Crown Casino, Melbourne - Part 2

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I'm looking forward to the ATO (that's not Ace-Ten offsuit) covering my losses at the Joe Hachem Deep Stack Series in the past week, and reimbursing me for my expenses.
Don't joke. We have it incredibly easy in Australia. If you play poker recreationally, then it isn't taxed regardless of how much you make. Contrast that to the US, where all winnings are taxed (tournaments automatically). You can offset losses, but that involves carefully documenting every single session you ever play.

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My understanding is that there are verifiable winnings (tournament winnings) and unverifiable winnings (cash game winnings). I had like 10k at the cage and wanted a check and they said "unverifiable winnings". I'm like "WTF! I don't want this all in cash!" I eventually got my way and felt much less self-conscious compared to if I had 10k in notes down my jocks.

With regards to receipts, you can do what I do, put money on a PokerPro card. You get a receipt every time you withdraw or deposit, and you can even get them to print you a statement of transactions.
Now that sounds a little silly doesn't it?

What I was recommending was do what I do. Open a PokerPro account (black card) and deposit money on that. They will give you a receipt for the deposit. When you go to play, withdraw some money from the account. They will give you a receipt for the withdrawal. Convert for chips, go play, win, deposit winnings onto your PokerPro card. Again, they will give you a receipt for the deposit.

Thus, you will have receipts for all deposits and withdrawals.
In other news, I got cold-called today to particpate in a focus group on Crown Casino's new Signature Club:

Not really sure what to expect, but if you guys have any requests, let me know. There have been many requests in the past for poker players over at PokerNetwork, but I'm not sure we are Crown's most valuable patrons.

ETA: I've just found out what VIK stands for, you've probably seen those Crown Card terminals around the casino. VIK = Voucher Issuance Kiosk!
In other news, I got cold-called today to particpate in a focus group on Crown Casino's new Signature Club:

Not really sure what to expect, but if you guys have any requests, let me know. There have been many requests in the past for poker players over at PokerNetwork, but I'm not sure we are Crown's most valuable patrons.

ETA: I've just found out what VIK stands for, you've probably seen those Crown Card terminals around the casino. VIK = Voucher Issuance Kiosk!

I actually had always wondered about that. Thanks for the info.
In other news, I got cold-called today to particpate in a focus group on Crown Casino's new Signature Club:

Not really sure what to expect, but if you guys have any requests, let me know. There have been many requests in the past for poker players over at PokerNetwork, but I'm not sure we are Crown's most valuable patrons.

ETA: I've just found out what VIK stands for, you've probably seen those Crown Card terminals around the casino. VIK = Voucher Issuance Kiosk!

Getting paid?
In other news, I got cold-called today to particpate in a focus group on Crown Casino's new Signature Club:

Not really sure what to expect, but if you guys have any requests, let me know. There have been many requests in the past for poker players over at PokerNetwork, but I'm not sure we are Crown's most valuable patrons.

ETA: I've just found out what VIK stands for, you've probably seen those Crown Card terminals around the casino. VIK = Voucher Issuance Kiosk!

Which session are you going to R&B

I too have been summonsed and have some very definitive thoughts.
Had my Signature Club focus group this evening (thanks Crown for the $50). We covered many areas such as dealer competency and attitude, rake + time charges, drink cost + service, mix of games, lack of wifi, and of course the rewards or lack of for poker players.

I think I understand how the points work. $100 = 500 points = 1 credit. But you must earn that in one day, and a Crown day begins at 6am. 5 credits = Silver Tier membership for 6 months. You must continue to earn 5 credits every 6 months to stay at Silver Tier.

Bronze = one free parking per card swipe at poker registration desk
Silver = unlimited free parking (card swipe not required)

With regards to underground parking, probably little chance in busy periods unless you are Gold Tier (25 credits). And really busy nights like New Years, it could be Platinum (150 credits) and Black only, or even just Black only.

