- Feb 22, 2016
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As someone who works in the medical field it is interesting seeing the panic and castastrophising that occurs in the community/media.
Firstly the actual mortality rate for this virus is hard to calculate. The disease itself causes very mild to no symptoms in younger people so these people routinely dont get tested for COVID-19. We do know that it effects older people and people with lung conditions a lot harder and the mortality might be higher than the reported 3% in those populations (as we dont test everyone who has passed on in that age group). Suffice to say if you are young COVID-19 is most likely not going to affect you more than the usual winter flu season (apart from maybe very expensive medical bills if you decide to travel during this period and your insurance decides not to cover you). It is not like SARS/avian flu etc where younger fit people were more likely to die than expected.
The difficult thing about COVID-19 is that it is very transmissible even in asymptomatic people and that it is likely more lethal to immunocompromised/older/frail people than the common flu. So there is a very real risk you could accidentally pass this disease onto your older relatives and harm could come from it. That is why governments are moving to shut down bigger events. We know that a large percentage of the population will get this virus because its so good at spreading. What we need to do is slow down the spread so that it goes through the population at a rate with which the hospital system can cope and provide adequate care to those who need it. Deaths will increase if the disease has a sharp peak and we are left with not enough beds (and staff) to care for all the sick older folks.
There is no benefit in closing the borders anymore. The virus is likely already in the community. What we need to do is slow down its rate of spread through the community. That might mean shutting down sporting/cultural events where diseases can spread easily. The local council elections should also be postponed (if the government was smart enough). Shutting down schools is a double edged sword. Firstly kids arent likely to experience any major symptoms from COVID-19 so it wont protect them. However, kids are likely one way of getting the virus to spread between households so that is one argument in favour of school shut downs. On the other hand a school shut down means doctors, nurses, and many other clinical staff won't be available to come into work and that would be catastrophic to those needing aid in hospitals. Hospital workers like myself are already very likely to get infected and have to take sick leave from COVID-19 (we are estimating we will lose 20% of staff to sick leave). Imagine losing a whole load more staff because they cant find carers for their kids at home. The system would crash.
What you should do is make sure you are fastidious about hand hygiene. Wash your hands. Dont touch your face. Avoid unnecessary contact. Try and work from home. Maybe stockpile a bunch of food so you dont have to go to the shops if you are quarantined. Also actually follow the goddam advice people give you. There are people coming up to fever clinic and not following the signs properly and going to the right waiting room (just barging into the ED). There are stupid dropkicks who get the test done and then go to the shops/cinemas/work etc whilst waiting for the result. These people aren't just your everyday average Nerangers but people who should know better like other doctors and nurses.
You should especially look out for those loved ones in nursing homes. Unfortunately nursing homes are the perfect kill site for this virus. Not to mention most nursing homes are a rort that employ the bare minimum of casual staff. Nursing homes are likely going to find it difficult to staff their wards; let alone quarantine effectively those that are unwell. Also expect hospitals to knock back nursing home patients if there is a bed squeeze. Hospitals are going to have to make difficult decisions on whether to accept some older folks from nursing homes vs younger (50-70ish) ill folks.
Interestingly there is probably going to be deaths indirectly related to COVID19. I work in cancer care. We are having some of our junior doctor and nursing staff re-directed to staffing flu clinics for COVID19. We are also cancelling and rebooking clinics and some are becoming telehealth clinics. This is likely going to impair how we deliver treatment for cancer patients and I am sure some cancer patients will pass on because of this. Not to mention there are people with cancer now who will avoid going to the GP/hospital because of COVID19 and thus will miss their diagnosis in the next few months.
We live in interesting times. In sum: its not going to be apocalyptic like the Spanish flu. If you are 40 and below its not likely to harm you or your children. If you are 40-70 and have some health problems you may face some trouble with a significant flu like symptoms. If you are 80 and above these are some troubling times as you are the perfect group for COVID19 deaths. A large number of the deaths is going to be from our health system and aged care not coping with the number of sick older folks needing hospitalisation. Being careful not to spread the disease will really help hospitals cope. The other thing you can do is actually follow the ******* advice and not be an absolute cretin with a she'll be right attitude and ignore quarantine instructions. So many aussies are a NIMBY/I got mine so kick the ladder away type who only care for number 1. They dont follow instructions and will cause this thing to spread really quickly. I feel bad for the lower SES people who are dependent on their paychecks to not be homeless. These people are really going to suffer from having to decide to quarantine or put food on the table. Hopefully the government steps in but I have no faith in this government (but I guess this is what we deserve for voting in a government who's only platform was magical tax cuts and not doing anything else apart from legalising bigotry against LGBT folk). There will be plenty of deaths amongst the older folks in Australia but the world will probably quickly return to normal in the next 6 months. We will probably enter a recession from this and the economic impacts will take longer to recover.
Great post, one of the best I've seen in the topic.
It is interesting you started off saying you were surprised by the catastrophising.. but then went on to forecast some fairly serious outcomes.
It seems even the moderate positions are now slowly starting to move to a position where they are expecting the worst.