FTA-TV Curb Your Enthusiasm

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the laugh track's always bugged me, can't watch a show that uses it. If you have to be cued as to when to laugh it must be a pretty bad joke

Seinfeld used a laugh track and is the best comedy of all time (IMO).

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I'm pretty sure they actually had a live audience. If I recall correctly, on the extras on the dvd's, they actually had to try and stop the amount of laughter that was going on on-set.

My bad. :thumbsu:
when you have to resort to racism to get a laugh you know it must be a pretty bad show

Unfortunately for you (or fortunately, not sure how you people tick), it would appear that the general consensus in this thread is that CYE is a great show.

Now do the honourable thing and slit your wrists.
**** you Channel 9. Advertise the season return for Curb for Wednesday Night at 12, but decide to play an hour of Gilmore Girls instead.

Unfortunately for you (or fortunately, not sure how you people tick), it would appear that the general consensus in this thread is that CYE is a great show.

Now THAT'S funny, getting you all riled up to see your show, only for them to show Gilmore Girls HAHAHAHAAHAHA champagne comedy. Well done channel 9:thumbsu::thumbsu::thumbsu:
Lol. I forgot about this thread.

I like it how you start YOUR argument by going to the old chestnut

As soon as someone makes an "old chestnut" remark, they're reaching. Thank you for acknowledging such. And childish? Look at your last post. Pot, meet kettle.

I'm sorry, but I didn't know that being Jewish gave you an excuse and right to be rascist?

No, it's just that people that make fun of themselves and/or their race don't take it to heart, and probably don't take themselves too seriously. Unlike yourself - clearly.

As for second point, 'how would you rather conflict be creasted' well that my friend, is my whole point. If LD is supposed to be this 'genius' and 'talented' writer, surely he could find a way to create conflict without having to resort to the simple minded rascism, surely a writer of his credentials could have created a situation that would have been more complex than just to drop an N bomb, or C bomb, or some other ridiculousy out of proportion saying.

If you think that's the only way the show generates humour, you have no idea what you're talking about. It's just one of many examples.

Well then with all these 're-shoots' you say they do, why in the final complete product, do they end up with some of the most amatuer dialouge possible, A year 10 drama class could provide better banter at a more believalbe level than these so called 'proffessionals','

Please provide actual quotes with analysis. Then provide an example of a Year 10 drama class' script, compare both, and conclude as to why the latter is "better".

And about the stammering, sure people stutter, but htis is the type of stutter of an 'actor' drawing a blank by not knowing what to say (due to not having scripts) and having to think of something due to having to improvise, and just not being any good at it. That just screams of laziness form the director/editor/writer and no talent from the actor.

It's not that at all. You really think after coming off a show which followed the traditional sitcom format, that he was "too lazy" to do the same again? Absolutely ridiculous.

Try and watch people actually having conversations in the real world. I'm sorry, but I know which follows that more accurately, and it's not heavily scripted dramas or comedies where it's just back and forth, back and forth.
You're living in a fantasy land if you think that's the case.

Sure, Ok, they have some guidelines to follow, I understand that. The fact still remains, that the end product looks amatuer and unrealistc from an acting point of veiw and it's the director/writer/actor/producers role to make sure than doesn't happen with better scripts/direction/acting/timing.

You're not providing any analysis whatsoever, you're merely continuing to state your opinion. You can say you think it's "amateur" all you like, and I can disagree, but until you prove otherwise, your argument is baseless.

I can link you to a dozen articles that praise the show's "final product", but again, that's just popular opinion. If you're trying to argue its artistic merit, then you'll have to go into a bit more depth than this.

Your right, he's a great writer, I think he should actually keep doing that an not have to cut corners and improvise, and he should definitely not acgt, he is just no good at it, the reason why George was such a hit was becuase of the combination of BOTH the acting AND the script. In CYE LD has missed one half of thwe puzzle and is never going to pull it off with his actign skills, lack of script and dodgy production skills.

Many shows now follow the single camera format, and CYE was one of the first comedy shows to do it. A lot of shows don't have a laugh track, anymore. Perhaps the first example of this was The Larry Sanders Show. But I suppose without the audience, and thus bad production values, that show wasn't good, either, right? Yet, it's also very critically acclaimed. But yeah, bad production, though.

If that, plus shooting on location, equals dodgy production, then I don't know what you want. Things are moving on from three cameras, an audience that laughs on cue, and set designs that need to be recreated and rebuilt over and over.

Good improvisation should be flawless and feel like it was totally natural, unstaged, unscritped and just flow like water. Not have stops, stammers, pauses to think. You should nto be able to tell that they are actually improvising for it to be great imporv. This is clearlty not the case with CYE.

Where is this "good improv" that flows? Whose Line Is It Anyway? :p

If you read my previous post I have seen the whole of season 2, as to not take it on a one episode basis, which gives me enough knowledge of the show to be able to be able to see the trends and common themes that it uses.

Yeah, and I, like the majority of people here most likely, have seen every single episode, I'd say, at least ten times over. Maybe more.

And yet, you seem to notice things we haven't, yet. Hmm.

I suggest the next time you discuss and argue you don't lie and make false claims to back up your statements. Saying that I said 'oh I hate this show...etc' is a complete fabrication and just shows your level of argumentitive skills if you have to resort to lying to prove a point.

I mean cmon

Fabrication? Lol, so now you're going to argue that you don't hate the show? Unbelievable.

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Talk that it possibly could be on very soon, almost of par with the US, after ACA said that the Seinfeld reunion eps will be played next month.

I doubt it, Ch 9 were just trying to promote the fact that CYE is coming to GO! and used the Seinfeld connection to promote it. They will be playing season 6 next month and (knowing how shonky the network is) most likely won't continue straight on with season 7
Just pre-ordered the entire 7th season through Amazon for $25.99USD (given the aussie dollar thought it was a pretty, pretty, pretty good deal).


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FTA-TV Curb Your Enthusiasm

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