What I am not sure about is what do you get from accumulating points at less than 500 per day. I bought dinner in the food court and earned 70 points. If I do that every day for a few weeks, I don't know what that gets me. I don't think it earns me a single credit, maybe I can just redeem it for a meal at some point.

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If only I had read this earlier, one thing that annoys me is when you play 2/3 or a tourney and you swipe your card the parking should be automatic and not have to ask to be put on. They sometimes dont have time or access in the tourney booth so you have to queue again at the cash line this is why I mention it.
Yeah I had thought of that but didn't mention it. Ridiculous that you get your card swiped for a cash game or tournament but that doesn't give you a parking credit, they have to swipe it separately for that.

It happened to me once where a guy said he had swiped for parking then I get to the car park and I didn't have a parking credit. So I usually get it swiped when I get there and again as I leave, just for good measure. And sometimes I will confirm at the VIK that I have a credit.

Of course, on a Silver Tier membership you don't have to worry about that.
Had an interesting session on a $2/3 table at crown earlier this week. Thoughts please.

I had been at the particular table for half an hour, having bought in for $200 when i called $22 pre-flop with pocket tens from the button.

The initial raiser was a douche who is there quite regularly, lots of table talk, berating weaker players,etc, despite this i have never seen him with a stack >6-700.

Anyway the flop comes 10 high rainbow, he bets $44. I think about it for a bit, thinking Overpair or AK, so i decide to flatcall here and let him lead out again on the turn, where i will move in. Blank falls on the turn delivering a BDFD, he shoves. I insta-call and he rolls over KK. I take down the pot, and he says some crap like 'great call pre-flop'. I laugh and say something like 'I'm not laying down 10's pre for $25'. I am then called a donk.

Is anyone laying down 10's pre in late position here? :rolleyes:

An hour or two later, Some samurai looking dude then comes to the table and proceeds to play like a maniac, shoving all in pre at least 1-2 times per orbit, he is to my left so i decide to to tighten my game. During this time i have AK and raise to $25, and the whole table calls, i miss and another tight player shoves, i have to fold.

Anyway about 2-3 hands later, i'm dealt AJo UTG, i don't like raising AJo OOP, particularly on a table like this, so i limp and decide to see how things go. (Depending on who raises)

To my amazement the whole table limps.

The flop then comes K Q 10 with :club: FD, SB bets $15, i re-pop to $45, young douche from before makes it $125 to go. SB folds. I think for awhile, (whether to flat or shove, i have the A:club: so i decide he probably doesn't have a FD, maybe 2pr or low end of the straight.

I then make it $250, and he moves all in for $325ish. I call. FD gets home on the river, and he delays opening his cards. Asks me what i got, I tell him to show me what he's got, he shows J:spade:9:spade: for the low end, i open up and take it down. SB: "OMG i would have had a flush"

Young douche then goes absolutely ballistic at me for not raising pre with AJ.
I then ask him if he calls $15, in LP with his hand, no reply. (I think he does, especially if there is another caller, same result)
I then ask him if he raises to $25, in EP with AJo, reply: "shut up u f'n donk" (I don't think he does, especially when Asian Maniac may move in on him for the $25)

2-3 mins goes past, he then says "If u raise pre i put you on AJ", i just laugh and say yeah whatever phil.

Thoughts on these hands?
Am i teh biggest donk evah?
I think you played the hands fine, I definitely wouldn't question either play.

But you didn't mention if your KK v TT was HU or if there were other players pre.
My thoughts are that when a donk berates you, it's probably worth taking with a grain of salt.

Obviously folding TT in any position for $22 is unbelievably bad, and your limp with AJ given described table dynamics is fine.
Haven't played in about 2-3 weeks either live or online so went to the Cas today with a nice fresh, open mind. Taking a relaxing break seemed to work well as I finished up $550 (admittedly having a table full of complete fish may or may not have helped just a little as well) in a 4 hour session and actually really enjoyed playing for a change - seemed to get back that "buzz" you get from winning or playing a hand really well, something that's been lacking lately. Anywho, pretty tired so i'll try and do a write-up tomorrow if I can find some time.

