Media Dr.Den presents - How to Survive: Game Day (Step 6 w/ Furies Captain Tigerturbulance Out Now)

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Also Coward Bob any reason why you didn’t call Barry out? Weak as piss.

When he has a crack at our rookie I will. Thanks for the reminder though, ‘league legend’.
Aren’t you like 14?

To survive, you've got to show you're cool to the other kids. I assume SS will get bullied if they bring up their love of simulated football.

Are you feeling down?
View attachment 1053032
Overwhelmed by the atmosphere?
View attachment 1053035
You may be experiencing game day anxiety, but worry not for I am here to guide you through the top 10 steps to calm your nerves before the first bounce. Yes it is I, Dr.Den with a brand new spanking guide that will make you the calmest player on the field.

In my years of experience* I have studied the football players mind and come up with a brilliant and non-invasive way to reduce anxiety and increase game day performance. These 10 steps will lead you towards victory:

Step 1: Breathe

A simple task that every infant knows, but if you stop breathing you may just die and no one wants a dead player on the field.

More steps will be made available at a later date.


*Dr. Den has no previous experience or training and is not liable for any problems that may occur if you comply with this guide. If you are dealing with overwhelming anxiety please seek a trained physician.


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Are you feeling down?
View attachment 1053032
Overwhelmed by the atmosphere?
View attachment 1053035
You may be experiencing game day anxiety, but worry not for I am here to guide you through the top 10 steps to calm your nerves before the first bounce. Yes it is I, Dr.Den with a brand new spanking guide that will make you the calmest player on the field.

In my years of experience* I have studied the football players mind and come up with a brilliant and non-invasive way to reduce anxiety and increase game day performance. These 10 steps will lead you towards victory:

Step 1: Breathe

A simple task that every infant knows, but if you stop breathing you may just die and no one wants a dead player on the field.

More steps will be made available at a later date.


*Dr. Den has no previous experience or training and is not liable for any problems that may occur if you comply with this guide. If you are dealing with overwhelming anxiety please seek a trained physician.

I read that as "a new brand of spanking" guide
I assume SS will get bullied if they bring up their love of simulated football.
On the contrary, it's my go-to pickup line. Although for some reason telling people that I'm a dual flag winning full-forward in simulated footy doesn't garner too much interest...
You're never gonna let him forget that hey
I think he is 17 now and a fine young man he is becoming.
Awww thanks mate :)
On the contrary, it's my go-to pickup line. Although for some reason telling people that I'm a dual flag winning full-forward in simulated footy doesn't garner too much interest...

You're never gonna let him forget that hey

Awww thanks mate :)

Here I was thinking it was your golden book collection ...
On the contrary, it's my go-to pickup line. Although for some reason telling people that I'm a dual flag winning full-forward in simulated footy doesn't garner too much interest...
Don't give up on that as a pick up line.
Told with the right amount of levity and self depreciating humour that would be a great conversation starter.

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Alcohol also will reduce performance on the field. I would advise you to not drink before the game.

This might be where most of us are going wrong
Maybe we need some sort of alcoholics anonymous group if it really is that bad throughout the league?

The last time we held an AA meeting everyone rocked up with a drink to show their support for each other. That was the first and only meeting
Maybe we need some sort of alcoholics anonymous group if it really is that bad throughout the league?
Don't say i'm drunk, i'm not drunk
Are you feeling down?
View attachment 1053032
Overwhelmed by the atmosphere?
View attachment 1053035
You may be experiencing game day anxiety, but worry not for I am here to guide you through the top 10 steps to calm your nerves before the first bounce. Yes it is I, Dr.Den with a brand new spanking guide that will make you the calmest player on the field.

In my years of experience* I have studied the football players mind and come up with a brilliant and non-invasive way to reduce anxiety and increase game day performance. These 10 steps will lead you towards victory:

Step 1: Breathe

A simple task that every infant knows, but if you stop breathing you may just die and no one wants a dead player on the field.

More steps will be made available at a later date.


*Dr. Den has no previous experience or training and is not liable for any problems that may occur if you comply with this guide. If you are dealing with overwhelming anxiety please seek a trained physician.


Can you please rejoin the Furies so I can delist you for this shit???

NaturalDisaster you've been a wassa for five minutes and they are already a mentally fragile hug collective?!?!? I don't know whether I'm more disgusted in you as a human being, or impressed that you work so fast.

The ACCC should require you have your own hazzard label

Can you please rejoin the Furies so I can delist you for this sh*t???

NaturalDisaster you've been a wassa for five minutes and they are already a mentally fragile hug collective?!?!? I don't know whether I'm more disgusted in you as a human being, or impressed that you work so fast.

The ACCC should require you have your own hazzard label

Good idea. Cde NaturalDisaster should dump his avatar and use a HazChem Symbol.
Medical marijuana has shown it can reduce anxiety, but it also slows your reflexes causing a reduction in game day performance. I would recommend not using marijuana on game day.

Alcohol also will reduce performance on the field. I would advise you to not drink before the game.
I’ve never played a game of qooty sober, and I don’t intend on starting now.

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Media Dr.Den presents - How to Survive: Game Day (Step 6 w/ Furies Captain Tigerturbulance Out Now)

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