MRP / Trib. Crowley guilty of Pinching

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Such an inspirational player.
Welts? That's a bit of a dog act to go around pinching a player all game to the point where he has welts on his body.

All the article says is that a series of welts could be seen on Harvey's body after the game.

Well no shit. When I played footy I never finished a single game without a number of welts on me, usually from fingers scraping across your torso and arms during attempted tackles.
North getting a real reputation for dobbing. Didn't Steven Dodd or someone get dobbed on a few years back for stomping on Daniel Pratt's foot??

IIRC it was Port and Pettigrew or Chaplin that stitched up Doddy.

The Wizard got done (12 games) for eye gouging on the word of Norf, MJ got 4 weeks for Hansen attacking his bottom, both in the same preseason game, ruined the 2007 season .
Pretty funny I much media attention this gets. After watching the replay: Taht Harvey and Crowley conversation afterwards was so unbelievable calm, don't think they take any of this of the field.

Found that Clarke-Petrie wrestle much worse. Comparing that to that Fyfe suspension I expected both players to get around 10 weeks...
BaHahahaha ha...... Pinching!!!
Barlow got punched in the jaw and RTB writes it off as "it's a contact sport. It happens..."
Pinching!!! Please Harvey, if you have to whing, can you claim something more macho? Like being kicked in the nut?
BaHahahaha ha...... Pinching!!!
Barlow got punched in the jaw and RTB writes it off as "it's a contact sport. It happens..."
Pinching!!! Please Harvey, if you have to whing, can you claim something more macho? Like being kicked in the nut?

Yoong - you and I are going to get on real well.

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I saw the replay of the game when i got home.
Couldnt believe the commentators were blaming Crowley for everything.
Harvey was the instigator of all the cheap shots and taking things too far.
Then after the game when the 2 were talking, commentators said something like Crowley is just explaining his actions or some crap.
BullSh My guess is Crowley was asking him WTF his problem is, was no need to carry on like that.
From my viewpoint Harvey was the main instigator.
Couldnt handle the normal everyday midfield stuff off bumping into each other and overreacted.

I think Harvey was pissed off because he knew he was going to be in for a tough day when the tagger came to him and overreacted to any little bit of attention.

Crowley should of told him, looks like you need a snickers, you're an angry little b1tch when your ball hungry.
Photoshoppers get to work.
Harvey and Crowley end of game talk picture with that on it :p
I think Crowley will buy it himself. Does not look to dissimilar to the "V" necks he would wear on a usual night out in Freo. Add it to hiss collection.
PINCHING?! Seriously?! :rolleyes: Wow. I complained about that once -- at age 7, to a school bus driver, about a cheeky seatmate.

Glad to see Ryno (my nickname for Crowls) fight the charges.

Video shows Harvey knocking Ryno down at least twice, including that open hand chop to his throat, tearing his jersey and also pummeling Tendai Mzungu.

The video I saw of Drew Petrie raking Zac Clarke's eyes in their skirmish brought back memories of '80s World Wrestling Federation star, Rowdy Roddy Piper attacking Hulk Hogan!
Brent Harvey should do stand-up comedy! Pinching?! Seriously? :rolleyes: Wow. Harvey's whinging to the umps is like what I once did to a bus driver -- when I was 7 years old and on the way one morning to elementary school, about my cheeky seatmate. Glad to see Ryno (my nickname for Crowls) fight the charges. And what's up with this "probability" the MRP is citing as damning evidence? They have the video showing Harvey getting away with murder every time he had the chance! By my count, he knocked Ryno down at least twice, including that open hand chop to his throat. And Drew Petrie was bringing back memories of '80s World Wrestling Federation star Rowdy Roddy Piper for his raking Zac Clarke's eyes. I guess these guys have nothing better to do when their season is circling the drain!

Well commented mate, how the eye gouging of petrie got away with comparison of Judds incident baffels me, as for harvey what a fool he can throat crowley and that is accepted as part and parcel of the game. Violent retribution is not accepted in society as an excuse in the court system how can it be accepted in the AFL Judiciary.
Well commented mate, how the eye gouging of petrie got away with comparison of Judds incident baffels me, as for harvey what a fool he can throat crowley and that is accepted as part and parcel of the game. Violent retribution is not accepted in society as an excuse in the court system how can it be accepted in the AFL Judiciary.

And I'll be fair here -- Stephen Hill (much as I love his play) got away with one last week when he socked Andrew Raines in the jaw, while coming to the interchange gates. I was shocked that there was video of that, but -- fortunately for us -- no punishment.

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MRP / Trib. Crowley guilty of Pinching

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