Ellis2WeightsRoom: 1010 was played perfect, just ignore idiots like that. Personally i'd be inclined to simply fold AJos UTG at a full table, trouble hand. Also really don't like the limp, gains no information about other players hands (i.e. strength) and puts you in a shit spot if you decide to limp-call a raise with such an easily dominated hand: flop an Ace or Jack and you'll have no idea where you stand. It's not a terrible limp live as you do get some pretty bad players, but can lead to some tough decisions and can cost you a lot of money unnecessarily. Post-flop played fine. FYI he was the last to show aggression so he has to show his cards. Just tell him it was a cold-deck and move on.
Alrighty. Headed in at about 10:30pm last night. Got on straight away as they just opened up a new table; everyone had the same stack which was good. Pretty much a dream table, was full of calling-stations and fish. There was really only one "good" player who IMO would make money live but would lose a bit online. Unfortunately one bloke (who my mate overheard saying he had downed 5 beers in the past hour) ran like absolute god by playing literally 95% of hands and was up roughly ~$600-700 after an hour and a half.

Very first hand dealt 55 in the BB, 4 limpers and we see a flop of K:heart:5:diamond:J:heart:. I check, and 3rd player to act leads out $6, old guy (OG) calls and I raise to $20, folds back round to OG who calls. Turn is the A:spade: Not my favourite card but lead out $40 and he makes the quick call. River was a complete blank 2c and I think for 30 seconds before making it $50 - he instantly folds. Probably could have check-called here and let him bet his busted flush draw but thought he could have had AhXh and paid me off. After that I thought to myself this could be my night.

Next hand was a fairly LOL moment. A raise in EP to $15 by the drunk donkey who ends up playing somwhere between 95-98% of hands, about 3 callers including the BB. Flop comes down 467r, BB checks and EP raiser makes a pot sized bet of around $60, folds around to the BB who makes the call with only $25 left behind. Turn was another 7 and he check calls all-in, rivers a blank and the BB flips of 10Jos............EP raiser flips over K6os and I effectively jizz in my pants. BB pulls out his wallet to rebuy but unfortunately his mate sitting next to him talked him out of it, ghey.

Get hit by the deck in the next hour with nice pairs pre-flop: QQ twice, the hooks, 10's and AK. Unfortunately I really only made money with AK and had to laydown QQ/10's on the flop, the hooks I just picked up blinds and limps. So i'm only up about $100-120 after making about $80 after the first hand and getting some big pairs, meanwhile 95% boy was still running like God and at this stage had cleaned up 1/2 the table and was up to about $650. For the next 90mins I watch as he continues to play any hand, in any position to any raise and suck-out on all sorts of hands: including a $450 pot all in on the turn drawing to 3 outs...get's there. End up playing a pretty passive game flat-calling a few raises with suited-connectors, pairs, KQ etc. but missing every board and now sitting down $50 after about 2 hours of play.

Then 2 of my mates who said they might come run like God and both get a seat on my table - they were happy but personally I wasn't. Played with mates a few times and it really throws my game off as I can't play my usual aggressive game with them in the hands. Luckily they were both to my right (so I could still play agressive from LP and not worry about them) and I didn't get involved with them in any hands past the flop for the rest of the night - can't say they were that smart as they doubled each other a few times...bloody fish.

Anywho after being in a pretty shit mood being down $50 after 2 hours they really lightened the table up which in the end was a very good thing for me as I was card-dead for a good 30-45mins after they sat down and couldn't even see a flop, helped as I could just chat with them.

