Could it be the draft order is wrong (back to front) ?

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30k Posts 10k Posts HBF's Milk Crate - 70k Posts TheBrownDog
Sep 13, 2000
Melbourne cricket ground. Australia
AFL Club
Other Teams
lets face it the current reverse order means the best players go to the worst clubs, where they receive the worst development effort. often fading into obscurity.

If the salary cap is kept and strengthened, and there is unlimited free agency - why not make the premiers take the first pick and the spooners the last. No trading for picks allowed as this dilutes the whole idea - and pointless if there is unlimited free agency

That way the better clubs can develop the best talent and the other clubs can benefit by poaching them under free agency.

The effect would be the whole competition would benefit.

You could argue the top clubs would be self perpetuating but aren't they anyway ? And they have to keep those players who could earn much more elsewhere.

We copied the draft from US sports but they already have feeder competitions where development is the key criteria - so when the draft happens the better players are more obvious

Oh and scrap compo picks
It would work ok if Draftees were on bigger contracts. Say if the #1 pick was on $250K, then this would squeeze out older players, thus forcing them into FA. It wouldn't work straight away, as the teams at the bottom of the ladder would basically be ****ed, but it would probably level-out after a few years. Teams that struggle to bring in big name Free Agents now would probably still struggle under this system, but I still think it would work better than most people think.

I also thought about the idea of a PP for teams that finish in the 7-10 range on the ladder 4 years in a row. Teams that actually give it a go, but can't quite progress up the ladder.

Both systems have their flaws, but all systems do.

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That's several nos then....

Don't be put off. Thinking outside the square is how we improve things. Just because your idea has flaws doesn't mean they can't be improved with a bit of quality discussion.

To the rest of you, please continue posting the same run of the mill crap. :thumbsu:

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Or if you were to pick up one of the biggest FA's available for next to nothing... oh! :(

Your first two posts in this thread are those of a tryhard, attempting to look liberal and fearless in your defense of free speech and original thinking. The OP is feeble-minded illogical rubbish, it doesn't make you big to defend it.

This third post shows you don't know much about footy:

1. Tippett is not a Free Agent. He is uncontracted.
2. The whole point of free agency is that clubs can get them for next to nothing.
Your first two posts in this thread are those of a tryhard, attempting to look liberal and fearless in your defense of free speech and original thinking. The OP is feeble-minded illogical rubbish, it doesn't make you big to defend it.

This third post shows you don't know much about footy:

1. Tippett is not a Free Agent. He is uncontracted.
2. The whole point of free agency is that clubs can get them for next to nothing.

Whats tippett got to do with it ?
On further consideration - the worst players are punished by having to go to Port Adelaide and Melbourne, and the best are rewarded with training and support from the best club systems. Its just like the top uni graduates getting placements with the best companies, not working at IGA or Visy
Your first two posts in this thread are those of a tryhard, attempting to look liberal and fearless in your defense of free speech and original thinking. The OP is feeble-minded illogical rubbish, it doesn't make you big to defend it.

This third post shows you don't know much about footy:

1. Tippett is not a Free Agent. He is uncontracted.
2. The whole point of free agency is that clubs can get them for next to nothing.

Wow, what a dick!

If it makes you feel like a big man to come into a thread that someone has started in earnest and laugh in their face and belittle them, well good luck to you. I like strange ideas no matter how crazy they seem. There is merit in every idea. I choose to actually add something to threads when I post in them instead of just insulting people.

As for the Tippett Free Agency thing. Thankyou for correcting me, it was a honest mistake. The Sydney poster was merely saying it would be nice if they could receive the number 1 pick after winning the Premiership and I was commenting that they basically are by getting their hands on Tippett for next to nothing. If you have a problem with that, you must having a really bad day.... :rolleyes:
Terrible idea - given that most premiership sides/contenders would have some not so important players entering free agency and willingly let these go while topping up with young talent.

I do believe that the current system is flawed however - and believe that GWS and GC should have had their initial concessions then be placed in the middle of the first draft round, before the finalists, if they finished in the bottom two ie melbourne would have pick one, port two etc.

Personally I believe that a random order should be drawn at the end of 2013 that forms the basis for the next nineteen years.. whoever draws pick 1 gets pick 38, pick 2 gets pick 37 etc etc until the last team gets pick 19 (last in first round) and pick 20 (first in second round). Third round onwards follows the ladder of that season. There are no priority picks regardless of how badly performed sides are.
On further consideration - the worst players are punished by having to go to Port Adelaide and Melbourne, and the best are rewarded with training and support from the best club systems. Its just like the top uni graduates getting placements with the best companies, not working at IGA or Visy

Imagine if they forced the best talent to go to the worst universities !!

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Could it be the draft order is wrong (back to front) ?

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