Miller ran on the board with him. After he got re-elected he cleared off not paying back 1 cent of the money he lost the club.

He should be banned from having anything to do with the club ever again.

You are 100% correct, particularly about the JDF, which was constantly misrepresented.

You forgot to mention that he is an Essendon supporter too...
My sources say that he put in over $700000 into the club of his own money. Has anyone on this forum done that? Knowing the whole story is important before you formulate an opinion.

I don't know if it was like that but I'd prefer the President to run the club properly rather than prop us up with donations.

The fact of the matter is that we lost alot of money and made some bad decisions during that time. Casey did however get a lot of publicity for his company which is why I'm suspect on the Crazy One.

It's way too much to say it's all his fault , but in the future I would like to see the President be low key, make sure the right people are controlling the finances, keep their hand in their pocket ( run a profit instead) and don't use the club to further their own business intrests.
Casey is to blame, Daphne was to blame. Neville Crowe was to blame, and Graeme Richmond before that. Always someone to blame.

The current administration is to blame for the current position the club is in.

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Sorry guys but I dont think the administration is to blame. I thought the guys who ran onto the football field are to blame? They dont produce and we go blaiming the board.
He offered a guarentee. That is not the same as putting in cash. It was misrepresented as such throughout the election campaign by Patrick Smith in particular.

Had we gone belly-up he would have had to cough-up the pennies. But we were going to turn to AFL cash before that ever happened.

I am sure he has put in cash through being a member of coteries, donating items to auctions, sponsoring the club via his Whitsunday islands development etc. But it should not be overstated, plenty of others do the same.

It should also be remembered that for a large part of the catastophe he was CEO and president. His inability to find a CEO meant he did the job himself. Thank Royce they finally found Steve Wright and we could begin bailing out the water.

We not only have Casey to blame for the cash problems that we still suffer from. But more (?) importantly he should have appointed someone experienced and pragmatic to oversee Frawley. Someone who could have told Frawley that we weren't close to a premiership and overruled him on his recruiting, trades, contracting etc.

Someone who could have let us trade Holland for Johnson - or let Gaspar go back to WA. Our lack of a proper Footy Manager let an inexperienced, niave and foolish Frawley run wild. That is Casey's worst legacy.

He did.

He appointed Miller.

And Wayne Brittain, Crocker etc.

Frawley at one point had the most experienced set of people around him in the AFL.

What were Jewell and those other guys on the board that were supposed to be mentoring Frawley doing?
Sorry but I just dont see the point in attempting to allocate blame at this stage. We have little to learn and nothing to gain from it. The current administration is doing much better from a business perspective and I can only hope that continues. Despite being bottom of the ladder and our worst year in history they have also seemed to stay out of the limelight, and the cameras gaze which would have proved terminal and in my mind is another minor achievement in our annus horribilus. It is gonna be tough but we just need to let the managers manage for a while I think.
Sorry but I just dont see the point in attempting to allocate blame at this stage. We have little to learn and nothing to gain from it. The current administration is doing much better from a business perspective and I can only hope that continues. Despite being bottom of the ladder and our worst year in history they have also seemed to stay out of the limelight, and the cameras gaze which would have proved terminal and in my mind is another minor achievement in our annus horribilus. It is gonna be tough but we just need to let the managers manage for a while I think.

actually we have a lot to learn from it and more to gain;)

but playing the blame game is an exercise in futilty at this point, we just need to get our house in order by not repeating past mistakes and continuing to move our club into the professional age like so many other clubs have succeeded in doing. We are getting htere
actually we have a lot to learn from it and more to gain;)

but playing the blame game is an exercise in futilty at this point, we just need to get our house in order by not repeating past mistakes and continuing to move our club into the professional age like so many other clubs have succeeded in doing. We are getting htere

yep, with ya on that one dude. Lets face it, what is happening now with all the Sack TW, sack GM, sack this sack that, is nothing out of the norm with tigerheads. Add to that the standard, "Caro i am concerned" rants that are automatic, when she needs a ready made audience, and you have exhibit A of the culture that is supposed to be changing, but never does.
We are building a young side from the bottom up. When the time comes and we are at the end of TW's 5 year contract, we assess where we are and we go from there. Until then its pie in the sky stuff to suggest anything more than which players might, cant, or will make it.
FFS, we gave the Dud 5 years, now the nuff nuffs want to afford less to TW?
Yeah he can spin it big time, but at least he can spin it, not like the moronic dud who wore his heart on his sleeve and his brain on his ass, forever and a day. After selling our soul to the devil and instead of securing youngsters, wanted to elongate his flawed career by going to the used car yard and showing the world that even when picking proven players he was out of his depth. We are at least at a stage where we are talking about our kids, not a raft of dud recycleds.