Then finally things started to turn around. A raise in EP from the only semi-decent player at the table to $15, wake up with the monster that is 67dd and make the call, BB calls and we see a flop 3 ways. Flop comes down K:club: 8x 2x, checks to me and I check behind. The decent player was extremely straightforward in his play and was incredibly easy to read at times. Turn: 7:club: and EP raiser makes it $25 to go, I put him on either AK/KK and slowplaying, or a weak pair (he's not the type to fire a complete bluff there) and figure I can either suck-out on the river or there's quite a few nice scare cards on the river to get him off it. River J:club:, he looks at it basically in disgust and checks. Make an easy $70 bet on the river and he open-folds 1010, show him the bluff to help my tight image at the time.

Next hand feel like going on a roll and after 2 limps I limp with another premium 89os. w***er (explained soon) behind me who bought in short makes it $15 to go. Both limpers call and i'm priced in. Flop comes down J:spade: 5:heart: 7:spade:, double gut-shot. Good player leads out $25, my mate flat-calls and so do I. w***er shoves all in for $67 total, $42 more. Good player folds, and my mate looks at me as if you to say "are you calling" - I just look away. (What's the rule here? Am I allowed to say anything?) Eventually my mate folds and I ask for a count of the pot - dealer said no...I ask for a count again and she said something about not having to count it as it's NLHE?? Never had a problem like that before? So do the math in my head, $165 in the pot and it's $42 more to me - nearly exactly 4:1 and i'm getting more than enough. If he's got QQ+ like I think then i'm getting the right price. Call and tell him i've got a straight draw, he just nods. Turn is the beautiful 6c and I flip my hand over. River is the Qc and he looks at his hand (I sneak a peak and see KQos lol) and mucks. In the end was getting amazing odds for 14 outs.

Few seconds later he begins to have a go at me saying "That is a shit call, how the **** do you call that with a gut shot" - would normally just sit there ignoring it but said quietly to him so the rest of the table still thought I was a donk "I had a double gutshot and was getting 4:1, it was the right price" w***er "I don't give a **** what you say, just **** off". Another person ask him if he had Aces or Kings and he replied saying he had trip jacks "I haven't played a hand in 30mins, of course I have trip-jacks - and I still get called by a ****ing gut-shot". Clearly has no idea and is just an all-round negative lying **** so just ignored him completely after that. Few hands later he's UTG and makes it $15 to go on my BB, 1 call and I wake up with A8dd, call and the flop comes down 365r check he leads out $40 and takes it down. He flips over Q8os like a ****ing hero and said some smart-ass comment directed at me - couldn't understand what he said though. Next hand he moves a few seats to the left away from me.

Posture a bit more and miss a few flops milking $15-$30 at a time so back down a little. Wake up with AA UTG, make it the standard $15 and somehow only get 1 caller (95% drunk boy), flop comes down 10:spade:8:spade:5:heart: and I continuation $25. He re-raises to $55 and I tank for a while thinking of the best way to play this. Eventually make it another $100 on top and he quickly shoves - don't like it but i'm committed and make the call. He says i'm way ahead, I ask if he's drawing and he again just says he's way behind. Turn and river bricks Kd Kc and I flip over my Aces, he says "wow, I was really, really far behind". Ship the nice $600 pot - wouldn't surprise me at all if he had complete air there.

Few hands later he busts; after being up to about $800 at one stage he ended up giving it all back to me and one of my mates.

Only other real hand of note good player limps UTG and my mate limps as well, I make it $16 with AKos, good player calls and my mate wisely folds. Flop comes down A:heart: 4:spade: J:club:, I check it through. Turn 3:heart: and he leads out $20, I make it $60 and he instantly shoves for another ~$80 or so. Pot is $160 and i've got a decision. Guy had been making some really tough laydowns all night and had hardly put a foot wrong, as I said before he plays completely straightforward - like a really nitty ABC game and I hadn't seen him turn over one bluff in 3-4 hours. Decision time, call or fold?

Other than that won some nice pots with a few steals here and there as the table tightened up with some rocks joining and I left shortly after for a nice $550 profit. This turned out 10x longer than I thought it would, apologies for the essay.

