Cousins on the Gold Coast

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the question is what the **** are a current affair doing following him? he can do what he likes hes no longer an afl player.

He's still on West Coast's list.

I think it's important for those club stupid enough to entertain thoughts of recruiting Cousins in 2009 to know what he gets up to. Cousins himself said he wants to keep playing AFL footy.

Face it people, Cousins is a waste of space. Why doesn't he just tell the world he won't be playing AFL again, then he will be yesterday's news and free to destroy his life however he wants to?

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Re: Is it right to be following Ben around?

Benny is a lost cause. He has wasted his life and I doubt he'll be alive much longer. I don't know why he's brought up in this forum or the media. Let him be.

Such is life. Can we please forget about him?

(I'm saying this for his own good.)

Thats what Im worried about as well. Silly Boy.

What a waste.
Dont forget they showed more then a man drunk leaning over (Geez never seen that before) But i do think he was prob doing lines, How funny was it when they rang Ricky Nixson, He Ripped through the reporter then rang back to say sorry, and the other bit i liked was the hooker ringing the door bell for ages, I wonder if she evan went to bennys room, or if they (Cn9) got her to do the door bell. ???? Either way not good for cuz, If i was a betting man I would say he abour 0% chance of returning to AFL now, Which is a shame IMO. :(
Dont forget they showed more then a man drunk leaning over (Geez never seen that before) But i do think he was prob doing lines, How funny was it when they rang Ricky Nixson, He Ripped through the reporter then rang back to say sorry, and the other bit i liked was the hooker ringing the door bell for ages, I wonder if she evan went to bennys room, or if they (Cn9) got her to do the door bell. ???? Either way not good for cuz, If i was a betting man I would say he abour 0% chance of returning to AFL now, Which is a shame IMO. :(

I wouldn't be so sure. It seems he could go on live TV and club a bunch of seals to death after admitting to killing Princess Diana and then burn down a childcare centre or three and some clubs will still fall over themselves to sign him up in 2009.

Someone asked why ACA was following him. It started a thread here didn't it? There's news stories all over the net on it. Thats why they followed him. Sad But True, Hetfield once said.
I wouldn't be so sure. It seems he could go on live TV and club a bunch of seals to death after admitting to killing Princess Diana and then burn down a childcare centre or three and some clubs will still fall over themselves to sign him up in 2009.

Someone asked why ACA was following him. It started a thread here didn't it? There's news stories all over the net on it. Thats why they followed him. Sad But True, Hetfield once said.

That's a good way of putting it. Hetfield did also say sad but true once or twice.
Just had a revelation:

Benny: millinonaire on the goldcoast, without a care in the world,having cocaine fueled orgies will high class hookers.

Me: sitting at a my computer at work, getting paid just enough it keep me interested.

GO BENNY GO :thumbsu::thumbsu::thumbsu::thumbsu:
I hate the tactics of the media in general at times, but to those saying he's no longer an AFL player who cares anymore, leave him alone......he is still technically on the Eagles list, and has publicly claimed he has a desire to return from his suspension and play in 2009. Makes his beahviour very relevant, and if the behaviour he chooses is to party on the Gold Coast a week or so after the suspension was announced, any claims of his to have the media leave him alone really don't count for much.

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Why should this surprise anyone? Pretty obvious he was indulging in a bit of charlie again... very sad individual.

AFL commission now know they were lied to by Benny Bender, same as he has lied to his family, his club, his team mates, his friends... and anyone else that will listen.

He is now tabloid fodder like Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan... but probably with less credibility. Only reason Ben wants to be left alone is so he won't get caught, nothing to do with his "recovery"... he has never had any intention of changing.

I seriously doubt a club would take on a bloke with his issues and complete lack of integrity in 2009. Who would believe anything that comes out of his mouth?
Re: Is it right to be following Ben around?

hes no longer an afl player. just a citizen so who cares what he does now. everything important to him has been removed so its up to him to decide what he would like to do whatever it is. the current affair program though, what ****ed up people. no ****en life chasing after people for the sake of a story to get them ratings. ffs grow some balls and look at more important issues than an ex afl player who just likes to have a bit of "fun".

When he comes out and makes the statements that he made then he is still very much in the public eye. He has said that he wants to come back next year (09) so he must prove that he is able to. He is going to have to do a hell of a lot more than just expect people (the AFL in this case) to accept his word for it.
Just had a revelation:

Benny: millinonaire on the goldcoast, without a care in the world,having cocaine fueled orgies will high class hookers.

Me: sitting at a my computer at work, getting paid just enough it keep me interested.

GO BENNY GO :thumbsu::thumbsu::thumbsu:
Go to Angeles City in the Philippines and you too can have that lifestyle
He's still on West Coast's list.

I think it's important for those club stupid enough to entertain thoughts of recruiting Cousins in 2009 to know what he gets up to. Cousins himself said he wants to keep playing AFL footy.

Face it people, Cousins is a waste of space. Why doesn't he just tell the world he won't be playing AFL again, then he will be yesterday's news and free to destroy his life however he wants to?

he will be delisted sometime this week or next. wce wanted to delist him in october but didnt do it because of the AFL's advice. yep he is technically on wc list but he has been given the sack basically has no influence and connection to the side anymore.

all i know is his afl career is over even after his first year ban, a hypocritical, arrogant and inconsiderate afl club will pick him up again (highly doubt that would happen clubs are too scared of their image)
I think its pretty harsh to say that Ben Cousin has 'wasted his life' or is a 'waste of space' the guy has been playing AFL footy for almost half his entire life. he has won a brownlow and a premiership medal and will be remembered as a one of the great players of the modern era.

sure he went out in a pretty inglorious way but he has acheived alot more than most people ever will especially more than all these bitter sad media commentators and lowlifes who follow him around. these self righteous pricks dont have the right to judge him and neither do we.

If the media werent following him around no one would know he takes drugs behind closed doors with his mates and no one would care.
let him be.
Just had a revelation:

Benny: millinonaire on the goldcoast, without a care in the world,having cocaine fueled orgies will high class hookers.

Me: sitting at a my computer at work, getting paid just enough it keep me interested.

GO BENNY GO :thumbsu::thumbsu::thumbsu::thumbsu:
That hooker didnt look that high class to me just looked like a hooker, also i think High class means they dont wear thoes ugly big black boots, Mabey she was a femdom ? Benny has been a bad boy !

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Cousins on the Gold Coast

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