Jsut think about the duds final year and what the forum threads were all about. It was, gee, Morro needs a call up, he is showing something, naaa, Weller got a few kicks he must be given a go, or Blummers the dud is ready to resume, or we need a hard man, lets bring back Flemo, etc etc. That has changed big time nowadays;)
i thought i heard crazy john (the owner) was planning on making a bid for the presidency. Would be great for you as he is very wealthy and a cunning businessman, which is what you want for a club president. Is he planning on making a bid for it or not i heard it on the radio and wasnt paying much attention at the time.

i thought i heard crazy john (the owner) was planning on making a bid for the presidency. Would be great for you as he is very wealthy and a cunning businessman, which is what you want for a club president. Is he planning on making a bid for it or not i heard it on the radio and wasnt paying much attention at the time.


Gary March will be president in 2008. If John Ilham decides to be president it will be done smoothly. No back stabbing, just an easy transition. Not in 2007 because he is a very busy man. He said he is thinking in 2008-09 will be the time he will be president.
He offered a guarentee. That is not the same as putting in cash. It was misrepresented as such throughout the election campaign by Patrick Smith in particular.

Had we gone belly-up he would have had to cough-up the pennies. But we were going to turn to AFL cash before that ever happened.

I am sure he has put in cash through being a member of coteries, donating items to auctions, sponsoring the club via his Whitsunday islands development etc. But it should not be overstated, plenty of others do the same.

It should also be remembered that for a large part of the catastophe he was CEO and president. His inability to find a CEO meant he did the job himself. Thank Royce they finally found Steve Wright and we could begin bailing out the water.

We not only have Casey to blame for the cash problems that we still suffer from. But more (?) importantly he should have appointed someone experienced and pragmatic to oversee Frawley. Someone who could have told Frawley that we weren't close to a premiership and overruled him on his recruiting, trades, contracting etc.

Someone who could have let us trade Holland for Johnson - or let Gaspar go back to WA. Our lack of a proper Footy Manager let an inexperienced, niave and foolish Frawley run wild. That is Casey's worst legacy.

This is why Weaver is a moderator. Spot. On.
Maybe one day some richmond supporters will grow the f.uck up and stop looking for a scapegoat. Casey, Frawley, Miller, Wallace, Sheedy FFS just STFU, grow some balls and take it on the chin bc as a whole this club has been for years.
The current administration is doing much better from a business perspective and I can only hope that continues.

Are they really? We made a million dollar profit last year and will make at least $500k this year. That all sounds great and the club loves talking it up but how was this profit achieved?

One major way was through cost cutting in the football department where we currently pay the minimum the salary cap plus we spent the lowest amount in the comp on recruiting. If we increase spending in these areas to competitive amount then we would need to pay approx $600k in players wages and about $300k in recruiting. Bye Bye profit. How about we also actually spend some money into the development of the players and now we record a loss. So yes we are making profits but it is at the detriment of the club as a whole. Doesn't look good when the club wins 1 game for the year.

I question is the RFC actually being run as a business or a charity? You expect a return out of your money when you invest in a business but nothing in return when put money into a charity. I can say I have received nothing in return from my investment this year.

For the club to be successful we need to be a leader in many areas in the comp and not just following. Though Gary March has made some nice comments about new appointments are these just positions that should have been in place and are far too late.

I do realise we had to cost cut but that was due to financial position Clinton Casey and many of the current board members put us in. I just wish they would take responsibility for their actions and step down. Maybe then we could get some ex richmond players on the board which is currently not the case.

I really feel for Terry Wallace and the position that the previous/current board have put him in through the lack of financial assistance. The supporters always fail to look deeper into the problem and blame the coach since it is easy but it is the board who holds the ultimate power and therefore performance of the team. He would have been better at the bulldogs where they would at least provide what he needs. And to think which club USED to be one of the top 4 in Melbourne.
they could save a couple of bucks by not buying and then passing on the crap membership stuff they send us.

the stickers faded, the towel hasnt been used and the lanyard broke. what the pencil case was for is anyone's guess!

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Clinton Casey is to Blame

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