Edit: just with that last AK hand, bit more information: I asked him what he had "What ya got? I can beat a pair and a flush draw? A4, A3, 44, 33, AJ?" He was a really nice guy and smirked a little and then replied "...straight" implying that he could have that...
TT is fine, and in fact if this player is tighter then average with his preflop raising range, then you can put in a HIGHER percentage of your stack if you are playing to set mine.... This is because it is far more likely that the villian will already have a strong hand, and if you make your set, you will get action... Likewise, if you are playing against someone like me that opens with a fairly wide range, and you dont play back at me that often, if you make your set it could be harder to get all of the money in, as I will usually miss the other two flop cards... Im more curious as to what you were going to do on a 7 high rainbow board?

AJ is fine as a limp, but again, Im curious as to what you were going to do in the face of raises...

And yes, when you still have the option to muck, as you do in Crown, make them show first. Odds are he would have turned over anyway and complained of a sick cooler and how life sucks and he runs worse then a kid with no legs...

About the 6th street issues, I had an unfortunate arguement last night with an older reg about how to treat the fish. I try and treat the other players almost like a shopowner would treat their customers, because, they are my customers. I want them happy, I want them doing business with me, and I want them happy to do business to me again. NEVER TALK STRATEGY, unless someone asks something like, would have done that? and thats a one word answer. Try and keep conversation away from poker and whats going on, and never try and make them feel stupid...\

Didnt see this before but anyway, solid TR...

Alrighty. Headed in at about 10:30pm last night. Got on straight away as they just opened up a new table; everyone had the same stack which was good. Pretty much a dream table, was full of calling-stations and fish. There was really only one "good" player who IMO would make money live but would lose a bit online. Unfortunately one bloke (who my mate overheard saying he had downed 5 beers in the past hour) ran like absolute god by playing literally 95% of hands and was up roughly ~$600-700 after an hour and a half.

Very first hand dealt 55 in the BB, 4 limpers and we see a flop of Kh5:diamond:J:heart:. I check, and 3rd player to act leads out $6, old guy (OG) calls and I raise to $20, folds back round to OG who calls. Turn is the A:spade: Not my favourite card but lead out $40 and he makes the quick call. River was a complete blank 2c and I think for 30 seconds before making it $50 - he instantly folds. Probably could have check-called here and let him bet his busted flush draw but thought he could have had AhXh and paid me off. After that I thought to myself this could be my night.

I play roughly the same way, cept maybe I would lead into the players like $10... To many hands will call a bet, but will check behind for a free draw at a number of gutshots, FD's, weak jacks and kings, etc... Turn is good and river is good too IMO...

Next hand was a fairly LOL moment. A raise in EP to $15 by the drunk donkey who ends up playing somwhere between 95-98% of hands, about 3 callers including the BB. Flop comes down 467r, BB checks and EP raiser makes a pot sized bet of around $60, folds around to the BB who makes the call with only $25 left behind. Turn was another 7 and he check calls all-in, rivers a blank and the BB flips of 10Jos............EP raiser flips over K6os and I effectively jizz in my pants. BB pulls out his wallet to rebuy but unfortunately his mate sitting next to him talked him out of it, ghey.

Get hit by the deck in the next hour with nice pairs pre-flop: QQ twice, the hooks, 10's and AK. Unfortunately I really only made money with AK and had to laydown QQ/10's on the flop, the hooks I just picked up blinds and limps. So i'm only up about $100-120 after making about $80 after the first hand and getting some big pairs, meanwhile 95% boy was still running like God and at this stage had cleaned up 1/2 the table and was up to about $650. For the next 90mins I watch as he continues to play any hand, in any position to any raise and suck-out on all sorts of hands: including a $450 pot all in on the turn drawing to 3 outs...get's there. End up playing a pretty passive game flat-calling a few raises with suited-connectors, pairs, KQ etc. but missing every board and now sitting down $50 after about 2 hours of play.

Then 2 of my mates who said they might come run like God and both get a seat on my table - they were happy but personally I wasn't. Played with mates a few times and it really throws my game off as I can't play my usual aggressive game with them in the hands. Luckily they were both to my right (so I could still play agressive from LP and not worry about them) and I didn't get involved with them in any hands past the flop for the rest of the night - can't say they were that smart as they doubled each other a few times...bloody fish.

Im not a big fan of playing with friends, more of a distraction then actually playing poker. Poker friends are ok, because we are all here to play, and we play hard vs each other ldo... but real life friends can be tough...

Anywho after being in a pretty shit mood being down $50 after 2 hours they really lightened the table up which in the end was a very good thing for me as I was card-dead for a good 30-45mins after they sat down and couldn't even see a flop, helped as I could just chat with them.

Then finally things started to turn around. A raise in EP from the only semi-decent player at the table to $15, wake up with the monster that is 67dd and make the call, BB calls and we see a flop 3 ways. Flop comes down K:club: 8x 2x, checks to me and I check behind. The decent player was extremely straightforward in his play and was incredibly easy to read at times. Turn: 7:club: and EP raiser makes it $25 to go, I put him on either AK/KK and slowplaying, or a weak pair (he's not the type to fire a complete bluff there) and figure I can either suck-out on the river or there's quite a few nice scare cards on the river to get him off it. River J:club:, he looks at it basically in disgust and checks. Make an easy $70 bet on the river and he open-folds 1010, show him the bluff to help my tight image at the time.

Why is this helping your tight image? Do you want a tight image, or a loose one? Basically, you want an image opposite of the strategy you are using. If your rocking it up, have a beer and be talkative and "drunk" if you know what I mean. If you are playing loose just sit back stoically... Also, if you have any intention of bluffing these scare cards in the future, showing these bluffs is very negative EV IMO...

Next hand feel like going on a roll and after 2 limps I limp with another premium 89os. w***er (explained soon) behind me who bought in short makes it $15 to go. Both limpers call and i'm priced in. Flop comes down J:spade: 5:heart: 7:spade:, double gut-shot. Good player leads out $25, my mate flat-calls and so do I. w***er shoves all in for $67 total, $42 more. Good player folds, and my mate looks at me as if you to say "are you calling" - I just look away. (What's the rule here? Am I allowed to say anything?) Eventually my mate folds and I ask for a count of the pot - dealer said no...I ask for a count again and she said something about not having to count it as it's NLHE?? Never had a problem like that before? So do the math in my head, $165 in the pot and it's $42 more to me - nearly exactly 4:1 and i'm getting more than enough. If he's got QQ+ like I think then i'm getting the right price. Call and tell him i've got a straight draw, he just nods. Turn is the beautiful 6c and I flip my hand over. River is the Qc and he looks at his hand (I sneak a peak and see KQos lol) and mucks. In the end was getting amazing odds for 14 outs.

1) Definately cant ask things about other people's hands. You do that vs me, I kill you... Glad we sorted that out...

2) At Burswood, the pot is stacked up nice in pretty, and usually in fairly even stacks. Im a reg, and am good friends with a lot of the dealers, so I usually get told, but everyone usually does get this "service" IMO...

3) The call itself IMO is standard, including the fact you can have 14 outs sometimes vs AK...

4) If he gives you crap for how you play, or anyone else, the best way to go about it IMO is to just admit you got lucky, and that you are indeed the biggest luckbox of all time. With self-derogatory humour, you to an extend disable their ability to put crap on you IMO... and if they think you are a spoon, then your going to get action later....

Few seconds later he begins to have a go at me saying "That is a shit call, how the **** do you call that with a gut shot" - would normally just sit there ignoring it but said quietly to him so the rest of the table still thought I was a donk "I had a double gutshot and was getting 4:1, it was the right price" w***er "I don't give a **** what you say, just **** off". Another person ask him if he had Aces or Kings and he replied saying he had trip jacks "I haven't played a hand in 30mins, of course I have trip-jacks - and I still get called by a ****ing gut-shot". Clearly has no idea and is just an all-round negative lying **** so just ignored him completely after that. Few hands later he's UTG and makes it $15 to go on my BB, 1 call and I wake up with A8dd, call and the flop comes down 365r check he leads out $40 and takes it down. He flips over Q8os like a ****ing hero and said some smart-ass comment directed at me - couldn't understand what he said though. Next hand he moves a few seats to the left away from me.

Posture a bit more and miss a few flops milking $15-$30 at a time so back down a little. Wake up with AA UTG, make it the standard $15 and somehow only get 1 caller (95% drunk boy), flop comes down 10:spade:8:spade:5:heart: and I continuation $25. He re-raises to $55 and I tank for a while thinking of the best way to play this. Eventually make it another $100 on top and he quickly shoves - don't like it but i'm committed and make the call. He says i'm way ahead, I ask if he's drawing and he again just says he's way behind. Turn and river bricks Kd Kc and I flip over my Aces, he says "wow, I was really, really far behind". Ship the nice $600 pot - wouldn't surprise me at all if he had complete air there.

Pretty standard, he turns over a 10 or an 8 pretty often in this hand...

Few hands later he busts; after being up to about $800 at one stage he ended up giving it all back to me and one of my mates.

Only other real hand of note good player limps UTG and my mate limps as well, I make it $16 with AKos, good player calls and my mate wisely folds. Flop comes down A:heart: 4:spade: J:club:, I check it through. Turn 3:heart: and he leads out $20, I make it $60 and he instantly shoves for another ~$80 or so. Pot is $160 and i've got a decision. Guy had been making some really tough laydowns all night and had hardly put a foot wrong, as I said before he plays completely straightforward - like a really nitty ABC game and I hadn't seen him turn over one bluff in 3-4 hours. Decision time, call or fold?

Bet the turn IMO... If raised, its a tought spot. Also, he dosent have a straight with a ABC nitty game... ;)

Other than that won some nice pots with a few steals here and there as the table tightened up with some rocks joining and I left shortly after for a nice $550 profit. This turned out 10x longer than I thought it would, apologies for the essay.

Edit: just with that last AK hand, bit more information: I asked him what he had "What ya got? I can beat a pair and a flush draw? A4, A3, 44, 33, AJ?" He was a really nice guy and smirked a little and then replied "...straight" implying that he could have that...

Well done overall....
Only other real hand of note good player limps UTG and my mate limps as well, I make it $16 with AKos, good player calls and my mate wisely folds. Flop comes down A:heart: 4:spade: J:club:, I check it through. Turn 3:heart: and he leads out $20, I make it $60 and he instantly shoves for another ~$80 or so. Pot is $160 and i've got a decision. Guy had been making some really tough laydowns all night and had hardly put a foot wrong, as I said before he plays completely straightforward - like a really nitty ABC game and I hadn't seen him turn over one bluff in 3-4 hours. Decision time, call or fold?

Why wouldn't you Cbet this flop? As played I think you have to call at nearly 3:1. It's possible he has something like QJhh, although I agree you will be behind most of the time.
Won about $400 this morning. Really nothing major of not except for flopping the nut flush and then getting another diamond on the turn to give my opponent the 2nd nut flush with his pocket Kings. Took $250 from him.

Most interesting moment was when drunk guy from last night said to another player "I saw your cards". Person he was speaking to had pockets A's and had just raised it to $30 pre flop. Drunk guy calls it and on the flop 'AA' is just flat out confused and checks. Drunk guy also checks and on the turn AA checks again and drunk guy leads out for $75ish. AA thinks for an eternity and makes a call, before the J comes out on the river, AA checks and drunks pushes all in for $200. AA still can't work out if he really did see his cards and is now making a play, gets up from the table and walks to cool himself off before making a call. Drunky shows the rivered straight.

Apparently he didn't see the cards but 20 minutes later the pitt boss had some words with him and he was moved on.
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